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    Visit Of "Guo Zi" Cotton Warehouse In Jianghan Plain

    2012/10/10 8:19:00 43

    Jianghan PlainCotton WarehouseRevenue


    In autumn,


    Boll opening.

    Whether it is rich and fertile Jianghan Plain, or the mountains stretching West Hubei, a full plump cotton in the autumn sun is shining.

    Hubei Province, 8 million mu of cotton, has come to the harvest season.

    At the same time, the cotton processing enterprises and the new cotton reserve bank all over the province have opened their doors, and began to buy cotton and return to the warehouse this year.

    How did the newly harvested cotton grow from the field to the warehouse? Farmers grow high cotton and harvest? Go deep into the province's cottons, ginning plants and reserve banks.

    Visit the "country name" cotton warehouse in Jianghan Plain

    The fourth and fourth party's cotton yards are full.

    In the northwestern part of Shayang city of Jingmen, there is a "state name" cotton warehouse, which specializes in storing and storing state cotton stores, which is rarely known locally. Only the surrounding households often see large trucks coming in and out.

    This is Jingmen Yinsha warehousing Co., Ltd., which is a professional storage enterprise engaged in the storage and distribution of cotton and providing physical delivery for the cotton e-commerce business.

    The company covers an area of 4.67 hectares, 12 existing warehouses, and an area of 25 thousand and 400 square meters.

    Two stacks of open cargo, covering 3 thousand and 300 square meters, can store 65 thousand tons of cotton.

    Each warehouse is equipped with automatic sprinkler, smoke automatic alarm system and indoor fire hydrant. It is one of the most modern modern storage enterprises in our province.

    Last October, silver sand warehouse was officially designated as the reserve warehouse for national cotton storage and storage, designated by China reserve cotton Management Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "China store cotton general company").

    As of the end of March this year, the total amount of silver sand storage has been 44 thousand and 600 tons of national cotton reserves.

    Together with the remaining more than 100 stores in the province, the cotton output in our province has been stored in warehouses.

    Beginning in September 1st this year, silver sand warehouse started the 2012 national cotton purchase task, and as of September 29th, 1000 tons of new cotton were put into storage.

    The reporter saw at the cotton warehouse that the cotton in the warehouse was packed into a huge "tofu block" according to the standard of more than 200 kilograms a pack. Then it was wrapped up in a package of forklifts and wrapped up in a warehouse.

    Why should cotton be stored in professional warehouses? Why not put it directly into the market?

    According to Luo Yasheng, Secretary General of the provincial Cotton Association, cotton plays an important role in China's social and economic development as a major agricultural product and important cash crop after grain.

    After the founding of new China, cotton is an important material of the country, "prepare for war, prepare for famine, and serve the people".

    Therefore, the state has been intervening in different levels of supply and marketing of cotton, establishing cotton reserve storehouses throughout the country, and implementing the cotton storage and storage system.

    In November last year, China Cotton store first announced its capacity to reach 4 million 100 thousand tons, accounting for 55% of the estimated output of the whole year.

    According to the information provided by China Cotton Association, in recent years, cotton consumption in China is more than 10 million tons per year, most of which need to be stored for a number of times, and some even store cotton stocks for many years.

    "Popularly speaking, today's national cotton is not the strategic material in the original sense, it acts as a" reservoir "in the current market, and it can adjust the supply and demand of the market at any time.

    Luo Yasheng said that when new cotton was listed on a large scale and cotton prices were too low to hurt cotton farmers, the state acquired cotton at a high price through the central storage cotton warehouse.

    When the market is short of supply, cotton prices go up and the demand for downstream textile enterprises increases, the reserve cotton below market price will be thrown to stabilize cotton prices.


    Golden Season

    Cotton grower

    Busy cotton drying --

    Net income per mu of cotton is 1200 yuan.

    How can these cotton stored in the reserve be stored in the field? When can they be sold in the market?

    On September 27-28, the reporter came to Xiantao, a cotton producing area in Jianghan Plain, followed by Wei Aihua, director of the local cotton industry office. He went deep into the two villages and towns of Zhang Gou town and Zhengchang town.

    On the way to the new village of Zhang Gou Town, large and small suntan fields are coming into view. Now all the newly picked cotton is in the air.

    Tang Zhonghuan of the new village is 51 years old. He has planted 3 mu of cotton. He and his wife are sitting in the shade and breaking cotton.

    In the cotton field, two people first pulled the cottons from the mouth open, and then returned home and broke the cotton out of the cottons.

    He said that the new cotton that was broken off could be sold for 35 days in the drying field and then it could be sold.

    In the field, the reporter met the two old people who were collecting cotton.

    At the age of 78, Zhou Kai wore a straw hat and his hands ripening off the ripe cotton bolls.

    He planted two acres of cotton with his wife.

    The cadres in the village said that the young people in the village are now working outside the country. Most of the left behind farmers are elderly people. "Every household has two or three mu of cotton per mu, which makes up a small amount of money, and the whole village can receive 1.2 million jin of cotton every year."


    How much does it cost to grow cotton a year?

    Tang Zhonghuan gave the reporter an account: the cost of planting an acre of cotton is mainly farming and management expenses: 100 yuan for farming, 400 yuan for base fertilizer, bud fertilizer and peach fertilizer, 150 yuan for spraying, plus other expenses for seed and bowl, and about 800 yuan per mu.

    According to this year's harvest, the yield of cotton is about 500 Jin, and the purchase price is converted to 4 yuan / Jin. The gross income is about 2000 yuan, and the net income per mu of cotton is about 1200 yuan.

    The average family can grow 3 mu and make a net profit of 3600 yuan.

    Tang Zhonghuan said cotton farmers had to pay a lot of hardships for the cotton harvest. A family of two people would spend 8 months from cotton bowl to cotton.

    Unlike planting paddy fields, cotton planting is very laborious, watering, fertilizing, catching insects, spraying pesticides, beating old leaves, breaking branches and weeding.

    Cotton farmers spend a lot of time in cotton fields.

    With a net profit of 3600 yuan, the average monthly income of two people is around 300 yuan.

    "Now young people go out to work, the minimum wage is 1500 yuan per month, and the more skilled workers get money, who will be willing to farm at home?" Tang Zhonghuan said.

    A factory buys 200 tons per day and processing capacity of 45 tons.

    The cotton ginning plant is fast and fast.

    Next to the new central village, there is a village run ginning factory, which has been open for 10 years.

    The reporter saw that this ginning factory was the layout of "front shop and factory", a large scale at the gate, then a courtyard, which was used for stacking new cotton. Behind it was a processing workshop. A gin was running in a boom, and the ten workers were busy.

    After three times of cotton ginning, the new seed cotton becomes a fluffy cotton lint.

    After packing and packing by the packing machine, a square more than 200 square kilograms of cotton bags will be ready.

    The more than 50 year old freshman village branch secretary went to silver and spoke happily.

    He said that this village run ginning factory has now been renamed Xiantao Hua Yi Cotton Industry Co., Ltd., which is a small cotton processing enterprise.

    He said that in August 28th this year, he formally opened up pounds to buy cotton, the purchase price was 4.05 yuan / Jin, and could receive 100 thousand jin of cotton per day.

    At noon that day, a pickup truck towed more than 100 bales of cotton bags to go out.

    To silver, the factory is a 200 type small cotton ginning factory. The processed lint is not eligible for "storage".

    Therefore, we can only find a way out and provide raw materials to textile enterprises such as Jingmen and Qianjiang.

    In the case of silver, the pfer of stored lint to the state has been designated as a "cotton reserve". The biggest advantage of the "storage" is the price. He said that if he processed three grade cotton, if he could "save", the selling price would be 20 thousand and 400 yuan / ton.

    And the price he sold to a textile mill in Qianjiang on the same day was 18 thousand and 300 yuan / ton, the difference between the two was nearly 2000 yuan / ton.

    In Xiantao, there are 50 small ginning plants like him.

    Compared to the village run cotton mill, Xiantao Changfeng cotton industry has been enjoying a lot of life.

    Changfeng cotton industry is located in Jia Yao village, Zhengchang Town, Xiantao. It is located at the junction of Tianmen, Qianjiang and Xiantao. It is a large cotton processing enterprise. This year it has just obtained the qualification of processing cotton temporarily.

    That is to say, the cotton it processed can be sold for a good price.

    The reporter saw that this is a modern large cotton processing enterprise. In the factory's yard, the snow-white seed cotton is stacked into three hills.

    Yuan Youyuan, general manager of Changfeng cotton industry, took a reporter to see the whole process of cotton processing, and saw that under the foot of every cotton hill there was a thick iron pipe with a bucket, and then passed through a main pipe to the processing workshop.

    The reporter saw that with the machine running, the strong suction generated in the iron pipe is just like the pump "car water", sucking the snow-white seed cotton into the processing workshop.

    In the workshop, ten cotton ginning machines are lined up to remove seeds from seed cotton and turn them into soft, snow-white lint and separated black cotton seeds.

    The fluffy lint is packaged into a packer and weighed up to more than 200 kilograms of cotton bales.

    Each cotton bag is affixed with special labels, which contain information about processing enterprises, gross weight, net weight, production date, enterprise code and so on.

    Yuan manager said that the factory began to pound cotton from September 1st, and could receive nearly 200 tons of cotton per day. It would pay 1 million 500 thousand yuan per day for cotton and 45 tons of lint per day, and the processing cost per ton of lint was over 19 thousand yuan.

    However, compared to the small cotton ginning factory struggling to find the market, Yuan Youyuan can be said to "earn no money" -- Chang Feng Cotton Industry Co., Ltd. became a temporary processing and storage enterprise for the storage of cotton this year, and the cotton processed by the enterprise did not need to be sold. After processing, the store was directly pported to the "national name" reserve of Xiantao, Tianmen and Shayang, and the price of the storage was 20 thousand and 400 yuan per ton.

    Store it once a week and get the cotton money again.

    That is to say, one ton of lint per ton can earn about 600 yuan.

    Whether or not the processing plant can "save" will also directly affect the income of cotton growers.

    In Changfeng cotton industry, the reporter met Lao Wang who was selling cotton with tricycles. He lived in Mao Town, Xiantao, where he could sell cotton to 4.15 yuan / Jin, while selling it to a small cotton ginning mill could only sell 4.05 yuan / Jin, and a catty was 0.1 yuan.

    According to reports, there are 7 ginning plants in Xiantao.




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