How Can We Sell New Products To Traditional Products?
There are so many things we don't need, but we finally pay for each other.
Many sales behavior is not rational, it can be said that 60% of goods sold because of irrational sales.
For example, most products that are cheap or not high in consumption.
So, so, it is necessary to study what is the selling point of the product.
Throwing this issue is not mentally retarded.
Whether you are a spectator or a business person, do you see the merchandise or the merchandise you sell, which really attracts you? Or does the selling point of the products you sell are excavated? Most of them are not. Of course, innovative sales have to pay a certain price, such as hiring professionals in financial resources, such as trying new ways of failure, and so on, so lack of innovation is understandable.
Why do business people are cautious and conservative? Because they pay too much.
I think people in business should have a deep understanding.
However, if there is no special move, it is just a running line with peers instead of surpassing.
So what is the selling point of the product?
Back to the theme, why is the selling point and differentiation of products most relevant? Because most enterprises do not have the strength to have strong channels in communication. When consumers see your product, you must try to impress the other party on the shortest time to increase the turnover rate. Even small businesses can do this. Small and micro enterprises are the most difficult and the most differentiated measures.
If you have the money to advertise on Provincial TV, you will still fail. That is the problem of intelligence quotient.
Big brand is a way of brand differentiation, but it can't be a peer. If you are a colleague, then you are also.
This needs attention.
Vacuum cups? Benz cars? Two unfinished products, but because some elements can also fit together to achieve ingenious effect.
Of course, no false propaganda is recommended. In today's globalisation, brand differentiation can be achieved through many upstream and downstream cooperation. Therefore, some commercial hitchhiking activities can also be taken for brand differentiation.
光有商業差異化的傍大牌的搭車行為還不夠,還需要進一步進行差異化,對于一個保溫杯而言,“來自奔馳的故鄉”只能讓人感受到制造工藝的歷史,那么還需要其他方面來進一步加強消費者差異化印象,這里我給對方在材料上進行差異化包裝,以“醫用級”的抗菌滅菌材料來塑造杯膽本身,在對外宣傳上可以突出“醫用級”概念符號,什么是醫用級呢?顧名思義就是醫療健康上的級別,我們都知道醫院對于環境和設備要求都是很高的,比如有無菌病房,那么保溫杯且是“醫用級” 的,不僅讓消費者印象深刻,而且立即跟普通的保溫杯區分開來了,醫用級,即抗菌,抗輻射,綠色,健康,是不是很不一般?當然,我鄙視虛假宣傳,這么干也并非一定要虛假宣傳,對于企業在達到一定條件下,可以在品牌差異化目標確立后,有所方向的去朝著這塊去走。
Is that enough? It's enough to bluff you, but it's not big enough, and the insulation products will eventually return to heat preservation, otherwise consumers will still not buy it. Otherwise, consumers will still not buy it. This is the difference between the product attributes and the coldest place in the world. In the minds of most people, there is no doubt that the north and south poles are very strong. If a cup is passed in the north and south poles, is it very cold? Is it a fake propaganda? If you do not sponsor the team, it is necessary to be processed by industry and commerce. However, "the cold test has passed the polar science test", so that no one will find you in trouble. Is the differentiation of the product's functional properties coming out again? "Home from Mercedes Benz", "all material medical grade".
To a certain extent, business is to create something out of nothing, and then strive to achieve the goal of your brand differentiation, and eventually become an objective existence.
Mosley, the high-end brand of Guangming Zi, has been packaged in Changshou village. In fact, did the old people live in the real longevity village? How many years ago did the bright milk come into being? These old people were born when the bright milk was not there. Then, is Mosley's milk false propaganda? What do you think?
False propaganda is shameful, but the world itself is very contradictory. Strictly speaking, few big brands can avoid punishment.
Therefore, in the differentiation, do not harm the interests of others as the bottom line.
After differentiated positioning, it is desirable to strive for the goal of differentiation.
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