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    Vaccine Unit Collective Cooling New Crown Vaccine Commercialization Expected Plate Carnival Can Continue?

    2020/8/5 14:49:00 2

    VaccineCollectiveNew CrownVaccineCommercializationExpectationPlateCarnival

    The continuous hot vaccine plate ushered in a shock adjustment.

    In the morning of August 4, the vaccine plate continued to rise, leading the market. The popular stocks such as Fosun Pharmaceutical, Hualan biology and Changchun hi tech increased significantly. But after midday, many vaccine concept stocks dived rapidly, the plate turned up for a fall, the decline was the top.

    However, the strong are always strong. Although Kangtai biological has opened the trading limit board, it still closed at 9.11%; Weiming medicine and Liaoning Chengda increased by more than 4%, and Changchun Gaoxin micro rose by 0.81%.

    Due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, since this year, including vaccines, the biomedical plate growth against the trend, has let the industry "no wonder.". However, the recent acceleration of research and development of new coronal vaccine and the rising market expectation for its commercialization have added a fire to this already hot plate. This "fire" even burned to the edge of the vaccine industry chain, such as cold chain, filling, bottle, packaging and so on, which attracted a number of listed companies to clarify and prompt risks.

    Standing at the strongest outlet of the times, is vaccine concept stock going on carnival or calm? A sudden shock may be a signal.

    Vaccine sector in shock

    On August 4, the market experienced shock adjustment, and the Shanghai Composite Index ended up slightly higher. In the early days, Wanzhi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. dropped 9% in the early days, and bio medicine group fell 9% after the hot spot of bio medicine. By the end of the day, the concept plate vaccine index fell by about 2%, and the animal vaccine index and classical swine fever vaccine index fell first.

    Zhifei biology is a pure vaccine concept stock. Since the outbreak of new crown pneumonia, the company's share price has been soaring. The R & D of new crown vaccine of Zhifei biology is also in the first echelon in China. At present, the recombinant protein new crown vaccine cooperated by the company and microorganism is in the phase II clinical stage.

    Wantai biological has a new crown detection products. According to the latest announcement, the company's related testing products have been authorized by FDA for emergency use. As the overseas epidemic situation is still unstable, industry insiders believe that the new crown detection products still have market space. However, Wantai biological also said that the new crown reagent sales accounted for a small part of the company's overall revenue.

    Judging from the performance of the secondary market, the cumulative growth of the two has been very considerable. Zhifei biological has increased by 244.7% in the year and 15% in the past week. Wantai bio is a new stock listed in April this year, with the issue price of only 8.75 yuan, and the latest closing price of 260.31 yuan, an amazing 28 times increase. Therefore, the short-term adjustment of the two high price stocks is not difficult to understand.

    Tibet's pharmaceutical industry has seen the most drastic correction. From May 25 to August 3, Tibet pharmaceutical industry continued to soar, and its stock price rose more than four times in two months, becoming a big bull stock in the recent market.

    The main products of Tibet pharmaceutical industry cover biological products, Tibetan medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and chemical medicine. Its inclusion in the vaccine concept is due to the cooperation with Sri Lanka microorganisms.

    In June this year, Tibet pharmaceutical announced that it would invest 351 million yuan in Sri Lanka's microorganism industry, and obtain the exclusive global development, production, use and commercialization rights of its new crown vaccine, tuberculosis vaccine and influenza vaccine. Since then, the stock price has been soaring.

    In the face of the rising stock price, Tibet pharmaceutical industry has carried out risk warning for many times. On the evening of August 3, Tibet pharmaceutical once again pointed out the risks, saying that this cooperation involves new crown vaccine products, which are still in preclinical research stage in China. It is expected that the products will not be able to be listed in the region in the short term, and this investment will only obtain the commercialization rights of relevant vaccines, and the company will not become the equity owner of relevant vaccines.

    If we say that the rise of vaccine concept stocks still has logic to follow, the rise of Intel group, Aucma, akoli and other stocks is more speculative.

    Prior to this, the inter group recorded six consecutive board, Aucma recorded four board, the reason for the soaring share price is that the company is involved in the pharmaceutical cold chain logistics business. Recently, the two companies have clarified that the cold chain logistics business accounts for a very small proportion. On the 4th, the inter group broke six consecutive boards, with the increase narrowed to 4.57%; Aucma's share price dropped by 2.76%.

    The production of two vials of aclacin is related to the production of the vaccine. On the evening of March 3, the company clarified that whether the relevant materials could be applied to the production of vaccine bottles was yet to be verified. On the 4th, the company took a down limit; the concept of vaccine bottle Zhengchuan shares also ushered in the drop limit, with the largest increase of more than 5 times before.

    Differentiation signal appearance

    It's not hard to understand the heat of the vaccine plate. In recent years, there are many reports of vaccine research and development. According to the data released by who, there are more than 100 new coronavirus vaccine projects in the world at the same time. Among them, the vaccine projects in China, the United States and the United Kingdom have entered the stage of clinical trials. With the continuous promotion of research and development, the scale of the new crown vaccine is just around the corner.

    "In terms of attention, the epidemic situation abroad is relatively severe, and there is the possibility of sporadic outbreaks in China. In this case, the vaccine is the main preventive means, and the increase of the attention of the new crown vaccine is also the reason why the whole vaccine board is at a high level of attention. From the perspective of enterprise performance, the whole market is concerned about when the new crown vaccine will be developed, because if it is developed, the huge global demand will bring about tens of billions of profit space for relevant enterprises. From the perspective of deterministic factors, at present, the epidemic has led to greater uncertainty in the global economy, and the pharmaceutical sector is relatively more definite. " A Shanghai pharmaceutical industry analyst said.

    And this wave of adjustment is reasonable. "Stock price adjustment is a normal state, and the early rise is too good. It should be noted that the cycle from vaccine R & D to marketing is long, and the performance of enterprises can not see the immediate effect with the development of R & D, and the internal differentiation will be highlighted. However, at the supply side of vaccine bottles, the shortage of new crown vaccine glass bottles will not happen in the Chinese market. " A pharmaceutical industry broker told reporters.

    It is not difficult to see from the above individual stocks that the adjustment of vaccine plate is due to the high price rise in the early stage, and there is a short-term callback pressure; on the other hand, with the overall shock of the market, some stocks with stronger speculation meaning ushered in flameout.

    In fact, the stock prices of Kangtai biological, Weiming pharmaceutical and Liaoning Chengda, which are still strong in the concussion, have not surged continuously in recent years. In recent weeks, the stock prices have increased by about 20%, leaving room for the rise to some extent.

    The market is more concerned about, with the adjustment of the vaccine sector, what are the follow-up investment opportunities?

    From the Research Report of securities companies, the vaccine industry chain has indeed become an important recommended investment main line in the near future. Enterprises in the R & D sector are expected to focus on the vaccine industry, and they are expected to focus on the vaccine industry as the latest winner or loser.

    "In addition, in the" post epidemic "era, local outbreaks have led to an increase in the demand for new crown detection, gloves and masks; as the impact of the epidemic gradually weakens, the suppressed medical demand may usher in a large rebound." Southwest Securities latest research report pointed out.


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