How To Design Questionnaire Survey
(1) it can correctly reflect the purpose of investigation, specific problems, highlight the key points, and enable the respondents to cooperate with others and help them achieve their goals.
Second, we can correctly record and reflect the facts of the respondents' answers and provide the correct information.
3. A unified questionnaire is also convenient for statistics and collation of data.
The design of the questionnaire is an important part of the investigation.
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You need to ask exact questions.
To design a perfect questionnaire, we should not do anything behind closed doors. Instead, we should make some interviews in advance, draw up a preliminary draft, and then modify it into a formal questionnaire through an ex ante investigation.
2. a formal questionnaire for the constituent parts of the questionnaire generally consists of the following three components:
The first part: foreword.
It mainly describes the theme of the survey, the purpose of the investigation, the significance of the survey, and the thanks to the respondents.
The second part: the main body.
This is the main part of the questionnaire, and some questions in general design require respondents to answer.
The third part: appendix.
This part can register the relevant information of the respondents and collect data for further statistical analysis.
3. the way to ask questions in questionnaires is divided into two forms:
(1) closed questions are followed by a number of alternative answers after each question. Respondents can only choose their answers in these selected answers.
(2) open question is to allow respondents to answer questions in their own words.
Due to this way of questioning, different answers will be obtained, which is not conducive to data statistics analysis. Therefore, it should not be excessive in the questionnaire.
4. Principles of questionnaire design
(1) and related principles - except for a few background topics, the remaining topics must be directly related to the research topics.
(2) the principle of conciseness: every question in a questionnaire should be concise, not complicated, specific and unambiguous. Try to use short sentences. Each topic involves only one question and can not be asked simultaneously.
Examples of violation of this principle are: "are you in favor of strengthening the academic courses in high schools and the competition system for teachers?"
(3) politeness principle: try to avoid problems related to personal privacy or privacy, such as the source of income, and avoid problems that cause social or occupational stress to the respondents.
The wording of the question is polite and sincere, so that people can be willing to cooperate.
(4) the principle of convenience. The questionnaire should be as easy as possible to answer the questions of respondents. It is not necessary to waste too much ink and ink.
(5) the principle of quantitative accuracy. If we want to collect quantity information in the questionnaire, we should pay attention to the exact number rather than the average number of the respondents.
For example, "how many people are enrolled in your class at the age of six" and "the average age of students enrolled in your class"? The former can get the exact number of children enrolled in the class at the age of six, while the latter can not get such information.
(6) the principle of exhaustion of options: the answers to the questions provided in the questionnaire should be logical and exclusive.
For example, what are your final qualifications? There are three answers: A, B, C and postgraduate.
Some questions should be provided with neutral or mediocre answers, such as "do not know" or "no definite attitude" and so on, so that investigators can not be forced to answer when they are unwilling to make a statement or because they do not understand the situation.
(7) refusing the terminology principle: avoid using a lot of technical and ambiguous terms and jargon in the questionnaire so that the subjects can read the title.
An example of violating this principle is "what do you think of your child's social intelligence?"
(8) suitable for identity principle the language style and terms of the questionnaire should be commensurate with the identities of the respondents.
Therefore, before the preparation of the topic, the researcher should examine the situation of the target group. If the object is diverse, it will be popularized in the language. If the children and adolescents are investigated, they should be lively, concise and bright. If the subjects are experts and scholars, the use of words should be scientific, accurate and appropriate.
(9) the principle of non directing - the questions raised in the questionnaire should avoid concealed the results of a certain hypothesis or expectation and avoid the guidance of a certain mindset in the topic.
For example, "as a teacher, do you think quality education can better promote the healthy growth of students?"
5. How to write introductions
Thank you: Hello, everyone! Thank you for reading this questionnaire.
Or I would like to express my sincere thanks to you for your help in this investigation.
The purpose of the survey is to illustrate the design of this volume in order to understand the consumption status of modern people.
Guide the suggestive language: please read the questionnaire carefully, draw your picture in your approved project and fill in your parenthesis with your options.
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