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    The Game Between The Valence Shop And The Outlets: Who Will Dominate?

    2015/12/9 15:03:00 80

    Valence ShopOutletsMarketing Strategy

    China's orlies is in a state of interweaving with the growth stage as a whole. Although the development of the format has only been ten years, it has developed rapidly. Especially when the entity retailer is under the impact of the electricity supplier, the entities are changing to the "small" or "big" direction. "Small" refers to the community business, while the "big" is a large experiential shopping center or orlies, but there are also many "pain spots" in the operation of the outlets.

    It is not easy to do well with orlies. First of all, we should consider the location.

    Because of the large area, the outlets are usually in the suburbs.

    European outlets are located on the outskirts of the city, which are mainly tourists, with lots of holidays, but few people at ordinary times.

    Passenger flow


    Shanshan chooses the suburbs, and the surrounding areas will support some properties. This kind of oris needs to increase the catering facilities and even cinema facilities to meet the needs of nearby residents.

    The development of China's outlets can be fully considered in terms of the combination of development methods and the contention and control of international famous brand resources. Only by straightening out and respecting the intrinsic nature of the existence and development of this format can we enhance the chances of developing and surviving orlis.

    "But the most important thing is investment. The reason why Oteri J chose to locate in the suburbs is determined by the business mode behind the luxury brands.

    Generally, the domestic retail outlets take the goods from the overseas brands through designated agents, while the brand owners usually provide the best new goods to the luxury brand shops in the city center to protect the positive interests of their new products, and then consider the outlets. If the outlets are in the center of the city and conflict with the regular stores, then the outlets will not want to get the products of the brand, either.



    Expert Ding Haozhou analysis.

    Public data show that the whole country is "


    "There are more than 300 retail outlets, and the number is about 58 (33 cities), while the real outlets are not more than 20.

    Investment is a big "pain point" for otlis.

    Reporters learned that there was a very few consumers in Shanghai after the opening of orlis, because there were not many famous brands, and there were many other stores in the region. Such stores that gathered many brands often gave people a sense of "no sense of authenticity", resulting in a lower sense of trust for the orlies and the licensing of large brands that were generally not available in formal shops.

    However, due to the low consumption of luxury goods in the Chinese market in recent years, luxury stores are shrinking, which also gives them opportunities.

    "Because the sales of luxury goods in the luxury stores are down, and there are too many stocks, they also consider introducing the new products into outlets. For example, the MK and UGG opened in the three phase of the Ningbo orter's project.

    Of course, there are not many such cases.

    We are also striving to win. "

    Yao Zhiming said frankly.

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