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    Tong Xiao Co Organizer Design Competition For Primary And Secondary School Students In Beijing

    2015/8/27 13:26:00 152

    Clothing Textile IndustryAutumnFabric

    2015 the launching ceremony of student installation design work in primary and secondary schools in Beijing was held in August 12th.

    The event is hosted by the Beijing school logistics service center, Beijing garment and textile industry association, Beijing Institute Of Fashion Technology, Beijing copper bull Group Co., Ltd., and national student clothing (school uniform) research center.

    Liu Zhanjun, director of School Logistics Department of Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Wang Wensheng, vice president of Beijing garment and textile industry association, Gu Yuanyuan, associate professor of national student clothing (school uniform) research center, Zhang Weimin, chairman of Beijing copper cattle Group Co., Ltd., representative of garment textile enterprise, representative of garment designer, representative of professional college, attended the meeting.

    Zhang Weimin, chairman of Beijing copper cattle Group Co., Ltd., said that in order to promote the reform and development of the student dress in Beijing, play the role of uniform dress education, standardization and protection of students, promote the construction of campus culture, and better reflect the mental outlook of students in primary and secondary schools in Beijing, the organizing committee will meet and dress up the national clothing manufacturers, professional design institutes, professional fashion designers, teachers, students and students of all primary and secondary schools.

    Clothing design

    The ability of the community to collect suitable for primary and secondary school students in Beijing uniform dress needs, with capital characteristics, students like primary and secondary school student design works.

    It is understood that this collection of student design works is aimed at improving the design of students' clothing in primary and secondary schools in Beijing, improving the quality of students' clothing and fully displaying the comprehensive quality and temperament of primary and secondary school students in Beijing.

    At the same time, it is also the spirit of implementing the document of the four ministries and commissions of the Ministry of education on Further Strengthening the management of school uniforms management for primary and secondary school students, laying the foundation for the next step in standardizing the management of students' clothing, creating the environment for students' clothing, providing corresponding service guarantee, and steadily and orderly promoting the uniform dress work of primary and middle school students in accordance with the requirements of comprehensive reform in the field of deepening education.

    This collection of student costume design works is divided into 3 groups: primary school, middle school and high school. Each group is asked to be divided into students' clothing according to the student pack function.


    2 categories.


    Each category includes spring.


    Men's and women's clothing for two seasons in summer.

    The overall design of students' clothing should reflect the characteristics of students' youthful beauty, liveliness, liveliness and vitality. It reflects the physiological and aesthetic characteristics of students of different ages. It should conform to the current campus culture of Beijing, suitable for students' collective wear, beautiful, generous, comfortable and easy to identify.

    At the same time, the safety of students' commuting and wearing should be fully considered in the design of students' clothing. The use of fabrics should be reasonable and safe, and the national standards such as GB/T31888 primary and secondary school uniforms should be strictly referenced.

    The organizers hope that through this student's design works, we will collect a batch of traditional design based on the traditional culture, fully displaying the regional characteristics of Beijing. At the same time, we will design the students' clothing for the purpose of healthy growth of students.

    So that students can be displayed as a result of reform and opening up, reflecting the achievements of education reform in Beijing and the carrier of the spiritual outlook of primary and middle school students in the new era.

    The student collection design work has been enrolment since August 13, 2015 and the collection of design works is expected. Final assessment is expected before the end of December.

    In March 2016, the organizing committee will adjust and revise the collection works according to the opinions of the experts in the final assessment stage, reorganize them, organize dynamic exhibitions and publicize and promote the primary and secondary schools in Beijing.

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