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    China's Manufacturing Industry Must Start Making Up Lessons From "Industry 2".

    2017/5/4 14:55:00 40

    ChinaManufacturing IndustryIntellectualization


    Shandong industrial pformation and upgrading Summit Forum

    On this occasion, Li Peigen, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, made a special report on several issues that should be paid attention to in the practice of intelligent manufacturing.

    He thought that

    Intelligent manufacturing

    More is a process. In this process, we should not ignore human factors, but also focus on new goals such as energy saving, service and personalization. We need more open and sharing attitudes.

    For most domestic enterprises, automation and digitalization are still important foundation and realistic pursuit.


    Lay the foundation of automation and digitalization, pay attention to the new goals of individuality and energy saving.

    Li Peigen believes that the goal of "made in China 2025" is to achieve a big manufacturing power to move towards a manufacturing power, and further promote the deep integration of industrialization and information technology. Germany is already pushing forward the "industrial 4", that is, the new round of industrial revolution represented by intelligent manufacturing.

    But in reality, China's manufacturing industry is still in the late stage of "industrial 2" development. At present, it is necessary to make up for lessons in the "industry 2", do automation well, popularize "industry 3", and do well in the application of digital technology, so as to lay a solid foundation for the future entry into the "industrial 4".

    In particular, the machinery industry should start from the digital and numerical control generation and bring up the overall level.

    While popularizing automation and digitalization, we should also pay attention to the trend of world industry. Domestic entrepreneurs need to pay attention to some new goals.

    Li Peigen said that the goals of manufacturing technology include four aspects: product performance, efficiency and quality, green and energy saving, service and so on. Entrepreneurs have realized the importance of product quality, but they may still need to learn more in terms of green, service and personalization.

    For example, he said, the plastic products produced by intelligent injection molding machine had more than 60% electricity consumption, less energy consumption and high efficiency, so the goal of green energy conservation through some intelligent technology is actually a promotion to products and enterprises.


    Learn to open and share. Don't be afraid that money will be earned.

    Manufacturing industry needs the spirit of openness and innovation.

    Li Peigen said that no matter how advanced the equipment made by an enterprise and how influential it is in the world, it can not completely dominate the whole industry.

    In the process of developing intelligent manufacturing, we must adopt an open system if we want to make progress and breakthrough.

    Many manufacturing enterprises in the United States advocate building block innovation, that is, modularization of different production factors, research and production by different enterprises, and then assembling like building blocks, eventually forming a complete industrial chain.

    Li Peigen emphasized that intelligent technology is a complex collaboration system, which requires multiple units to work closely together. The era of innovation alone has passed, and open collaboration can bring about innovation and progress.

    "In the final analysis, don't be afraid that money will be earned," he said with a smile.

    When it comes to openness, we have to share the closely shared economy.

    Li Peigen said that people now feel the benefits of sharing consumer goods, such as dripping cars, renting cargoes and so on.

    Can we share the means of production? Of course.

    For example, he said, some factories have very good equipment, but the utilization rate is very low. Some enterprises just need to make a new component, so it is not worthwhile to spend money on a complete set of production equipment.

    At this time, we need to share. The share economy mode of manufacturing industry is to reduce the cost of purchasing equipment by renting, buying, charging and counting according to the parts, so that SMEs can use some better manufacturing resources at low cost and low threshold.



    Intelligent manufacturing

    Inseparable from "ingenuity", we should not blindly "machine substitutions".

    Li Peigen believes that in promoting the process of intelligent manufacturing, the role of ingenuity and people is often easy to be ignored.

    He visited some enterprises in the United States, Japan and other countries, and found that the more highly industrialized enterprises, the more attention paid to the role of people.

    For example, the ingenuity of "focus and perfection" is irreplaceable by machines. A Japanese company that makes microelectronics manufacturing continues to provide parts and components for repair and replacement within 7 years after a certain machine terminates production. The famous DNK research enterprise has more than 100 employees, adhering to the idea of "skills and ingenuity and interest in the most advanced technology", and has achieved the leading position in the optical and electrical industry.

    "Intelligent manufacturing is constantly advancing, how can people and ingenuity permeate them?" Li Peigen said, no matter how advanced the intelligent technology develops, this problem should not be ignored.

    "I do not propose mechanization blindly."

    Pei Gen Li

    It is said that the industry is developing rapidly. When calling for "machine replacement", it often ignores the conditions of the enterprise for development, which makes it easy for some enterprises to go beyond their own conditions and deliberately mechanization.

    Li Peigen said that he himself was engaged in mechanical and automation origin. The significance of mechanization and automation is clear. This can not only improve production efficiency, but also give up the uncertainty of manual operation, which is more conducive to ensuring product quality.

    But the problem is that blindly advocating mechanization is likely to lead to neglect of the role of people. In the light of the current situation of some enterprises, this is not necessary.


    The future intelligent technology should make the machine "understand" people.

    If we enter the era of intelligent manufacturing, and if the industry is full of numbers and machines, will people fall into the fetters of data and machines? In the face of such doubt, Li Peigen believes that a key point of the new industrial revolution is the interaction learning between machines and human beings, not just one side manipulating the other side, but to let the machine "understand" people's words, understand people's intentions, and let machines cooperate with human partners.

    Li Peigen said that the traditional mechanization is the operation of machines by people, directing what they should do, and the development of intelligent technology in the future is gradually allowing machines to speak.

    For example, we install a lot of sensors on the equipment, collect a lot of data, analyze the feedback data and talk with humans, tell us how the machine is healthy, the quality of the parts produced and so on.

    The real machine to person relationship in the future is that the two sides can better cooperate and learn, learn something from human's instructions, and then store these things as experience. At the same time, people can learn new things from machines under certain conditions.

    Li Peigen said that the "synergy" here is actually putting forward higher requirements for machines. Now many robots have come out. It is not very difficult for them to work independently, but it is even more difficult for robots to figure out their intentions and cooperate with others.

    For more information, please pay attention to the world clothing shoes and hats net report.

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