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    The Family Dishes That Are 10 Times Stronger Than Calcium Tablets, In Order To Grow Taller Children! Mother Must Know!

    2015/3/24 15:47:00 7

    Calcium TabletsHomemade DishesHigh Calcium Foods

    When it comes to calcium supplements, most people think of milk.

    Calcium tablet

    Few people know that some home cooking is also a calcium supplement.

    Perhaps the calcium content of these ingredients is not the highest, but "a good man three gang", calcium can be successfully absorbed by the body also need other nutrients to help.

    These ones here

    Home Dishes

    It is because of collocation science that we can play a good calcium supplement effect.

    Tofu stewed fish


    Bean curd is well known.

    High calcium diet

    As long as you eat 200 grams of North tofu, you can meet the daily calcium requirement of 1/3, more than half a kilo of milk.

    The abundant vitamin D in fish can strengthen the absorption of calcium by human body.

    Therefore, tofu stewed fish is not only delicious, but also a perfect match for calcium and bone.

    It should be reminded that when choosing tofu, we should choose the South tofu or the North tofu with higher calcium content.

    Stir fried spinach with sesame sauce


    Sesame paste is the "treasure house" of calcium, which contains 870 mg of calcium per 100 grams, higher than that of beans and vegetables.

    Spinach is rich in vitamin K is the formation of bone calcium elements, if calcium supplementation at the same time increase vitamin K, can greatly improve the effect of calcium, promote calcium deposition in the bones.

    Sesame paste mixed with spinach, fragrant but not greasy, is the perfect calcium supplement.

    Laver and Yuba soup


    Calcium and magnesium, like twins, always appear in pairs. When the ratio of calcium to magnesium is 2: 1, it is most conducive to the absorption and utilization of calcium.

    Yuba is one of the calcium rich soybean products, and laver is known as "a treasure house of magnesium". Both of them serve soup together, which is a perfect match for calcium and bone strengthening.



    Many green leafy vegetables are not inferior in calcium supplementation, and the calcium content of rape is more than that of the same weight.

    Vinegar is conducive to the calcium insoluble state to become soluble state, and promote the absorption and utilization of calcium.

    In addition, small rape also contains a large number of minerals and vitamin K that can help calcium absorption.

    Scrambled eggs with green pepper


    Eggs contain high quality protein, and their calcium content is higher. Green peppers are rich in vitamin C. Both of them are not only good in color but also in improving calcium absorption.

    Stewed pig's trotters with soybeans


    Soybeans are rich in calcium, and pig hoof contains rich collagen, which can be used as the skeleton of calcium deposition, which is more conducive to calcium absorption in soybeans.

    It should be reminded that the saturated fat content of pig hoof is high and should not be eaten frequently.

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