Etiquette Knowledge When Banquet Is Seated
The banquet has begun, and we have to pay attention to the following two points: first, a larger banquet may have one or two tables belonging to the host family. The location is mostly in the front row of the stage. Guests can not sit hastily. The two is the Chinese banquet and the round table is used.
However, every table has a master or entertainer as usual, and the seats on both sides of the host are usually reserved for guests or guests.
I am not very stiff about this.
If there are owners or entertains, seats should be served by the host or the reception staff.
If an undecided seat is to be seated, the seat should be seated by the elders and choose the proper seat to sit down without having to be too modest.
When you are about to sit down, remember to pull the chair behind with your hands and sit down. If you push the chair away with your feet, you will be a rude person. So you still have to pull your chair aside to sit down. If you have a boyfriend, you don't have to move your chair, because this is the responsibility of your boyfriend.
When you are seated, you must sit upright, double faded, and put your feet on the floor. You should not overlap your thighs. You can't put your hands on the backs of your neighbors, or put your hands on the table.
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Some of the following behaviors are often committed by us. If you think they are all small shortcomings, it is wrong. These shortcomings will make people wonder about your intelligence and ability. Anyone who wants to cultivate personal charm should keep away from these shortcomings.
1. do not pay attention to the tone of your speaking, often speak in a displeased and antagonistic tone.
2., we should keep talking when we sink.
3. interrupt others;
4. asking questions in an arrogant way gives people the impression that I am the most important.
5. not invited.
6. blow your own horn.
7. laugh at others;
8. make phone calls at inappropriate times;
9. talk about boring words that others don't want to hear on the phone.
10., when you meet people for the first time, your attitude is ambiguous.
11. no matter what you don't understand, you can express your opinions on certain matters.
12. openly questioning the reliability of others' opinions.
13. refusing others' reasonable demands with arrogance.
14. say something that looks down on someone in front of his friend.
15. accuse others of their differences;
16., the ability to blame others is low.
17. ask others for help and be complaining when they are rejected.
18. use friendship to extort help from friends.
19. communicate with others in a wrong way or use offensive language.
20. in spite of others' feelings, they should be scolded or insulted in public.
21., we always talk about past gains and losses.
22. never mind talking about something that people are not interested in.
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