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    Pacific Bird A Shares Bail Out To Invest $100 Billion To Repurchase Shares

    2018/10/25 13:47:00 24

    Pacific BirdSharesRepurchaseNet Profit

    By the end of October 22nd, Taiping bird executives increased their holdings of 1 million 534 thousand and 400 shares of the company and increased their holdings to 33 million 283 thousand and 800 yuan. After the A share market continued to slump, many investors lost their confidence. At the weekend, the market was warmed by the government's intensive voice. As the main body of the market, most listed companies come up with a rescue plan, in which buyback shares are one of the important means.

    In the first half of 2018, the performance rose sharply. Pacific bird (603877.SH) in the evening of October 22nd announcement, the company intends to buy shares of the company at a price not exceeding 25 yuan / share, and the amount of repurchase is between 50 million yuan and -1 billion yuan. Pacific bird The repurchase price is nearly 40% higher than the closing price in October 22nd.

    Intends to spend $50 million to $100 million on premium repurchase

    Taiping bird announced that based on the confidence of the company's future development, in order to effectively protect the interests of the vast majority of shareholders, enhance investor confidence and further improve the company's long-term incentive mechanism, the company plans to repurchase shares with its own funds, and the amount of repurchase will be no less than RMB 5000 million yuan, with a maximum value of not more than 100 million yuan, and the price of repurchase shares should not exceed RMB 25 yuan / share.

    If the total amount of repurchase funds is 100 million yuan and the price limit is 25 yuan / share, the number of repurchase stock is estimated to be 4 million shares, which accounts for 0.83% of the total capital stock of Taiping.

    In October 22nd, the Pacific bird closed at 18.27 yuan, or 9.07%. According to the closing price, Taiping bird's share repurchase premium is as high as 36.84%.

    In addition, based on the confidence in the company's future development and the recognition of the company's value, in order to promote the company's sustained, stable and healthy development and protect the interests of shareholders of the company, Zhang Jiangping and Zhang Jiang, some of the directors and senior managers of the Taiping bird's actual controller, Zhang Jiang (hereinafter referred to as "the main body of the increase") plan to increase their holdings through the two tier market from August 27th to February 26, 2019. The total amount of the increase is not less than 20 million yuan, not exceeding RMB $10000.

    As of October 22nd, Pacific bird Executives have increased holdings of 1 million 534 thousand and 400 shares of the company, with an increase of up to 33 million 283 thousand and 800 yuan.

    Substantial increase in performance and a continuous stream of subsidies

    Taiping bird and some subsidiaries and sun companies received a total of 45 million 902 thousand and 700 yuan of government subsidies in the middle of 2018 from 8 to mid September 22nd. Among them, the Ningbo Pacific bird fashion Men's wear In September 6th, the company received a subsidy of 20 million 770 thousand yuan, which is supported by high-tech zone enterprises.

    In addition to the above schedule, Taiping bird and some subsidiaries and sun also received 2 grants including special grants, with a total capital of 35.27 million, all related to income. All the above 45 million 902 thousand and 700 yuan of government subsidies are included in the current profits and losses of the consolidated statements of the third quarter of 2018.

    From late April to August 3rd this year, Taiping bird and some subordinate subsidiaries and sun company received a total of 49 million 402 thousand and 600 yuan from all kinds of government subsidies. From the beginning of 2018 to April 26th, Taiping bird and some subsidiaries and sun companies received various government subsidies totaling 71,74.99 yuan.

    In the first half of 2018, Taiping bird business income was 3 billion 169 million yuan, an increase of 12.41% over the same period. The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 197 million yuan, up 115.31% over the same period last year.

    The rapid growth of Taiping bird net profit is mainly due to the expansion of sales scale through initiatives such as continuously upgrading products, strengthening marketing network construction, promoting TOC, and so on. At the same time, continuous optimization of inventory structure has led to a decline in stock price declines, thereby improving the performance of the company in the first half of 2018.

    In the first half of this year, Taiping bird achieved a total retail sales of 5 billion 312 million yuan, an increase of 14.55% over the same period last year. Among them, the core brand grew steadily, PEACEBIRD Women's wear The total retail sales amounted to 19.58 billion yuan, an increase of 11.30% over the same period last year. The total retail sales of PEACEBIRD men's clothing were 1 billion 953 million yuan, up 17.79% over the same period last year. The total retail sales accounted for 73.63%. The ability of sustainable development of new brands has been continuously enhanced. Lok Ting has completed the adjustment of the franchise mode after the adjustment of the operation mode of the joint franchise. The total retail sales amounted to 675 million yuan in the reporting period; Mini Peace Children's wear The retail sales amounted to 575 million yuan, an increase of 19.52% over the same period last year. Fostering the brand, the MATERIAL GIRL women's clothing achieved retail sales of 120 million yuan, an increase of 21.10% over the same period last year. In the first half of 2018, Taiping bird's currency fund was 476 million yuan.

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