6 Tips To Help You Develop The Smartest Workplace Eq.
As the saying goes, "man goes high and water flows downwards", we all yearn for the future.
But in the pursuit of career path, not everyone can walk smoothly.
There are many hidden murderer on the road, so that you will be careless.
Here's what you want to pick out these secret killers, teach you to develop 6 Don t rules to deal with them, develop the smartest workplace EQ, and keep your eyes bright and alert when moving forward.
If you want to get more opportunities for promotion and pay more, you must know these 6 Don 't rules, and add knowledge to the workplace EQ of safety.
Don 'T1: talking about the company.
Negative remarks
You know, once you become an employee of a company, you must unswervingly express your support for the company in any public situation, and you can not complain about your boss, boss or company policy.
If you think there is a doubt or a good suggestion in some aspect, then talk directly to the relevant decision-makers.
Don 'T2: chat with people in the personnel department.
Be careful, the personnel department is not specially set up for you, so you can't say all your ideas, problems or burdens without reservation.
You know, talking to them about work is basically the opposite of sitting in the company's big boss.
If you do have a problem that you can't solve, you can turn to your friend or ask a special consulting department outside the company for advice.
Don 'T3: chatting with colleagues about gossip helps promote
Office harmony
It may be innocuous to participate occasionally in private, but if you are passionate about all kinds of gossip and mixed up with people who have the same interests with you, it is too dangerous. What you lose is not only the trust of your colleagues, but also your own future.
Don 'T4: love to be in the limelight.
Remember, the ultimate goal of making suggestions, planning, and contributing to your intelligence at meetings is not to get the limelight, to let everyone notice you, but to support the work of your boss, boss and company.
Before you get the power, though it may help your boss to solve the urgent problem, but your boss may feel that your presence is a threat to him after the crisis.
So, unless you are sure that your boss is someone who is not afraid of other people's intellectual threats, or at the time of crisis, the boss will take the initiative to ask you for help.
Don 'T5: email or instant message sent to the wrong person.
Just imagine, if you accidentally sent a joke to your boss, or sent a complaint from your root friend to the personnel department, what kind of terrorist consequences would it have?
Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, we must write every mail as a document that can be circulated inside the company, and try to avoid chatting with friends during office hours.
This is an effective way to ensure occupational safety.
Don 'T6:
Standing in the wrong camp
If you enter a company with serious "camp politics", you must keep your eyes clear and not the wrong team.
After careful observation, you should stand tall in the camp that you aspire to, so that you will not be regarded as an object of attack.
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