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    How Can The "Quality Boat" On The "Tip Of The Wind" Go Steady?

    2016/8/12 11:53:00 49

    Toxic School UniformProductBrand

     School uniform

    Shanghai has been exposed since 2013.

    toxic school uniform

    The safety of student uniforms has always been a target of public criticism.

    Despite the high degree of concern, the quality of school uniforms in various places is still frequent in recent years.

    The third quarter school uniform announced by Shenzhen market supervision authority in 2015


    The results of quality supervision and spot checks showed that 135 batches of products from 28 inspection units and carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes were detected in batch.

    In October 2015, a total of 26 school uniform samples were collected from the Wuhan Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau, and the pass rate was only 77%.

    In January this year, the Guangdong Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau announced the results of special supervision and inspection of primary and secondary school uniforms in Guangdong. The rate of unqualified products was 19%.


    Carcinogenic dyes are found in school uniforms.

    How can a "quality boat" on the cusp be able to go far?

    1, where is poison school uniform?

    According to the quality supervision of primary and secondary school uniforms in Xi'an in 2015, the passing rate of samples taken by students in Xi'an last year was 94.37%.

    Although the pass rate is relatively high, there are still some problems in supervision.

    The report pointed out that the problems were not complete in the inspection batch, incomplete in the inspection items, the contents of the labels were not standardized, and the contract filing was not active.

    From the spot checks, schools failed to do batch inspection, and there were loopholes in detection.

    There are also a number of schools covering a number of schools.

    At the same time, last year sent 864 batches of inspection, the inspection project contains formaldehyde content and pH value of only 359 batches, a considerable number of enterprises have evaded some safety index detection.

    Some enterprises use the contents of the rejected logo, the fiber content is not marked, and the label of clothing is not standardized.

    In fact, the most important factor mentioned in the above bulletin is the detection of safety indicators.

    The physical and chemical test indexes of formaldehyde, pH value, color fastness, odor and decomposable carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes are more important than those of other physical aspects such as friction resistance and shrinkage.

    Among the safety and quality problems of uniforms exposed everywhere, one of them is more likely to decompose carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes.

    Zhou Ying, deputy director of the textile and plush supervision and inspection section of Shaanxi Fiber Inspection Bureau, said that the decomposed carcinogenic aromatic amine dye was banned in the national standard, and its toxicity and carcinogenicity were much stronger than that of formaldehyde.

    The dyestuff is insoluble in water, colorless and tasteless, and can not be distinguished from the appearance of the fabric. It can only be detected by professional detection and is not easy to eliminate.

    When the dye is in contact with the human body, its harmful ingredients are absorbed by the skin and cause various malignant diseases.

    Up to now, Shaanxi has not yet found that school uniforms have been found to contain decomposable carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes.

    According to the mastery of student clothing sampling in recent years, the quality problems of Shaanxi uniforms in fiber composition, pH value and color fastness are prominent.

    "The problem of fiber content is mainly inconsistent with the actual logo. The pH value is the excessive pH value of the clothes, and the color fastness to soaping and friction resistance is not up to standard."

    Zhou Ying said.

    Although these items are not factorable in carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes, the majority of primary and secondary school students wear school uniforms every day, and these indicators are not qualified, which will also affect their health and appearance.

    2, where does poison school uniform come from?

    The basic link of a school uniform is the purchase of fabric into the factory, production and processing, and finished products going to school, involving the three parties of production enterprises, schools and regulatory departments.

    As a manufacturer, it is necessary to carry out inspection and control of fabric procurement, production process quality control, product self inspection and inspection.

    Once the enterprise appears neglected, neglected or even intentional in this process, the quality of school uniform will be large or small.

    Zhou Ying said, in the past spot checks found that there are individual enterprises procurement control lax, did not ask for fabric manufacturers inspection report, the enterprise's testing equipment is not complete, in order to save costs, do not want to spend the cost of testing for quality inspection, these will have a significant impact on the quality of school uniforms.

    On the school side, school uniforms rarely appear open procurement and other acts, directly commissioned by the school garment factory processing and production, without market circulation.

    The "direct paction" between the manufacturer and the school is often the headmaster's sentence or the members of the leading group of the school, so that the price of the uniform and the school uniform can be determined.

    And most schools do not know much about the quality standards and safety of school uniforms. In this way, under the "secret box operation" between the clothing factory and the school, the school uniform has quietly entered the school under the circumstances of the supervision department.

    In the actual investigation in previous years, a school uniform is in the blank of quality supervision in a series of links, from fabric to factory, production and processing, and finally to students.

    Fan Xiaohui, the fiber quality supervision department of the Provincial Bureau of inspection, said that the school uniform is directly from the manufacturer to the school, and the quality requirement is stipulated by the processing contract. Therefore, it is difficult for the quality supervision department to implement effective supervision.

    In addition, in 2009, the state issued relevant standards for knitted student clothing and woven student clothing. "But these two standards are not much different from those of ordinary clothing."

    Zhou Ying told reporters that after the incident of "poisonous school uniform" in Shanghai in 2013, local standards were issued everywhere, but the requirements were inconsistent.

    Until June 30, 2015, on the basis of integrating all localities and past standards, the national standard GB/T31888-2015 "primary and secondary school uniforms" was introduced. In the same month, the four ministries, including the Ministry of education, the General Administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine, the General Administration of industry and commerce, and the Standards Committee promulgated the opinions on Further Strengthening the management of school uniforms for primary and secondary school students.

    3, can we manage "stubborn disease" together?

    In March 31st this year, the implementation of the new measures for the supervision and management of the quality of fiber products was carried out. The students' clothing was used as a separate category for the key supervision.

    Can new standards and new methods be used to control the quality of school uniforms?


    "The new standard has abolished the delineation of past grades of qualified products, first class goods and superior products, and the requirements for individual technical indicators are higher than those of the first grade.

    The new approach allows the relevant parties of fiber products to have specific criteria and basis for reference.

    Hu Jian, director of Shaanxi Fiber Inspection Bureau, believes that strict standards and methods are applied to parents and students to ensure the use of school uniforms.

    "More importantly, it is necessary for professional inspection institutions to carry out quality supervision of floc products, student clothes and textile fabrics." there is a law to follow, and the blank and fatigue of supervision will be greatly resolved. "

    Hu said that on the part of the production side, the company could promote the implementation of product quality and safety by guiding producers to improve production conditions, establish raw materials and raw materials purchase acceptance records, etc.

    At the same time, the specific requirements for identifying the contents of fiber products, student clothes and textile fabrics are stipulated, and the legal liability is stipulated.

    Through the establishment of raw materials control, group purchase quality control, supervision and inspection, key areas of product quality improvement, quality and integrity of many systems, increase production process supervision.

    The whole process, double inspection, quality control...

    There is no doubt that these practices will play a very important role in ensuring the quality and safety of students' clothing.

    However, in the specific implementation, the way and method need to be further explored.

    The first is how to overcome the weakness of regulatory power.

    Taking Xi'an as an example, according to the data released by the website of Xi'an Education Bureau, there are 3318 primary and secondary schools, including complete secondary schools, regular secondary schools and vocational high schools.

    So many schools are implementing the "double inspection" and how to keep up with the supervision power. The whole province, especially the remote counties and townships, is more difficult.

    Secondly, the ability to detect in poor areas can not be guaranteed.

    It is understood that student clothing quality testing generally need to detect more than 20 projects, in poor counties, villages and other places, the detection technology is relatively backward, the equipment is poor, the quality of school uniform quality testing will be greatly reduced.

    Under various circumstances, as the quality of school uniform, it is particularly important to enhance the quality awareness of the manufacturing enterprises that control the first and the main responsibility of quality and safety.

    It is understood that in 2014, Shaanxi province established a "technical exchange platform for school uniform enterprises" to promote enterprises to carry out exchanges, discussions and training in standards, testing and production processes, so as to enable enterprises to gradually standardize in all aspects of management, procurement, self inspection and mutual inspection, and system establishment.

    "Through regular and irregular sampling inspection, we should explore the establishment of regulatory linkage mechanism and innovative supervision mode in this process, so as to effectively control the quality and safety risks of school uniforms."

    Hu said.

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