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    Feng Lun: Ideal Fullness &Nbsp; Earn Money By Way Of Money.

    2011/8/10 16:14:00 46

    Feng Lun Dreams Of Making Money.

    The person who makes the most money is just talking.


    Those who earn money by the way. "

    Feng Lun, a thinker of the real estate sector who has made Pan Shiyi feel unaware of his presence, has been thinking about the relationship between himself and society since he was 15 years old.

    He believes that the ideal youth or enterprise can go farther and get more.

    In historical figures and contemporary celebrities, it is difficult for you to find someone close to his personality.

    Some people say that Feng Lun is like the combination of Liu Bei and Xu Wenqiang, who win the hearts and minds of the people.

    It is also said that

    Feng Lun

    It is Jobs and Song Jiang, which constantly innovates the existing mode of Chinese real estate, and also grasps the rules of gold and silver, honor and disgrace, and the arrangement of rules and regulations.

    Feng Lun said he set a clear direction in adolescence, often wrote letters to celebrities, and often wondered how to do it.


    And determined to be a "pform China" person.

    Feng Lun has a unique theoretical system of his own. Even though things are not so common, Feng Lun has his own clear evaluation criteria and profound ideological interpretation behind them.

    Feng Lun believed that love is chemistry, marriage is physics, and from another angle, love is a moral concept.

    He pointed out that puberty people are not formed people, and there is no "China mode" in puberty China.

    He advocated that we should "behave in Chinese and Westernized".

    He suggested that old men should play, while little men should think.

    Feng Lun is sorting out his decades of understanding of life and company and editing books.

    In a chapter of the upcoming book "ideal fullness", Feng Lun found different people, including 00, 90, 80, returnees, woodlouse, etc., to talk about the future with them, and talk about the problems that China may face in 10 or 20 years.

    Feng Lun said that people should stand in the future and arrange today.

    People who talk about dreams and make money are often closer to success.

    The real estate industry needs "halftime".

    Q: Wang Shi visited the United States in 2011, and Wang Jianlin played soccer. Ren Zhiqiang also said he wanted to retire.

    Why are they not working properly?

    Feng Lun: there is a word that can express our state, called "halftime".

    Just like playing ball games, you can get tired of kicking and playing. At halftime, you can get some hot girls to dance, drink some water, and think about how to play in the second half.

    Now I think the real estate industry has been growing rapidly for more than ten years and twenty years, and the interval is necessary.

    How long is the interval?

    Short is a year, long for three years, and then hope to give this market and industry a healthier and more powerful push.

    I think this is a state that should be very accurate now.

    Some people may not want to play when they take a break.

    But in general, people do not mean to say no, but just think about it, change tactics, and look at the market.

    In addition, athletes and enterprises are deployed.

    I think this is what we are most concerned about at present.

    Men ask me who I am in adolescence.

    Q: do you feel that coming to this world is a mission?

    Feng Lun: actually, I made a decision when I was 15 years old. I didn't change it today.

    It is not that I am great, but that when a man is 15 to 20 years old, he must decide this matter, and the woman may be a little later.


    At this point, you have to decide who you are and what kind of person you are. What kind of relationship do you have with the society?

    And this relationship will last for life.

    At that time, I said four words to pform China.

    I did make this decision when I was fifteen and six years old in 74 and 75 years.

    After this decision, all the work I do today, whether it is to do research, business, or what to do, is the pursuit of the ideal by the way to make money.

    The ideal is to make me happier, more comfortable, and more happy for those of me and my times.

    I compare me to the definition of society, and I hope that my existence, including the "three dimensional city", can pform China and make urbanization a new choice.

    I wrote to people everywhere, without micro-blog or great people.

    At that time, I wrote letters just like you asked me today, and I also asked many questions.

    And when I came to Shanghai, I went to swear at an important site.

    That was when I was 15 years old, I was in the "big site" for a long time, and I was wondering why the group could succeed.

    So when I say I want to pform China, I actually regard myself as my master.

    For example, tidy up the house, because you are its owner, if you are a tenant, you absolutely have no impulse to pack up.

    So this position is clear, and all the work you do behind it is clear.

    Q: "the Six Gentlemen of Wantong" now only have Feng Lun.

    Are you particularly good at being a big brother or a big brother?

    Feng Lun: No.

    Because you have aspirations and aspirations are a little bigger than the average person. Anyway, you can't say how great it is, or just bigger.

    So your mind will be a little wider, then you will be a little lighter with money, and you will be a little patient with suffering.

    The ancients said, "a scholar must have perseverance and perseverance," that is, perseverance comes from ambition.

    In fact, I am also good, Wang Gongquan, Pandanyi, we are actually six people are rare, when we founded enterprises, rarely talk about money.

    At first, we talked about ideals and aspirations.

    That's why we can be very relieved and understand each other when there are conflicts and conflicts between us.

    So today, before I (Wang) Gong Gong "run", I once said in chat that after half life, we need to have a consolation.

    The six of us started our business and finally became a fairy tale.

    Before I came in, I also called Pan Shiyi, and we would maintain a good communication and emotion between us.

    And more importantly, none of us has been killed or injured. No one has become a "academician" in the two hospitals (courts, hospitals), and no one has messed up the family.

    Of course, recently, "big brother" (Wang Gongquan) temporarily "ran" for a while, I believe this is only temporary.

    The people who make the most money are people who talk about their dreams and make money by the way.

    Q: businessmen are making money and talking about their ideals.

    But you are against it?

    Feng Lun: I've studied many people who earn money, and later discovered that those who earn the most money are actually those who pursue the ideal and earn money by the way.

    But they earn more money by pursuing money than by pursuing money.

    For example, fried cake.

    People who pursue their dreams and earn money will tell me that I am fried for the sake of everyone's health and convenience.

    This is his ideal.

    He will make the oil cake better.

    Then the service is done better.

    As you see it, more and more customers will make more money.

    But if you pursue money, talk about your ideal, and hang your ideal on that sign. You will go to waste oil and make the cake short.

    The result is that money still earns little.

    There is no "China mode" in puberty China.

    Q: is there any "China mode"?

    Feng Lun: my answer is: No.


    I will ask you a question. Is this person a person in puberty?

    He (she) is not a forming person.

    Because adolescence looks like an adult and looks like a child.

    He (she) can have children, but he (she) can not bear the responsibility.

    China is now in puberty.

    You say it has a pattern. What is the pattern of puberty?

    The puberty of people all over the world is the same.

    Adolescence is strange. Only humans have other mammals without puberty.

    So it's a sociological concept, not a biological concept, because you can have children all of a sudden, and this time is very short.

    Adolescence as we call it is a social psychological process, that is, the process of turning you into a grown-up and turning you from a natural person into a social person.

    In fact, this adaptation process is three to five years.

    You have to enter the society, and menopause is the reverse, it is to withdraw from the society, is to return to the process of natural persons.

    China's current economic development is also like this. It is neither a market economy nor a planned economy. It is neither traditional nor fully integrated into the world.

    Therefore, in this process, it can not be positioned as a model.

    So I don't think China can have a Chinese model now, but it should be called the stage of rapid growth.

    Love is a moral concept.

    Q: now the divorce rate after 70 and 80 is very high. How to treat love and marriage?

    Feng Lun: love is chemistry, marriage is physics.

    Marriage is operable.

    For example, whoever marries and marries with what kind of person can operate in itself.

    This is a matter of chemistry, which is unpredictable.

    Two people walking on the road, a look may have.

    So I said, marriage is physics, love is chemistry.

    Talking about love is a set of methods, and marriage is also a set of methods.

    Q: is the foundation of marriage not love?

    Feng Lun: This is a legend.

    Because Eileen Chang said, "true love is seeing a ghost."

    They said they had seen it, but when they looked at it carefully, everyone's love was different.

    Women's request for true love is actually a kind of stability, a sense of security that she is obsessed with.

    This is a common requirement of female mammals.

    So she hopes to use this matter to stabilize such a relationship.

    I can tell you a little bit of the story that makes you sad, the origin of love.

    Humans are now at least 300 thousand years old, but maybe love is only 5000 years old, and the word "love" has not appeared in 3000 years.

    But when you say that most of the time you don't have the word "love", people's marriage already exists, so when did love come?

    When the first time there was a private property, it was faced with a problem -- how to preserve and inherit the private property.

    Because monogamy can ensure that the child is yours and that property can be passed down.

    Therefore, Engels said that only by eliminating material integrity can we have pure morality.

    I said this may have shaken your beauty in this matter.

    In fact, it is to say that love itself is a moral concept, and it is not an abstract thing.

    Q: but Wang Gongquan ran?

    Feng Lun: I can run away from Shanghai in a small detail, that is, eldest brother (Wang Gongquan) elopement.

    This is where dreams begin.

    So in Shanghai, where there is no easy dream, there is a dream of elopement, starting from 15 in May.

    Different ages make different dreams.

    Of course, "big brother" is also 50 years old, and this dream is not particularly easy.

    Because when the dream is flying, there are many things falling down.

    "Chinese style, western style".

    Q: Recently, you have a point of view: "Chinese style, Western-style work"?

    Feng Lun: when I was in New York World Trade Center in 2003, I first saw the owner of building 7 at that time.

    When I met him for the first time, I was thinking about how I could do this.

    So I told him to eat in Chinese way and do business in New York.

    What is the New York way?

    For example, if you want to do the top things, the lawyer will ask the most expensive.

    What is the Chinese way?

    It is to find the biggest official.

    I also see that some Chinese enterprises are still spending a lot of money on gifts in New York.

    In this way, you have no change in your role. You go to another place outside China, where you are still a foreigner, so you have to act according to the way the locals do.

    Western business emphasizes contract and legal system.

    The market economy under the rule of law must abide by the spirit of contract.

    Then, is there no contract in Chinese?

    Yes, but the Chinese contract is more human to person.

    For example, a restriction of relationship and morality.

    When I first discussed the matter with a lawyer in New York, the lawyer said to me, "don't feel sorry for the lawyer's fees.

    When we meet with lawyers, we pay money on time.

    So I handed him the question directly, so that plation would not take time.

    I later learned that I called him, and he counted the time on the road.

    Then I changed, and I went straight to him.

    Because this thing is really expensive, and you may be able to leave millions of dollars in a year, all of which are lawyers' fees.

    And Chinese is very simple. Two sheets of paper will be used for the contract, and five pages will do.

    But it's more human and long-term credit.

    Q: then what kind of method is also called "Chinese life"?

    Feng Lun: Chinese are very simple.

    To put it simply, Chinese people are "saving face, leaving room for others".

    What is face saving?

    Lu Xun has said that face is the spirit program of the Chinese people, the braids of the Chinese, and the braids, and the whole body has passed away.

    For example, to see some people should be flattering.

    Although I am not good-looking, you have to say that I am a beauty. This is called face saving.

    Again, like our living environment, because we have no legal system or royalty for a long time, we must learn the basic skills in front of the king, nodding, bending and kneeling.

    So you must know that when people are many, you should learn to bow your head, bend down and kneel down, but you can't get down. After you get down, you never get to stand up again.

    Sitting on the mall is always the best posture, standing and low.

    The old man wants to play, the little man thinks.

    Feng Lun: Chinese people sometimes need a lot of communication and need a lot of emotional things.

    So I sometimes say, "old men want to play, little men have to think".

    For example, we have an appointment with Wang Shi. We have to cross the United States for 20 days in August.

    In this process, we need to compress time.

    Young people grow up to be brothers when they are 40 years old, but this is 30 years. But if I make friends again from 30 years old, how long can I make friends if I spend another 30 years?

    But when I go out to play with a friend, it may shorten 5 years, play 3 times, play five times, and I will be compressed in 30 years.

    So, by playing time to compress, it makes it easier for people and people to understand each other.

    So I think if you are all 40 and think every day, there is a problem.

    "40 but not confused", you are still puzzled, then you do not think, think again or confused.

    If you are a little man, play every day, but you take a little time to ponder things, do not delay you play.

    In this way, you are a little wiser than other little men, a little more knowledge, a little bit of wisdom, and a little more ideals.

    Our so-called Chinese personhood is actually to learn more about people in accordance with China's interpersonal communication mode.

    Chinese people are very simple. Chinese people are always asking questions about their families. Westerners do not ask.

    We usually do business, private affairs and family matters.

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