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Do You Understand The Clothing Dealer's Order?
< p > you must find out the best merchandising plan for each specification, which can be divided into several districts, and what products are there in each district, which should have several series, several styles and several colors. Goods are sold, goods of concept, colors and so on, and their proportion is allocated. These are very knowledgeable and scientifically based. Therefore, in order to make scientific orders, we must first get the importance of basic display, and then plan the content of your display without the professional eye of the buyer. < /p >
< p style= "text-align: center" > < img src= "/uploadimages/201405/16/20140516035313_sj.JPG" align= "center" border= "0" alt= "/" < < > >
< p > goods should be selected according to the local cultural environment, fashion trends, consumers' interests, habits and characteristics, etc., with a wise agent's eye, to each subordinate store's scientific distribution. Agents must be able to accurately process the local fashion trends, dress preferences, consumer psychology, etc., if you are not sure, you can also explore and train buyers in franchisees and shopping guides. < /p >
< p > before ordering, be sure to know how many stores you have. How many stores should be sold in each store, and how many stores are going to start operation in this season? How much more goods should be added to ensure the best momentum of opening business? Combined with the scientific analysis of the basic display of various stores, the final quantity of your order will be finalized. Only in this way can you cook the dumplings in the gourd when ordering. < /p >
< p > some people may say that I have known this for a long time, but I have already overstocking a lot of stock. If I buy the goods in a single way, I may not be able to eat in front of me. I will have to walk around later. If we increase the risk of inventory and form a vicious circle, it will be even worse. < /p >
<p> 我們知道,產品一定要圍繞市場需求,一切以滿足市場需求為目的,才能提高銷售業結,才能贏利.我們也知道,服裝經營是一種感性經濟,產品要跟著時尚潮流走,上個月的跑火貨到下個月可能就要變死貨了,如果你一直抱著死貨眼巴巴地盼望消費者的垂憐,那你就會成為消費者遺忘的角落.因此,處理滯銷貨一定要當機立斷,在將滯未滯時就要動刀,由滯銷到死貨就是你的損失過程』動刀早,往往損失少,而且新品上架快,成交量才會拔高,貨流量才能最大化,利潤也就最大化,同時又消除了庫存風險.因此,要盡量避免死貨,訣不能讓“死”貨擋了“活”貨的財路.要不然,你就真的是“不知死活”了。 < /p >
< p > the basic display of each store needs, and the amount of goods needed is also scientifically matched. When combined, you will know what to order and how many dishes to order. Here, scientific ordering is so simple for clothing agents. < /p >
< p style= "text-align: center" > < img src= "/uploadimages/201405/16/20140516035313_sj.JPG" align= "center" border= "0" alt= "/" < < > >
< p > goods should be selected according to the local cultural environment, fashion trends, consumers' interests, habits and characteristics, etc., with a wise agent's eye, to each subordinate store's scientific distribution. Agents must be able to accurately process the local fashion trends, dress preferences, consumer psychology, etc., if you are not sure, you can also explore and train buyers in franchisees and shopping guides. < /p >
< p > before ordering, be sure to know how many stores you have. How many stores should be sold in each store, and how many stores are going to start operation in this season? How much more goods should be added to ensure the best momentum of opening business? Combined with the scientific analysis of the basic display of various stores, the final quantity of your order will be finalized. Only in this way can you cook the dumplings in the gourd when ordering. < /p >
< p > some people may say that I have known this for a long time, but I have already overstocking a lot of stock. If I buy the goods in a single way, I may not be able to eat in front of me. I will have to walk around later. If we increase the risk of inventory and form a vicious circle, it will be even worse. < /p >
<p> 我們知道,產品一定要圍繞市場需求,一切以滿足市場需求為目的,才能提高銷售業結,才能贏利.我們也知道,服裝經營是一種感性經濟,產品要跟著時尚潮流走,上個月的跑火貨到下個月可能就要變死貨了,如果你一直抱著死貨眼巴巴地盼望消費者的垂憐,那你就會成為消費者遺忘的角落.因此,處理滯銷貨一定要當機立斷,在將滯未滯時就要動刀,由滯銷到死貨就是你的損失過程』動刀早,往往損失少,而且新品上架快,成交量才會拔高,貨流量才能最大化,利潤也就最大化,同時又消除了庫存風險.因此,要盡量避免死貨,訣不能讓“死”貨擋了“活”貨的財路.要不然,你就真的是“不知死活”了。 < /p >
< p > the basic display of each store needs, and the amount of goods needed is also scientifically matched. When combined, you will know what to order and how many dishes to order. Here, scientific ordering is so simple for clothing agents. < /p >
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