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    Two Interpretation Of China Clothing Conference: Electricity Supplier: Traditional And Emerging Docking

    2011/10/19 11:13:00 31

    Traditional Chinese Clothing Convention Emerging

    "Either e-commerce or business."

    This is Ma Yun's prediction of e-commerce five years ago.

    Five years later, the garment industry, one of the most traditional manufacturing industries in China, became a staunch supporter of this commercial creed.

    Mcglaughlin's listing;

    Van guest

    By the way of "body", new enterprises such as Chu, Marceau, and cotton have emerged one after another; 80% of the popular clothing brands have landed in Taobao mall; even online shopping Jingdong and Shangdang also regard clothing as the most important goal in the future, and clothing has become the first sub area of e-commerce.

    The market shows everything: according to the quarterly monitoring data of China's online retail market released in the second quarter of 2011, according to the data released by the Analysys think tank, the paction scale of China's online retail market reached 192 billion 400 million yuan in the second quarter of 2011.

    Among them, clothing sales reached 44 billion 500 million yuan, an increase of 8%, an increase of 68.9% over the same period last year.

    Clothing products accounted for 23.1% of the total volume of pactions.

    "Internet channels can boost sales of clothing products, accelerate the market share of online direct selling, and further enhance the traditional market brand influence and catalyze the overall market share", said Cao Lei, director of the China Electronic Commerce Research Center. At the same time, "at present, the clothing retailer Qu Daocheng is still at a high level, such as fan and so on, using the OEM business mode to carry out network direct selling, which can compress the middle.


    The direct selling mode reduces the channel cost.

    At the same time, influenced by the financial crisis, many garment enterprises hope to develop the domestic market through e-commerce, and the development of e-commerce has already had a considerable scale. The traditional brand clothing enterprises are also paying attention to e-commerce channels.

    What follows is the massive entry of capital into the field of clothing e-commerce.

    At the end of 2010, in addition to the successful listing of Mai net and other well-known apparel e-commerce websites such as fan, Hao Le, Le Tao and other websites, it also received tens of millions of dollars of venture capital investment. Some of the brands such as seven grid, crack and silk that had grown up with Taobao have won a lot of venture capital.

    The research report released by Investment Research Institute of Qing research group in September 21st predicted that the VC/PE Investment Event in China's clothing market in 2011 will hit a new high since 2005.

    A traditional industry, an industry, clothing and e-commerce seem to be a bit far away, but over the past few years, there has been some natural agreement between the combination of mouse and cement.

    But is this fit perfectly seamless?

    "The e-commerce market has been particularly hot lately, but this fever is not in my view demand.


    The vigorous growth. "

    Yang Dayun, President of UTA Fashion Management Group, said.

    In fact, the development of e-commerce is, first of all, filling the gaps in market demand.

    Online shopping is a new, convenient and worthwhile way for many people.

    With the influx of a large number of e-commerce enterprises and investors, the gap is constantly filled, and the market space will gradually shrink.

    From an economic point of view, demand is related to the growth of GDP, per capita income and market capacity.

    Market capacity is diversified, traditional business is undoubtedly still a large proportion, and directory mail also occupies a certain share.

    "The growth of electronic commerce does not stimulate domestic demand, and the upsurge of e-commerce is the result of capital boosting."

    Yang Dayun said.

    However, the nature of capital is to chase profits, and capital is often in a stormy way when entering a new field. But when the growth of this field tends to be saturated and stable, and after the capital gets the maximum benefit, it will leave without hesitation. "The bubble of e-commerce is blowing up with the effect of capital."

    For emerging clothing business, this is a problem that needs attention.

    However, traditional clothing enterprises are involved in e-commerce and have their own perplexity.

    So far, in the field of e-commerce, the success of traditional clothing enterprises can be said to be rare.

    "This is due to different ways of thinking."

    Yang Dayun said.

    More successful cases, such as customers, Taobao, etc., are all "outsiders" in the clothing industry.

    In the field of e-commerce, people who do Internet technology are more successful than those who make clothes, because they know better how to build a platform in the network language and way to find the target audience.

    Traditional clothing enterprises first base themselves on their products, including channels, and so on. Their way of thinking is to sell more products through the Internet on the existing basis.

    As a result, e-commerce departments of enterprises have become stock dumping departments, and it is difficult to establish their own e-commerce brand.

    However, in any case, the clothing network channel will continue to move forward, because it reduces the cost through the Internet technology, effectively makes up for the shortage of traditional channels, shortens the distance between enterprises and consumers, and provides consumers with more choices.

    Under such a background, mode segmentation will become the next stop of clothing e-commerce.

    "After a period of operation, we have seen small profits."

    Wang Chunhuan, vice president of VIC, said at the third China clothing e-commerce summit held not long ago.

    He said social networking is the way to go in the future.

    "Social e-commerce is a breakthrough compared with traditional advertising and micro-blog marketing mode."

    Chen Shousong, an analyst with Analysys International, said that it has the advantages of low cost and strong relationship chain among recommending users. Compared with the current electricity supplier's money burning in advertising, it can be described as "cheap and fine."

    In fact, the marketing mode of social e-commerce has already taken shape as early as two years ago.

    With the diversified development of social networking and the subsequent testing of fans such as fans, the marketing mode of social business shows business opportunities.

    Integrating social attributes such as "friend sharing" is designed to help sellers enhance user stickiness.

    B2C, a vertical Footwear Company, is also interested in social e-commerce. In May, the company announced a 100 million yuan "micro rebate" project, which divided users into 10%.

    Le Tao market department staff revealed that the mode of revenue is good, even better than the traditional advertising price ratio.

    In addition to the expansion of marketing mode, the number of users is also a hard target for e-commerce to become bigger and bigger. Compared with the PC users in the competitive Red Sea, the mobile market has great potential.

    According to the recent data released by the consulting firm, the number of online shoppers in China in 2010 was 185 million, while the number of mobile Internet users reached 303 million.

    It is said that at present, all customers, Mcglaughlin and others have laid the mobile client strategy. They have not only launched the WAP version, but also launched the mobile client application, occupying the user's mobile interface directly, while H&M and other vertical clothing brands have also launched their own mobile clients.

    Zhong Kaixin, vice president of VIC, once revealed on micro-blog that customer orders for mobile phones were over six thousand, with daily turnover of about five hundred thousand yuan, and could account for 10-20% of daily pactions in the future.

    According to the data of China Electronic Commerce Research Center, the scale of physical pactions in China's mobile e-commerce reached 2 billion 600 million yuan in 2010, an increase of 370% over the same period last year.

    At the same time, AI consulting also predicts that in 2012, China's mobile e-commerce users will be close to 250 million.

    Analysts predict that mobile e-business users will soon surpass PC Internet users.

    Sun Yanhua, vice president of capital today, said that the future clothing e-commerce may be similar to the offline stores. The first category is the online integrated platform like Jingdong. The second category is vertical clothing websites represented by Van customers. The third category is the online shops of some traditional enterprises.

    Maybe every enterprise wants to become apple and Microsoft in the clothing electricity supplier industry, but some practitioners point out that the reason why so many enterprises enter is the strong tolerance and aesthetic difference of the garment industry.

    Clothing B2C can form an environment that accommodates many brands, and there will not be a unique situation.

    Traditional brands and new Internet brands have their own users, and there will be overlapping and overlapping of users.

    This characteristic makes clothing e-commerce also have considerable living space in the fierce competition.

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