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    Online Textile City Brings Fashion And Brings Real Gold And Silver.

    2011/12/8 11:48:00 21

    Textile City Fashion Real Gold And Silver

    online Textile City Since the launch of global investment promotion in May this year, more and more businesses have fallen in love with this. Electronic Commerce The 1 million 800 thousand visit to the platform not only made fashion online, but also brought a large number of orders and profits to the merchants. Suppliers and buyers all appreciated the integrity and convenience of the platform.

    In December, the days began to turn cool, and the merchants in the market opened the front office to take care of the online sales department. Businessmen told reporters that the cold weather, many buyers do not want to run outside, and now the network is so developed, previously thought that online can only buy clothes, shoes, these objects, now accidentally found many. Purchaser Not only buys textile and clothing online, but also buys fabrics and accessories on the Internet.

    Recently, the reporter visited the Shaoxing County Hanjiang Textile Co., Ltd., which is mainly engaged in the four rounds of Dacron. The general manager, Wang Yunfeng, was very happy recently. He told reporters that a few months ago, the online shops in the online Textile City were opened. Wang Yunfeng said with a smile: "the first time I did e-commerce, I didn't expect the result to be so good. Many people called me after seeing the products of my online shop. Recently, a few of them have found me through online shops." Wang Yunfeng, who has eaten the sweetness, is full of confidence in e-commerce. He told reporters that if he wants to recruit someone who specializes in online shops, he must have a piece of this material.

    The relevant person in charge of online Textile City told reporters that the online textile city was held in May. Attract investment Since the start of the conference, more than half a year has passed. The merchants who opened online shops have initially felt that the effect is not very obvious. With the continuous improvement of the technology level and the increasing publicity efforts in this half year, more and more businesses are aware of the value of online shops. Xiao Wang, an online customer service company in the Textile City, told reporters: "a number of businessmen have called recently, saying that they are grateful to our online Textile City for their transaction. As we serve as the third party's service platform, it is the most proud and happiest thing for our customer service staff to enable merchants to truly realize and understand that online textile city can bring them opportunities and business.

    How hot is the supplier's online store opening? What about the buyer's demand for online purchasing? The reporter contacted Muzi, Hong Bo, President of the Commercial Bank of Japan. As soon as I heard that I wanted to interview online shops on the textile city of light, Muzi and Hong Bo opened the box. He said that the website of light textile city is different from other websites, which is highly supported by the government. It is said that the merchants in the city of light textile city need to have a business license, which makes him feel at ease. He comes to China almost once a month. Sometimes he does not buy many things, but he still needs to fly back, which is very inconvenient. After listening to his friends' introduction, he realized that the website was really professional and practical. Muzi and Hong Bo said, "last month, I found a supplier through the online Textile City. The first business amount was not very large, mainly because I wanted to try it first, and the goods arrived in more than a week. I think this website is good. In the future, the fabric will be considered through the online Textile City, no longer flying around to waste time and energy.

    Subsequently, through the introduction of friends, the reporter contacted a buyer of Taiwan, Ms. Chen, who had been engaged in the online fabric purchasing trade for many years. She said that in the past, buying fabrics always needed to run back and forth between Taiwan and the mainland. It not only wasted time and wasted energy, but sometimes it took several days to find the fabric that she needed, and she deeply realized that the traditional way of purchasing must be innovating. Starting from finding fabric suppliers for the first time on the global textile web 5 years ago, she found that thousands of matching suppliers could be found within 1 minutes simply by clicking on the mouse. Such a convenient, efficient and authentic way of searching has led to a new revolution in her purchase journey and brought about a new business opportunity. When the online Textile City integrates the resources of the global textile network, the more perfect matching of the online Textile City makes Ms Chen more interested in online trade and full confidence. Ms. Chen said that with the development of network information technology, the online textile business will become a trend and trend, especially for small batch and high quality fabrics, which is more suitable for online transactions. The online textile city will also greatly shorten the distance between domestic and world fabric. With the entry of fabric customers such as Italy and France, the online textile city will truly become the fabric kingdom of the world's fashion elements.

    According to the briefing, at present, the number of registered members of the online Textile City has exceeded 1 million 500 thousand, and the daily visit volume of the website is as high as 1 million 800 thousand times.

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