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    What Is The Expansion Of Shanghai Brand Clothing Enterprises?

    2011/8/9 18:24:00 60

    Shanghai Brand Clothing Enterprises

    Around the world


    Under the continuous impact of the crisis, China's garment export industry has encountered unprecedented challenges, such as shrinking market demand, increasing labor costs, rising prices of raw materials, appreciation of the renminbi and exports.


    The reduction of other negative factors has become a fatal sword hanging on the head of the labor-intensive traditional industries. The loss of the whole industry has been further expanded, and many enterprises have been in a crisis of survival, and some have even gone bankrupt.

    Passive winter or active change? Recently, I visited Jinshan District, a suburb of Shanghai, which is more concentrated by garment export enterprises. It was found that there was no economic recession in the suburbs. Many service companies were busy expanding against the trend, recruiting new employees, opening new production lines and expanding production scale.

    In the global economic crisis, these "ice melting" signs and intriguing moves have attracted the attention of the industry.

    Recently, the author came to a clothing company called "Mo Hua Hua", located in Luxiang Town, Jinshan District. Its human resources department is busy recruiting two hundred and fifty employees for the production after the Spring Festival, because the company will increase five hundred thousand sets of clothing this year to achieve six million annual output of clothing.

    "We are looking for economies of scale."

    The person in charge of the company spoke the same reason.

    He told the author that in fact, the company is facing the common problems of the current garment export industry in the mainland of China.


    The space was squeezed quite narrowly.

    In this regard, the company on the one hand, through energy conservation and consumption reduction to reduce costs; on the other hand, quality management, no waste defective products, and this is the best way to reduce costs.

    "As long as the product is profitable, we will scale up."

    The head of the company is confident of future development.

    At the end of the last two years of eight, an annual production line of one hundred and twenty thousand top garments was officially put into production in Xinfeng fashion factory, Zhu Jing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai.

    It is understood that the line was bought by a Japanese clothing company which closed in Shanghai on the basis of one million and six hundred thousand yuan. With the production line, there was also a technical and management team of a company of more than 30 people.

    The director of the factory told the author that the factory only produced trousers for exporting to Japan in the past, although it had little profit, but it could still be maintained.

    This time, by the time of the financial crisis, the pipeline was purchased at an extremely low price. The purpose is to improve the product structure of the factory and form a set of production capacity so as to lay a solid foundation for the development of the economy.

    "For any potential enterprise, the economy


    It is not necessarily a recession, it is a development opportunity. "

    In an interview with the author, the analysts said that the global financial crisis had great impact on the garment export industry in mainland China, but at the same time, it also made some small and medium-sized enterprises with potential for development bigger and stronger.


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