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    Zhou Shaoxiong, Chairman Of The Seven Wolves Industry Group: Five Changes Reflect The New Label Of Chinese Textile And Clothing

    2018/10/23 11:36:00 44

    Seven WolvesChairman Zhou ShaoxiongChina Fashion Conference

    Annual annual meeting of China clothing association, from the head of the textile industry federation to the "big coffee" of textile and garment enterprises, will share some industry foresight thoughts. This year is the year of the Chinese clothing association. The annual convention is unusually unprecedented. It has gathered more than 800 elites in the national textile and garment industry. Sun Ruizhe, President of the Federation of textile industry, Chen Dapeng, President of the China clothing association, and Zhou Shaoxiong, chairman of the Limited by Share Ltd, gave a wonderful speech. The newspaper will interpret and share the core contents of the conference, with a view to enlighten the practitioners of the textile and garment industry.

    1. leap from scale development to quality development

    In 1978, the textile industry realized the total industrial output value (fixed price) of 47 billion 320 million yuan, accounting for 12.5% of the national industry. By 2017, the main business income of textile enterprises above Designated Size reached 6 trillion and 893 billion 560 million yuan, accounting for 5.9% of all industries above designated size. Industry's contribution to export earnings is outstanding. In 1978, the national trade deficit amounted to US $1 billion 130 million, and the textile industry achieved a surplus of US $1 billion 30 million. In 2017, the difference was $248 billion 890 million, 241.6 times that of 1978, accounting for 58.9% of the national trade balance. Over the past forty years, the industry has continuously promoted total factor productivity and value-added products.

    2. changes from domestic market to global market

    In 1978, China's textile and clothing exports amounted to only 2 billion 150 million US dollars. In 2017, China's textile and clothing exports reached 274 billion 510 million US dollars, 127.4 times that of 1978, accounting for 35.8% of the global share. The focus of the textile industry's utilization of international resources has changed from "Introduction" of the original products, capital and technology to "going out". From the "going out" process, we have experienced "product going out", "capacity going out", "capital going out" and "brand going out". As of 2017, there were more than 1000 overseas investment enterprises in the textile industry, with an investment stock of US $8 billion 810 million and annual operating income exceeding US $10 billion. With China's opening door wider and wider, the pace of the industry's going out is becoming more and more stable.

    3. spanformation from planned economy to market economy

    From the planned economy to the market economy, from the "fundamental role" of the market in the allocation of resources to the "decisive role", the private textile enterprises, as the most dynamic, potential and creative important components of the market economy, have become the backbone of building a strong textile country, playing an important role in promoting growth, expanding employment and enhancing vitality.

    Private enterprises have always been China. Textile and garment industry In 2017, the textile and garment industry private enterprises exported 185 billion 947 million US dollars, accounting for 67.7%, an increase of 1.7 percentage points over the previous year. State owned enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises accounted for 10.3% and 19.5% respectively, representing a decrease of 0.7 and 1.5 percentage points respectively over the previous year.

    4. change from respect knowledge to innovation drive.

    After forty years of development, the overall manufacturing capacity of China's textile industry chain has reached the international advanced level. In 2016, the total labour productivity of textile enterprises above designated size was 791 thousand and 600 yuan / person, which was 44.5 times that of 1978. Fiber material Technology is developing rapidly. carbon fibre A group of fibers, such as aramid, have broken the monopoly of foreign countries. The rapid progress of textile manufacturing technology has begun to change to the direction of intellectualization, greening and service. Scenario economy, platform economy and shared economy are widely infiltrated, and new models and new services are emerging. Industry management innovation and practice results are plentiful. Innovation has become the first driving force for the development of the industry.

    5., from ex gratia to balance of universal benefits.

    On the one hand, the industrial cluster plays an increasingly important role in the prosperity of the county economy. The development of ethnic and non heritage textile manufacturing industry has provided an important way for poverty alleviation in border areas and minority areas. On the other hand, Textile industry Improving the people's livelihood through service has become an important entry to the rural spanfer labor force, and has embarked on the road of universal benefit and win-win. For example, it provides about 10000000 jobs and hundreds of billions of yuan cash income for rural migrant workers every year. The industry uses about 9 million tons of natural fiber raw materials per year, which has made outstanding contributions to the development of agriculture and the development of farmers' income.

    You can see that China Textile and garment industry We have always followed the responsibility and mission, never forget our original mind, and forge ahead, always around the magnificent goal of building a textile power. That is to say, we should enhance the innovation power with material intelligence as the breakthrough, build a powerful country in science and technology, enhance consumption power based on fashion orientation, build brand power, enhance the responsibility of driving force by environment, build a strong power for sustainable development, enhance cohesion based on social favors and build a powerful country with talents.

    In the new historical development period, "technology, fashion and green" is becoming a new label for China's textile and garment industry. The innovation driven technology industry, the culture led fashion industry and the responsibility oriented green industry will make China's textile and garment industry shine more brilliance, and contribute to the world's attention to meet the new expectations of the people for a better life.

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