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    Discussion On Key Points Of Intelligent Factory Construction In Garment Industry

    2018/10/25 11:27:00 174

    ClothingIntelligent FactoryDiscussion

    In recent years,


    The development direction of intelligent manufacturing has been highly recognized and valued by industry enterprises for the needs of pformation and upgrading of industrial enterprises.

    China is the largest country, the most complete species, the most complete industrial configuration network and the highest proportion of international market share. With the acceleration of economic globalization, the demographic dividend and the cost advantage gradually weakening, while the low end manufacturing competitiveness of emerging economies is gradually emerging, China's garment industry is also facing more direct competition between the high-end industry value chain and developed countries, and the competitive characteristics have changed from natural resource competition to "knowledge innovation" competition.

    "Knowledge innovation" requires not only the higher knowledge and technology content of the product itself, but also the innovation of technology, management methods, organization, mechanism and production mode involved in the product manufacturing process.

    In recent years, with the needs of pformation and upgrading of garment enterprises, the development direction of intelligent manufacturing has been highly recognized and valued by industry enterprises.

    Garment enterprises have devoted themselves to intelligent pformation. The level of equipment and information construction of garment enterprises has improved significantly, and many specific achievements have been made in technological innovation and manufacturing upgrading. Some well-known clothing enterprises have initially built intelligent production workshop.

    Intelligent production is the main line of intelligent manufacturing, and intelligent factory is the main carrier of intelligent production, and it is also the main goal of informatization construction in garment industry.

    The intelligent Factory integrates primary intelligent means and intelligent systems, and realizes intelligent production process by constructing intelligent production system and networked distributed production facilities.

    Intelligent factories integrate intelligent manufacturing, lean logistics, visual management, standardized management, green manufacturing and other advanced production control theories and methods. They are capable of collecting, analyzing, judging and planning, and can make inferences and forecasts through the whole visualization technology. With the help of simulation and multimedia technology, we can expand the garment design and manufacturing process through the actual situation, and realize intelligent, flexible and agile product manufacturing, so as to shorten the product development cycle, reduce inventory, improve product quality, and achieve product customization.



    In terms of industry, there are three main points in building intelligent factories:

    First, complete data connectivity.

    Data connectivity is the foundation of the task flow of intelligent factories and the guarantee of normal operation of production systems.

    To build an intelligent factory, we must first carry out the overall design of the data from the full business perspective, so as to ensure that data structures are interrelated and avoid information islands.

    In the process of intelligent plant operation, business data from various application systems will be generated, including design information, process parameters, manufacturing information, warehouse logistics data, quality information and personnel information. Therefore, in the process of building intelligent factories, a unified standard system is needed to standardize the whole process of data management, and establish a series of data management standards, such as data naming, data coding and data security, to ensure consistency and accuracy of data.

    In addition, we need to clarify the principles and methods of data management, establish data management processes and systems, coordinate existing problems in implementation, and regularly check and implement technical standards, processes and implementation of optimizing data management.

    The data structure of intelligent factory has the following requirements:

    (1) Digitalization: establishing shared database and knowledge base for product lifecycle activities, and recording data in all links.

    (2) networking: establishing a continuous, interconnected computer network, CNC equipment network and production logistics / logistics network, so that all information can be interconnected by Internet.

    (3) integration; internal integration of application systems, and efficient data reconciliation, cleanup and mapping;

    (4) information visualization: through factory level communication and monitoring system, the pparency and visualization of factory production process can be realized, and useful information can be formed through data processing and displayed on demand.

    (5) coordinate decision Intelligence: coordinate the disturbances and fluctuations in the actual production process, use the relevant data and information, simulate the actual production process, and select the optimal production path to form the best decision.

    Two, the application of intelligent equipment

    Intelligent equipment and intelligent manufacturing cell are the foundation to support the realization of intelligent clothing factory.


    The key requirement of intelligent manufacturing implementation is that intelligent factories require the digitalization, networking and intellectualization of manufacturing equipment, and have the functions of perception, analysis, reasoning, decision making and control.

    Clothing intelligent manufacturing equipment mainly includes intelligent bed cutting, intelligent sewing system, intelligent hanging system, intelligent flexible ironing system, intelligent storage system, etc. it integrates sensors, intelligent control system, robot or manipulator, RFID technology and so on. It can monitor the equipment, production system and production status in real time, and achieve intelligent decision and adaptive control through human-machine interaction.

    In addition, clothing intelligent production equipment needs to realize the mutual perception and cooperation between the three intelligent machines, robots and human beings. While assisting robot or robot to complete grasping, pmitting and other repetitive labor tasks, it emphasizes human-machine cooperation and makes full use of human judgment, decision making ability and flexibility to complete complex and changeable tasks.



    The intelligent equipment used in the industry should be adaptively designed and developed according to the actual needs and characteristics of the enterprises. Through the establishment of a high flexible production system, the pulling mode will be used for JIT production, and the production balance can be achieved from the production plan, production line balance and quick change type, so as to improve production quality, minimize inventory and achieve efficient lean manufacturing.

    Three. Realizing information management.

    Intelligent management is the management of all activities in the entire garment manufacturing process. It pfers raw materials into clothing products by coordinating and managing resources such as personnel, equipment, raw materials and energy resources of intelligent factories.

    The intelligent production management system mainly manages actions performed by equipment, people and information systems, and manages activities related to scheduling, production capacity, product definition, historical information, production equipment information, and related resource status information.

    1, resource information management

    Resource information management mainly refers to the management of a collection of all kinds of information activities elements (information technology, equipment, information producers, etc.) that are accumulated in information activities and information centered. The main task is to effectively collect, acquire and process information inside and outside the factory, maximize the quality, usability and value of information resources, and enable all parts of the plant to share these information resources.

    ERP system is the main means to realize the resource information planning. The main work contents include production management, supply chain management, financial management, human resource management and data management.

    2, production information management

    Production informationalization runs through all aspects of intelligent plant operation, management, product development and production, mainly by improving production efficiency and product quality, reducing energy consumption, and driving innovation of design method, design tool, management mode, manufacturing technology and collaborative relationship between factories, realizing product design and manufacturing and plant management information, intelligent production process control, manufacturing equipment numerical control and consultation service networking.

    MES, as the core system of intelligent plant execution process, is used to support centralized control and scheduling of flow production lines. It can provide management modules such as manufacturing data management, planning and scheduling management, production scheduling management, inventory management, quality management, human resource management, equipment management, tooling management, procurement management, cost management, project Kanban management, production process control, bottom data integration analysis, and upper level data integration and decomposition.

    The MES system can connect with ERP upwards and downlink with production PLC. It can automatically import production orders, collect data and analyze them at the scene.

    3, digital operation management

    Digital operation management refers to using digital means to plan, organize, implement and control the operation process.

    The digital market operation is based on clear database objects, through digital multimedia channels, with the help of Internet, computer communication technology and digital interactive media.

    It uses the advanced computer network technology as far as possible, carries on the market development and the consumer excavation in the most effective and economical way.

    Data, equipment and management is an important element in realizing the intelligent factory of clothing. Intelligentized manufacturing is based on data access, and is connected with all links of operation management.


    The industry builds the foundation of a fully integrated and collaborative intelligent factory.

    With the further development of Intelligent Manufacturing in garment industry, the completion of the intelligent garment factory will be just around the corner.

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