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    Sino US Trade War Will Be Showdown Tomorrow.

    2018/7/5 13:55:00 289

    Sino US Trade WarTrumpMinistry Of Commerce

    Sooner or later, it will come. In July 6th, there is no doubt that it is the key day. According to the Trump administration's announcement, the United States will probably impose tariffs on tens of billions of Chinese goods on that day.

    A showdown is coming, and China is waiting quietly.

    There are also some small waves. Yesterday afternoon, Xinhua News Agency suddenly broadcast a piece of news, only a short paragraph. After counting it and adding the head of the Xinhua news agency, there are 100 words.

    The full text is as follows:

      Xinhua news agency, Beijing, July, 4, the head of the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council in July 4th said that we have noticed that the Asahi Shimbun report on "China's" retaliation "will start before the United States. The position of the Chinese government has stated many times that we will never take the first shot and will not impose tariff measures before the US.

    As some friends have said, the shorter the news, the bigger the matter.

    Xinhua News Agency suddenly issued such a message, which is certainly not the usual practice. At least three observation points should be observed:

    Look at the unusual tariff Committee of the State Council.

    This is certainly not an ordinary institution. You know, in June 16th, the State Council Tariff Commission issued a circular against the United States. The Chinese announcement then said:

    In June 15th, the US government issued a list of tariffs to be added, which would impose a 25% tariff on imports of goods from China. About $34 billion was added to the products from July 6, 2018. At the same time, a tariff of about $16 billion would be imposed on the goods, and the public would begin to levy public tariffs.

    The US side's violation of WTO rules is contrary to the consensus reached between China and the United States, which seriously infringes upon our legitimate rights and interests and threatens the interests of our country and people.

    China has also decided to impose a 25% tariff on 659 imported commodities originating in the United States, and 545 of which are about $34 billion. Since July 6, 2018, tariffs have been imposed and the time for the implementation of tariffs on other commodities will be announced separately.

    In a word, in the Sino US trade war, the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council is very important, so this time it has come to clarify, and once the United States takes action, China will immediately start counterattack.

    From this point of view, at least in July 6th, China's counterattack will be of equal magnitude and strength. The United States has imposed a 25% tariff on US $34 billion, and China's counterattack is also $34 billion, 25%.

    Two: Japan's Asahi Shimbun.

    The Sino US trade war is also highly concerned by Japan. In July 3rd, a report on Asahi Shimbun aroused widespread concern in the world. This report says that China's Ministry of Finance said 2 days that China will implement retaliatory measures ahead of the United States.

    The reason why China first fired the first shot, according to the analysis of Japanese media, is because of the time difference between China and the United States. China enters the July 6th in the eastern hemisphere 12 hours earlier than the United States. Therefore, if China and the United States impose tariffs on the 6 day, then China's action will be 12 hours earlier.

    The Japanese media also felt a bit of a joke on Trump's jokes: Trump, you see you want to start a trade war, but you didn't expect that China could attack you ahead of schedule.

    I wonder if the Trump administration had thought of that before.

    Point three: the Chinese side will clarify immediately.

    Although everyone knows, the trade war was picked up by the US side. But for such a rumor, the Chinese side is the first time to clarify: we have seen the Asahi Shimbun report. The position of the Chinese government has stated many times that we will never shoot the first shot and will not impose tariff measures ahead of the US.

    Please note that it has been stated many times. This is our consistent position: you are unkind in the United States, but I can not be unrighteous in China.

    China must fight back, but we will not take action first in order to take the initiative. Only when the US formally started the trade war would China shoot.

    Why do we do this? Because the Chinese people care about international morality! We are not the provocative side, we are the victims. On this issue, China will never give people a word.

    This should be a Chinese tradition. Many times, in relation to China's major interests, we all see that China prefers to shed some blood, but will never take the first shot. We occupy the commanding heights of international morality. Of course, we will eventually make the other party pay the price.

    But this is not a sign of weakness. At this stage, China's efforts have been fully worked out, and all the tough words have been made. The plans for doing so have been done well, and China does not want to be distorted by some people in the world.

      A spokesman for China's Ministry of Commerce has made a clear statement:

    If the so-called tax list is issued by the US side, China is ready to make comprehensive use of all necessary measures, including quantitative tools and quality tools, and resolutely safeguard China's national interests and people's interests.

    The key is these eight words: China is ready.

    That is to say, China is on the alert and is closely watching every move of the United States. If the US does not act, China will not act; but once the United States moves, China will fight back immediately. I believe that in recent days, many government officials have been working overtime.

    The so-called quantitative and quality tools, that is, China does not lack the means of counter measures, will not only consider the scale of counterattack, but also consider the quality and lethality of counterattack, let alone the will of the Chinese people.

    There is no doubt that this is a major test facing China in 2018. Trade wars must be two wars, but not the other side will feel the pain.

    July 6th is coming soon. The cards will be displayed soon, and the bullets are loaded. China is waiting quietly.

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