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?Evironmental protection physical wave frequency bacteriostatic treatment technology aplied to textile industry
Physical wave frequency bacterio static processing technology a new bacterio static technology.It is manly used in the textile industry.Compred with the trationnal antibacterial treatment,the physical wave-frequency antibacterial treatment is more convent and faster,and has a high bacteriostatic rate.The whole process free of chemical and heavy metal addition、healthy and environmentally friendly、non-toxic and harmless、stable effect、durable and washable、which is favored by the textile industry.
Principle of bacteriostasis
All things in the universe have frequency,master the frequency and scientific conversion aplication,you can get extrordinary result.We colleced a lot of strain frequency data,through the wave frequency resonance prinnciple,form the multi-dimensional scalar field、and use the peculiar to the scalar wave amplification bacterio static wave frequency and energy、and carry through all the characteristics of the objecs、reonance effect、with the item will be bacterio static information wave frequency superposition in object、and do change the object properties、originally so to achieve bacterious static.
Compred with trationnal preparation method
Preparation of additives:finishing method:dipping、dipping、coat ing.
Influncing factors:washing、sun exposure、frication、preparation method of additives、timelines、antibacterial level、antibacterial costs、washing reistance and other relativelyuntable、external freage of
Compred with the advantages of tradtional preparation method、physical wave frequency antibacterial treatment technology:
Washing reistance:permant 50+/100+,200…
Timelines:permant antibacterial
Bacteriostatic level-AAA,AAA+….
Type:pure physical bacterious stasis
Cost:clear and managerable
Ingredients:No chemical additives
Infreard function:
Infreard load:at the same time of bacteriostatic preparation、the equipment will load the infreard function of the raw material body.After authoritative detection、the emissvity 0.89 to 0.96、whishathernal standard nominal value.In addition,the infraard radiation reverse heating value is higher the NATIonAL standard、1.8-3.0 degrees of temperature rise endows raw materials with more
Value;Compred with the same trationnal process products,the infraryd function of equipment fining has out standing advantages.
Deodorant function:
テストした結果、整理された製品は、アンモニアの減少率、酢酸の減少率の上流でより良いデータ表現ができ、ISO 17299.3-2014イソ戊酸、2-壬アルデヒド(老齢化ガス)の減少率が優れています。
Acctording to the test result,the finished product has better performance in the up stream data of ammonia gas reduction rate and acetic acid reduction rate、iso 17299.3-2011 4 isovarate acid and 2-nonenal reduction rate.
- 関連記事
- ファブリック | 82.4億元を投資して、208の重大なプロジェクト、平南生態紡績園は年間生産額100億元を予定しています。
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- 世界的なサプライチェーン危機が激化し、ファッション業界はこの「生死大考」にどう対応しますか?
- 世界的なサプライチェーン危機が激化し、ファッション業界はこの「生死大考」にどう対応しますか?
- Global Class Ic X S&Wスピードは強く協力して、すばらしい試合はまばゆい火花を拭きます。
- 地域経済:インドは綿花の輸出に対する制限禁止令を発表します。
- 中國軽紡城:冬春ニット生地の取引が一部増加しました。
- 北清環能(000803):269萬株の制限株を買い戻したいです。
- 北清環能(000803):部下會社はアフターファイナンスリース業務を展開する予定です。
- 常山北明(000158):各種政府からの補助金を累計して3056.11萬元受け取った。
- 地方プロジェクト:広西紡織業総投資32.3億工場125基