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    How Are You Going To Pack "3 / 8 Women'S Day"?

    2018/3/5 15:09:00 365

    BrandCoachForever 21

     Female sex

    According to the world clothing shoes and hat net, it is approaching "3. 8 women's Day". This 109 year old international holiday has changed with the upgrading of consumption. It has become a festival showing women's strong influence in consumption from the call for safeguarding women's rights.

    If you pay attention to each


    The two words of "women" have basically been replaced by other Titles:


    There is "the modern Queen's Day".

    Forever 21

    The goddess festival was planned. The NetEase koala called it "goddess ceremony".

    What does it mean to change from "woman" to "Queen" and "goddess"?

    Tmall, who planned the "3. 8 Queen's Day", believes that, first of all, from the purchase category and consumption habits of female consumers in the past year, we can see that they have more and more women's strength of Queen Fan Er.

    According to Tmall data, in the past year, the amount of women buying "gloves" has increased by 75%. Even the "hardware toolbox" man product has been bought by women by about 3550000.

    In addition, the "women's power" is also reflected in the consumption category of having fun and developing functions.

    For example, in terms of fitness, the number of female users who bought the "running kit" increased by 1389%.

    At the same time, they did not treat themselves badly in buying and buying. About 3000000 people bought more than 5 Lipsticks in one year, and more than 350 thousand women started at least 12 bags in a year.

    Online holiday promotion and offline technology experience can further stimulate the purchasing power of female consumers.

    In addition to the upgrading of consumer products presented by female consumers at present, Tmall has observed another characteristic that accords with the Queen's temperament - the great influence of women in leading consumption.

    "Data show that the consumption of women in festivals is very strong and even leads to male consumption," said Luo, general manager of Tmall marketing platform. "Consumer habits of female users are quite different from men's consumption habits. They are more likely to empathate with opinion leaders and occupy the absolute voice of consumption in family life."

    The power of women's stars can represent this to a certain extent.

    In March 1st, Tmall and Ali data released a study on the influence of female stars consumption.

    The conclusion shows that Yang Mi, Guli Nazha, Di Ali Gerba and other traffic floret have a huge consumption appeal, but Fan Bingbing, Tan Songyun, Qi Wei, Gao Yuanyuan and other independent actress and temperament are more popular.

    Tmall's relevant person in charge said that the star's consumption appeal mainly depends on its external image and commercial value.

    Fan Bingbing, who recently became a beauty blogger in Xiao Hong's book, is not only crazy about female fans but also has strong consumption guidance in male consumers.

    Data show that the Fan Bingbing related products rank first in ZIPPO lighters and Swiss Army knives.

    On the first day of the Queen's day in Wuhan, nearly 500 Korean brand lipsticks were emptied in just three hours.

    Therefore, under the powerful consumption guidance of women, the "3. 8 women's Day" has become the key shopping festival like double eleven, double twelve and 6. 18.

    In this trend, Tmall has adjusted the "Queen's Day" to S level since last year, which represents the most important event of the year.

    "It's only in the whole Chinese consumer society that there is a festival like this," says Jia Luo. "This holiday has not been valued so much before."

    Zhang Lihua, publisher of fashion magazine Vogue, believes that the increase in women's consumption power stems from the increase in purchasing power of millennial consumers.

    Most of them have grown up in an excellent living environment, and have certain requirements for themselves and their lives.

    In consumption, we prefer goods to three and keep improving.

    Among them, with the rise of "fearless consciousness" and strong interest in tide cards, women have become the main force leading the fashion trend.

    Besides the promotion of the concept of consumption and life, women's economic ability is also increasing.

    The survey of Chinese women consumption shows that the employment ratio of urban women in China is nearly 70%, and nearly half of the women's personal consumption accounts for more than 1/3 of household income. It has formed a "market economy" of at least 5 trillion of its market value.

    Female consumers have undoubtedly become the draught of the continuous growth of the consumer industry. Therefore, businesses and products with female tastes will have more opportunities for development.

    More interesting reports, please pay attention to the world clothing shoes and hats net.

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