Teach You How To Get Along With The "Difficult" People In The Office.
The 4 most typical characters in the office are the despicable villains, the fiery prodigal son, the know all and the complaining. Why do these people make annoying behavior? There are some psychological needs behind them. As long as we aim at what they want, we can properly resolve their knot and get along with them.
The office was originally a hotbed of conflicts and disputes, but experts say that it is a growing workplace problem for colleagues to live in harmony. The Australian IPS company, which advising employees of 15 Asian countries, said that 20% of the consultations they provided in the past 1 years were related to their colleagues, and 5 years ago, the proportion was only 5%.
In order to prevent colleagues from interfering with your career and personal life, experts suggest that you should take an active attitude: if you can't escape, you have to face and solve it. People do not like conflict, but if your work is affected, you must have the courage to speak. Philip, Singapore's chief consultant, said: "the purpose is to improve relations, not to prove that they are right, but the other side is wrong." Conflict is not always a bad thing, he says, though it keeps you away from the safety zone, it will take you to the growing area, but this is going through the moaning area. Experts believe that one to one open discussion is the best way to solve colleagues' problems. Once the situation worsens, people must be involved in consultation, and the chance to improve relations will be very slim. Philip said that finding the other side's supervisor is the last resort. Once the problem is put on the table, it will often be torn away.
Workplace experts and psychologists classify the problem characters in the office into four types: A mean person, a prodigal son, a know it all, and a complaining person. Experts say that this classification is not meant to label colleagues, but to help you understand problems in dealing with colleagues and why they have such behaviors and try to solve them.
A mean person is a typical representative of paranoia.
1, mean villains.
You must have had this experience: when you were meeting, you put forward an idea of the project, someone immediately refuted or sneer at it. When the new colleague arrived, he would immediately give the others a threat or a pair of shoes. As long as there is any plot in the office, this kind of elder sister must have a share. Experts believe that a mean person is a symptom of paranoia, especially in times of depression. They are deliberately trying to make others look bad. In case of layoffs, they will be someone else, not themselves. However, the excessive competition they display may also be a sign of lack of security. This kind of person is particularly sensitive to threats around them, thus creating a self protective mentality.
If you are unfortunate enough to be the target of a mean person and decide to speak clearly to them, be sure to control your emotions. Before you face them, imagine their possible responses and how you respond. Experts say this kind of conflict often stems from minor issues or even misunderstanding. You don't have to hope to be friends with such colleagues, just try to work together. However, once you decide to face up to this colleague, be prepared mentally: the final result may be life and death, and one side has to walk.
Is the prodigal son the perfect character?
2, hot wave type.
This kind of colleague is like a time bomb. He loses his temper all the time. He is furious when he is in trouble. He throws a telephone, pats a table, throws a teacup, and makes the office nervous. However, they may also be cloudy and amorphous. Sometimes they come to the cold war in a bad mood: ignore people, do not speak, and deliberately ignore work instructions. Psychological experts point out that most of these people have perfect personality tendency, often look at the world in black and white, and have very low tolerance for setbacks.
The best way to deal with a prodigal son is to stay away from the storm. When they are mad, they must go. The most important thing is to keep calm and take a few deep breaths. Don't blow them up as adult attacks, but rather let them vent their grievances. If the other side is still in constant mood, consider taking charge of the intervention.
Jack of all trades is extremely insecure.
3, Jack of all trades.
Such colleagues may be talented and rich, but sometimes they are intolerable. Meetings become his personal speeches or even preach meetings; whenever you talk to him about business, he will give you a long lecture; no matter what problems you have, or you have no problems at all, he will give you a set of answers.
Such a person is also insecure, so he always wants to shift the topic to his field of good or reassurance. Experts say that Jack of all trades needs a lot of confidence. It is impossible for you to shut him up. He must be properly released. You may be able to say that you have benefited a lot, but let him understand that speaking is as important as listening. If you have such a colleague or subordinate, try to find them to sit down and talk; if it is your boss, you can only pray for him to leave quickly.
Pessimistic people only want to protect themselves.
4, complaining about others.
Why do I always get into such trouble? "It is impossible to achieve performance goals this month. "Well, I have to work overtime again." These words sound familiar. This kind of colleague has already complaining complaining to sublimate into an art and nothing to complain about.
This kind of person is extremely pessimistic. He always anticipate bad results of everything. It's like a defensive measure to protect himself. They may not cause direct harm to others, but they are the most needed characters to deal with. Experts say pessimism can be contagious, and morale will be severely depressed if it is not immediately directed. To cope with a complaining colleague, you have two choices: don't listen to their nagging complaints or use more optimistic ideas to answer them.
When you are faced with such people, remember that they often have different starting points for questions or events. For example, employees complain that companies may change their business policies or expand their fields by fear or ignorance.
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