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    The Number Of Newly Registered Enterprises In The Month Of "Business Reform" Doubled

    2014/4/5 9:59:00 25

    RegistrationRegistrationRegistration System

    "It took one or two weeks to get the business license in 3 days." Miss Chen, the head of a trading company in Guangzhou, told the first financial daily that her new company has already started running.

    Miss Chan said the change was made by registered capital. registration system Reform brought about. In March 1st, the registered capital registration system reform plan (hereinafter referred to as the "plan") was rolled out nationwide. The reform measures such as "zero threshold" run company and annual report publicity system replace the annual inspection system.

    The reform has greatly stimulated the vitality of the market. China's government network data show that in March, the total number of new registered market entities in the country was 1 million 107 thousand and 100, with an average of 52 thousand and 700 per working day, an increase of 118.4% from last month, an increase of 5.4% over the same period last year. Among them, 309 thousand and 500 new registered enterprises, an increase of 45.8% over the same period, with a registered capital of 1 trillion and 470 billion yuan, an increase of 103.2%.

    The plan has made many attempts to reduce the threshold and simplify procedures. For example, the registration system of registered capital shall be implemented; the minimum registered capital of a limited liability company shall be abolished by 30 thousand yuan, and the time limit for the first capital contribution and the time limit for full payment of shareholders (promoters) shall be no longer restricted; the annual inspection system of enterprises shall be changed into the annual report publicity system, and the registration procedures for residence shall be simplified.

    Miss Chen told the newspaper that the former company had to go to the bank to set up a capital verification account (charge 1000 yuan), deposit the funds of the registered capital in the bank, and then open the capital verification report (according to the amount of the registered capital charged by 1500~6000 yuan), then it can go through the business license.

    take registered capital After the real payment system is changed to the subscription system, the registered company will no longer need to make capital verification report. Miss Chen said that it saved thousands of yuan for the new company. "For entrepreneurs, it's a little more economical." Moreover, the registered capital has to occupy about 20 working days in the capital verification households, which has affected the operation of the company's funds.

    Some areas have already pioneered the reform attempt. From January to January, the business registration system reform in Guangzhou was carried out, including the implementation of the post certification system and the real payment system to the subscription payment system. After the reform, from January 1st to March 21st, the number of registered enterprises reached 3.5, and the registration amount was 48 billion yuan, up 57% and 90.3% respectively over the same period. These include nearly 9000 "zero down payment" companies.

    Gong Erzhen, vice mayor of Guangzhou, answered a reporter's question at a press conference in March 27th, saying that through the reform, Guangzhou's pre examination and approval had been reduced from 101 to 18, and the time of running the business license has also been reduced from 15 days to 3 days.

    A company specializing in providing registration, finance and other services, the head of the agency, Mr. Dai told the first financial daily that after the business reform, the procedures for the registration of company registration were simplified, and the registration documents they received were reduced. However, as the market participants increased, they focused their efforts on the services of companies such as finance and consulting for the enterprises after the establishment.

    Will there be many "after"? Briefcase company "This is a matter of concern from government departments to enterprises. "Now the industrial and commercial registration is very open, and it is not ruled out that some illegal elements will establish" Swindlers Company "deception. Mr. Dai said.

    "Strict management" is the government's countermeasure. The official website of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce has interpreted the plan. Among them, playing the role of supervision and self-discipline of social organizations, strengthening self-management of enterprises, and strengthening the supervision of the operation of market entities are all the contents of "strict management". At the same time, professional service organizations such as accounting firms and notarial institutions should be encouraged to supervise relevant market participants, and encourage the development and support of credit rating agencies and other three party organizations to conduct credit rating on market players.

    A staff member of Guangzhou commercial reform office once told our reporter that "wide entry" does not mean that the government pushes responsibility to society. After the reform, the tasks of the staff of the industrial and commercial departments will not be reduced, but the content of work will be changed from ex post examination to post supervision.

    A grass-roots staff member of an industrial and commercial system in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, said that the grass-roots units were very short of manpower. The industrial and commercial office where he worked was originally made up of 10 units, but now there are only 5 people to manage a town of 100 thousand people. How to supervise it? He thinks the general direction of reform is good, but there are still many details to be implemented.

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