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    Writing Skills Of Foreign Trade English Correspondence

    2014/10/23 1:54:00 10

    Foreign TradeEnglish CorrespondenceWriting Skills

    The letter header of an English letter is also known as the letter end, which includes the name, symbol, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the issuing company.

    The purpose of writing the letter is to facilitate the recipient to understand where the letter came from and to provide contact information for the reply.

    Many companies will print letterheads with letterheads.

    Generally speaking, people prefer to place simple letters on the top of the letter paper, and place complex letters on the right side of the letter paper or on both ends.

    When using this letter to print letters, be sure to set aside enough for the letter head.


    For personal business letters, such as letter of application, letters are usually written on the top right of the letter paper.

    If the letter is longer than two pages, then no more letters are needed from the second page, just page number, recipient name and date.

    The writing of English address is quite different from the writing of Chinese address, and the principle of "small to big" should be followed.

    It is especially noteworthy that punctuation marks in addresses need to be used correctly.

    The usual practice is that punctuation is generally not used at the end of a line, but the place where punctuation should be added should not be omitted.

    There is no punctuation between the house number and the street name, but it must be separated by commas between the city and the country name.


    Business affairs

    The writing in the letter is exquisite.

    In English letter writing, addressing is a respectful term for the recipient.

    Usually a line is located below the letter address; when Attention is the same, there is an empty line below Attention.

    The latter is usually comma (English) or colon (American).

    If the letter is written to the company, there is no direct contact. The address should be "Dear Sirs," (English) or "Gentlemen:" (American style).

    You can also use To Whom It May Concern or Dear Madam or Sir when you can not confirm the nature of your acceptance.

    But these two terms should be avoided as many people feel they can't show enough friendliness.

    When writing to specific organizations, they prefer to use Dear Member, Dear Customer, and Dear Human Resources Manager.

    If you know the name of the addressee, you should put the name directly in your appellation.

    1. business letters generally use Dear Miss Brown, Dear Mr.Smith.

    Dear is a polite form of official business.

    2. when you write to relatives, relatives and close friends, use Dear or Mydear together with the address or family name.

    For example, My dear father, Dear Tom and so on.

    In addition, titles, positions, titles and degrees can also be found in the titles, such as Dear Prof.David Schiller, Dear Dr.John Smith.

    Business letters should not be ignored.

    The Subject of writing business letters can help the recipient quickly understand the main contents of the letter.

    Generally speaking, if there is a Reference Number in the letter, it is not necessary to write Subject again.

    Subject is located in the blank line of Salutation.

    There are generally three forms of writing: direct writing, Subject: and Re:.

    For the sake of prominence, you can also add the bottom line, bold and capitalize.

    INVOICE 12345

    Re:Invoice 12345

    Subject:Invoice 12345

    Write the proper ending.

    Almost all business letters will end with complimentary remarks.

    It is written below the text, the first letter should be capitalized, and the last word has a comma.

    As for the type of sentence to choose, it is usually decided by the author himself. Generally speaking, there is a strong correlation between the closing complimentary words and the beginning.

    1. if you do not know the name of the addressee, the first name is Dear Sirs, (English) or Gentelmen: (American style), then the end of the complimentary use of Yours faithfully, (English) or Yours truly, (American style);

    2. if you know the name of the addressee, the first name is Dear Mr.Brown, then the end of the complimentary use of Yours sincerely, (English) or Sincerely, (American style).

    Of course, there are lots of complimentary remarks at the end.


    Here is a list of commonly used closing remarks.

    1. most formal (respect)


    Respectfully yours,

    Very respectfully yours,

    2. official

    Yours truly,

    Very truly yours,

    Yours faithfully,

    The most common way for 3. people.

    Yours sincerely,

    Sincerely yours,

    Very sincerely yours,


    4. short form (intimacy)


    Cordially yours,

    Best regards,

    Warmest regards,

    Don't neglect the signature in English business letters.

    The signature is the name signed by the sender.

    Whether it is written in person or by a computer, typewriter or letter printed by a secretary, the name should be signed at the distance between the 4 lines reserved under the letter of termination.

    Formal letters, if not signed, are not only severely impolite, but also have no legal effect.

    The signature represents the letter writer, so its shape and writing should be fixed.

    It is best to use a pen for signature.

    Signature must be hard to imitate and clear.

    For easy identification, the general business letter should also be typed under the signature.

    The signature formats and rules have the following conventions:

    1. when a signer represents a company or a unit, he should name all the capitalized units at the bottom of the closing words and sign them.

    2. when a woman signs a signature, for the convenience of the correct use of address, the person should type (Miss) or (Mrs.) before typing.

    3. when the person in charge is absent and the signature is signed by the person in charge, add the words "by, for, perpro or P.P.".

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