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    Shaoxing Textile Enterprises Expand ASEAN Market And Strive For Benefit From South Asia

    2013/10/16 10:17:00 33

    ShaoxingTextile EnterprisesNanyang

    < p > 10 years ago, Lian Chengrong, a textile manufacturer in Thailand, went to Thailand with his women's clothing, and made millions of dollars of export to the company's "_blank" href= "http://www.91se91.com/" > clothing "/a" business promotion over there. "The export volume was amazing at that time." Recalling the experience of exploring the ASEAN market, Lian Chengrong is still fresh in his memory. < /p >
    < p > however, what Lian Chengrong did not expect is that 10 years later, he runs the "a target=" _blank "href=" http://www.91se91.com/ "textile" /a ", which has exported more than ten million dollars to ASEAN countries. < /p >
    < p > this year is the strategic partnership between China and ASEAN 10th anniversary. As an exportation County, Shaoxing county's export to ASEAN countries has increased rapidly in the past ten years. According to the statistics of the county commercial bureau, in 2012, the trade between Shaoxing and the ASEAN market reached US $1 billion 470 million, 3 times that of 10 years ago. Among them, exports amounted to 1 billion 280 million US dollars, 4 times that of 10 years ago. Export enterprises also increased from more than 400 in 10 years ago to 1870 now. < /p >
    < p > "ASEAN market has surpassed the EU market and become the first export market of our county." The head of the County Commerce Bureau said that the "Nuggets" to ASEAN have become an important strategy for Shaoxing's export enterprises to explore the international market. Export statistics for the first 8 months of this year are the best evidence: from 1 to August, ASEAN's exports reached 940 million US dollars, up 16.7% over the same period last year, 7 percentage points higher than the average level of export increase in the whole country. < /p >
    < p > ASEAN market is an indispensable international market for export enterprises. The county's life textile "a target=" _blank "href=" http://www.91se91.com/ "> clothing" /a "company, which has been focusing on the kkai Kai Committee, has focused on developing Brunei and other ASEAN markets a few years ago. Bi Guangjun, the operator, believes that the huge population of ASEAN countries lurks huge purchasing power, especially the ASEAN countries' general economic development these years, and their purchasing power is constantly increasing. "ASEAN market is the main market for the company's current and future development." To this end, life textile clothing company also set up a design team specifically for the ASEAN market, and played the "golden idea" brand. < /p >
    < p > "there are many Chinese in ASEAN countries. They can even talk with them about business in Chinese." Qian Qing, an exporters, said. In addition to the huge purchasing power, the relatively stable political situation and familiar folk customs are also the advantages of Shaoxing's export enterprises to open the market. "Compared with western countries such as Europe and the United States, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries have similar consumption habits and easy integration of market demand." From the beginning of Thailand 10 years ago, Lian Chengrong has successfully introduced the home textile products of textile city to ASEAN countries, and has more than 30 agents in Malaysia and other countries. Lian Chengrong regrets that he is more confident about the ASEAN market. < /p >
    Luo Haiming, general manager of Kaiming Textile Co., Ltd., who has been engaged in export trade for ten years, said that the ASEAN market is still the "bridgehead" for enterprises to move towards the international market. P Over the past two years, the industry in Europe and the United States has gradually shifted to ASEAN countries such as Thailand and Malaysia. The ASEAN market has become a "springboard" for Shaoxing's export enterprises to export to Europe and the United States indirectly. For this reason, from last year, Luo Haiming's export products to ASEAN market began to stretch from the fabric to the white cloth. Kelly, a new material company that has the same strategy as Kaiming, has invested heavily in opening up the Malaysia market. Because of the downstream businesses of their companies, the European and American enterprises are gradually moving to ASEAN countries such as Malaysia. Therefore, the head of Kelly company believes that based on Malaysia is to seize the ASEAN market, and it will occupy the international a href= "http://www.91se91.com/news/index_s.asp" > market < /a >. < /p >
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