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    Making Money Is Too Hard &Nbsp; Clothing People Need To Be Vigilant Against Karoshi.

    2011/5/16 13:29:00 125

    Apparel Industry Department Data

    Hard industry

    From the Ministry of industry of Chinese clothing association, the reporter got such a set of data: the Chinese garment industry completed the total output of clothing 40 billion in 2009.

    Garment enterprises above Designated Size have completed 23 billion 750 million garment production, 1-11 months in 2009, total profit of 41 billion 587 million 770 thousand yuan, 304 billion 455 million 390 thousand yuan for export delivery, 4326011 employees, 217 thousand and 300 yuan per capita, and 9 thousand and 600 yuan per capita.

    Two months ago, a leading figure in the Chinese clothing industry died of a sudden heart attack. He was 55 years old. He suffered from various chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and coronary arteriosclerosis.

    This is only in recent years.

    Clothing enterprise

    One of the sudden death cases.

    More than two years ago, a couple who worked in a garment factory in Hangzhou paid their wages according to the piece rate, and made a "astronomical achievement" of 16 thousand yuan a month. Behind the high salary, however, it was a serious overdraft of the body. After a few days, the wife never woke up in her sleep, and her husband collapsed in the face of physical fatigue and grief.

    One night in May 2006, a 35 year old female worker died in a rental house in a garment factory in Haizhuqu District, Guangzhou. After 4 days, she worked for 54 hours and 25 minutes.

    According to the white paper on Chinese entrepreneurs' health index published in 2010, 70% Chinese entrepreneurs had mental health problems in 2010.

    According to the survey of Chinese entrepreneurs' "work, health and happiness", 90.6% of entrepreneurs are at different levels of "overwork".

    Many surveys of post-80s and post-90s migrant workers find that they prefer to earn less and do not like to work overtime.


    It is not as good as the previous generation. They pay more attention to their feelings and care about their happiness.

    Therefore, the front-line employees of labor-intensive enterprises will have many psychological problems in front of boring jobs.

    Whether employees can be happy and have a sense of happiness is becoming an attractive indicator for enterprises, and corporate culture is the embodiment.

    What kind of culture is used to coagulate employees? Entrepreneurs are thinking.

    Over the years, Chinese garment enterprises have been accustomed to seeking wisdom from the West.

    We learn western business models, management concepts, corporate culture, and derive the nutrition from which we have gained rapid development.

    China's apparel industry is at the top of the world's industrial civilization.

    However, in the second 10 years of twenty-first Century, China's

    Clothing enterprise

    Facing such difficulties as energy crisis, environmental deterioration, shortage of raw materials, and rising labor costs.

    The torrent of modern industrial civilization is also a mixture of warmth between people.

    Enterprises are seeking to maximize profits. Every employee entering the garment enterprise must create value to the maximum.

    In the process, entrepreneurs and workers are under constant pressure.

    Is it not for happiness to create wealth? Where is the paradise of spirit? Some clothing entrepreneurs have turned their eyes to seek answers to traditional culture.

    Ask the traditional culture and clothing industry to look at the ecological civilization.

    At the end of April, Mr. Wang spent three nights and two days traveling back and forth to see a new brand press conference.

    He has been a provincial agent for many years in Inner Mongolia, and he does not plan to represent a new brand that has not been fully tested by the market.

    However, for this hard journey, he has his own reasons: "boss is good, employees read" disciple rules ", such enterprises can deal with long-term, there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

    Every year, in many cities in the country, Mr. Wang noticed a phenomenon: in recent years, in southern Guangdong, Fujian, Shandong in the East and Beijing in the north, clothing companies have used disciple rules as an important part of corporate culture.

    The original name of "disciple rule" was written by Kangxi, a scholar in the Qing Dynasty, during the period of the Qing Dynasty. Li Yuxiu wrote the book.

    Over the past 300 years, why is the classic of traditional culture favored by many fashion entrepreneurs? What kind of needs and connections exist between business and traditional culture?

    Enlightenment from traditional culture

    Confucian culture and Buddhist culture have become the common choice of many entrepreneurs.

    Yang Zhao, chairman of the sunrise group of the listed company, has won the reputation of "trousers king" as early as 70s of last century. After having wealth, he began to think: should he continue to earn more wealth? But how much can he really use? What is the purpose of hard work? From the traditional Buddhist doctrine, he realized: "I should continue to earn more wealth, because I can use wealth to help people in need."


    Yang Xun, chairman of JEANSWEST International (Hongkong) Limited, is a Buddhist. He is keen on public welfare activities and contributes to charity.

    In an interview with our newspaper reporter, he said: "to do charity is that enterprises are doing their social responsibilities.

    To be an enterprise, we should have both economic and social benefits. I feel that helping others is the greatest happiness of my life. "

    Inside the gate of Shandong Xian Xia group, there is a wooden screen with the complete text of "disciple rules".

    Xian Xia compiled many codes of conduct according to "disciple rules". Last year, he also invested in the full text of disciple rules in a media front page. Wang Jindong, chairman of the group, explained: "we want to recommend good things to the community as a public welfare undertaking.

    Because only if the whole society is better, can enterprises really develop better. "

    Some people do not agree with the overemphasis on Confucian culture.

    Gong Chengmin, a cheerful home textile company, said in an interview with our reporter that we should attach great importance to the good ideas of Confucian culture, but there is no need to specifically regard disciple rules as corporate culture.

    Because enterprises are enterprises after all, or we need to use more economic means to do business well.

    There was once a saying that is widely spread in business: shopping malls are like battlefields.

    In the tenth generation of Buddhism, the mage of the Buddhist Qun said that if we were to do business with such a mentality, we could not be regarded as a winner either objectively or at a loss.

    Because he has already lost the freedom, joy and serenity that life should have.

    Confucius once praised disciple Yan Hui: "sage, return! Also, when you eat and drink, in the alley, people are all worried, and they will not change their happiness."

    In disciple rules, there are: "Yi Guijie, he is not a Chinese, but he is a member of a family". "If clothes are like food, they are not as good as people."

    Confucius's judgment of beauty is also based on good premise.

    Laozi left behind the idea of "harmony between man and nature", "Taoist nature" and "Inaction". He believed that all things in heaven and earth are equal. Everything should follow the essence of things and live in harmony with nature.

    China's traditional culture is worth thinking deeply about the modern industrial civilization developed by extreme materialism.

    Fang Qiu Chao, vice president of the China Association for market economy, believes that traditional Chinese culture, such as disciple rules, is closely related to happiness and social harmony.

    Taking Chinese traditional culture as the foundation and combining modern culture, it will be a good way to refer to western culture.

    The "ecological civilization" of garment industry

    Over a century of backwardness, China's fashion industry has been looking up to the west, hoping to one day stand on the top of the fashionable Pyramid.

    For many years, the developed countries have led the higher technology and more advanced trend. Their business models and brand culture have also made the Chinese garment industry sigh.

    However, in the continuous cycle of production and consumption, more resources are consumed, and people's appetite seems to be bigger and bigger. They want more, better and more updated products.

    In this desire, fashion industry constantly speeds up the popularity and shortens the cycle of products.

    The popularity of fast fashion brands worldwide is a direct example.

    More production, more consumption - is this the fate of fashion?

    There is a peach community in Taiwan, China. Ecotourism is very distinctive. Every year, many tourists come to visit frogs with rich local varieties.

    In order to protect the ecological environment on which frogs live, local visitors only receive 100 days a year, and the rest of the time keeps frogs and local animals and plants in recuperation.

    Tao MI has established the Association for sustainable development of community industry. In the recognition of the "Tao Mi people", "there is a good environment, only a culture can have an economy. This order must not be reversed and can not have an economy first". They believe that ecological development and economic development can be balanced.

    This case deserves the whole fashion industry to ponder.

    The Chinese garment industry may have come to the establishment of an organization for sustainable industrial development.

    The pilot area of textile and clothing industry designated by the China Textile Industry Association has developed from 38 counties and towns in 2002 to 175 cities and counties, including 180 thousand enterprises and about 8000000 workers, which accounts for only 40% of the total textile products in the country.

    The huge scale of industry has stood on the nodes of history.

    Is it going to pursue faster, bigger achievements, better places? Or slow down, care about the natural environment around us, examine whether entrepreneurs and every employee are happy, and find a balance between spirit and material?

    Too much attention should be paid to material, scale, efficiency and profit. This era should end. Happiness comes from spirit and heart.

    After many years of industrial civilization, the garment industry should step into the era of ecological civilization.

    In ecological civilization, quantity is not a standard of measurement, nor is quality. Culture is the criterion -- leading a happy life style and being able to live in harmony with nature. Such a civilization should become the mainstream.

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