Identification Of Domestic High Imitation Mountaineering Shoes
Ordinary people seem to be very difficult to become outdoor equipment experts, because the normal outdoor equipment is very durable, durable, and can be used for many years (many high quality equipment can be used for many, many years, many years, more durable than expected), so it is difficult to try many manufacturers' products, and even a variety of products of a factory, become omniscient outdoor equipment experts. I am afraid only those rich people who have enough leisure sports, shopping and shopping will become outdoors equipment. Therefore, like my ordinary outdoors Xiao Bai, most of the experience of outdoor equipment is to accumulate and accumulate bit by bit in the process of buying and using. It will not always be right, but some experience is always worth reference. For an ordinary outdoor enthusiast, the most important thing is shoes (socks) and knapsacks, followed by sweat underwear (fast dry underwear), followed by fleece, assault clothing, fast drying pants, down clothing and so on. First, shoes: outdoor shoes, generally divided into Climbing shoes Hiking shoes, casual shoes.
Mountaineering shoes are also divided into: 1, snow mountain boots (usually high), as the name suggests, when climbing snow mountains, it is estimated that ordinary outdoor enthusiasts do not need them.
The shoes (usually the middle side), as the name suggests, should be used in mountaineering shoes with harsh environment, as the name suggests, because the protection of the feet is very strict, the materials are used more thickly, the material is mostly leather, the bottom is mostly Vibram, (the striking yellow octagonal mark is on the sole), the breathable material is generally GORE-TEX, the weight of a pair of shoes is generally >1kg; 3, the light shoes (usually the middle band, some are the low ones), usually climbs up the mountain to climb at the weekend, has nothing to walk the level road, is also very comfortable in the city stroll, and some fabrics are all leather, most of the fabrics are the skin and its woven fabric complex, some of which are VIBRAM, and some of them are the manufacturers themselves. 2, heavy There are several professional manufacturers of mountaineering shoes, who do better things and have been recognized by outdoor enthusiasts. At present, several brands of LOWA/LA SPORTIVA/Vasque sell well in China. I personally think timberland's shoes are also very good.
And hiking shoes, casual shoes, because generally do not deal with a very harsh environment, it seems that there is no special request, so almost all the major manufacturers and shoe manufacturers are producing, such as NIKE, ADIDAS, Columbia, SOLOMAN and so on. However, there are several professional shoe makers whose products have been recognized by outdoor enthusiasts, such as Teva's sandals and track shoes, Clarks's casual shoes and so on. When you buy hiking shoes, you need to wear a pair of thick socks to try on shoes. When you wear shoes, you can't feel crowded around your feet, and you can insert two fingers into your heels and shoes. You don't feel crowded. Because during the mountaineering process, the feet will be congested and swollen so much that buying shoes needs more shoes than usual shoes. After buying the new shoes, you need to wear them at ordinary times, so that your feet can adjust to the new shoes. If you buy new shoes and go hiking directly, your feet will swollen. Shoes are most important for ordinary outdoor enthusiasts, often hiking and climbing. This is my personal view. A pair of good shoes can provide adequate protection for feet in outdoor areas, prevent injuries, and provide a comfortable and dry environment for shoes, keeping feet comfortable, and generally waterproof and breathable functions, so that outdoor enthusiasts will not feel uncomfortable in bad weather.
As for how to identify domestic High imitation mountaineering shoes I think we can see the following aspects:
1, the bottom of VIBRAM is almost the sign of all high-end hiking shoes. Remember that VIBRAM, which is printed on the sole of the shoe, has a striking, harmonious and beautiful yellow octagonal logo. There is a clear distinction between the yellow logo and the black soles. The VIBRAM of the high imitation shoes is bigger, the writing is fuzzy, the structure is not harmonious, the yellow is not bright, and the yellow has the feeling of infiltrating the side black sole.
2, remember the appearance of GORE-TEX material, high imitation shoes will never use real GORE-TEX material (they can not buy GORE-TEX material, because Gore company has quality supervision for every purchase material manufacturer, not strong manufacturers have money and can not buy Gore material); high imitation shoes inner surface material will be gray and dark.
3, in order to ensure the quality of regular mountaineering shoes, there are regulations on how many stitches per centimeter are used in stitching. Most shoes require more than the maximum number of stitches that can be accommodated by straight lines. So you see the stitching lines of regular mountaineering shoes, each needle is inclined, and the first stitch and the next stitch overlap each other, so that the maximum stitching force of the suture is guaranteed, and the thread will not disperse in the mountaineering.
4. The glue joints between the regular mountaineering shoe upper and sole are all lines, neat and beautiful, and there will never be the appearance of high imitation shoes, which can see that glue is fluctuated and fluctuated.
5, regular mountaineering shoes have strict quality management. All parts of the whole shoe should be neat and beautiful. The interfaces between the parts are tight, without thread, showing a strict quality control capability of modern industrial production.
6, in the end, the mule is a horse, pulling out and sliding, good climbing shoes, feet feel comfortable and dry in the shoes. Sole In a variety of circumstances, it can give feet a smooth supporting surface. When climbing, it has good sense of grip, is not easy to skid, and has strong waterproof function. The waterproofing performance is not reduced for many years. Can high imitation shoes be able to do it? Of course not.
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