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    Workplace People Pay Attention To &Nbsp; The 7 Worst Ways To Make Phone Calls.

    2010/6/11 9:10:00 41


    The fast-paced way of work allows us to have close contact with mobile phones every day. Electromagnetic radiation also quietly damages our bodies. Therefore, experts remind people to get rid of the seven bad habits of calling.

    1, private phone "sneak into the corner and whisper."

    Many people like to hide in the corner of the building for private phone calls.

    In general, the signal coverage in the corner of the building is relatively poor, so it will increase the radiation power of the mobile phone to a certain extent.

    For the same reason, when you are in a small and enclosed environment such as elevators, you should also use your cell phone carefully.

    2. Put your cell phone on your ear when you dial the phone.

    When the phone is switched off and the phone is not connected, the radiation will obviously increase. At this time, the cell phone should be kept away from the head and then call again after about five seconds.

    3. Hang your cell phone around your neck or waist.

    The radiation range of mobile phones is a ring belt centered on mobile phones. The distance between cell phone and human body determines the degree of radiation absorbed by the body.

    Therefore, people and mobile phones need to maintain the beauty of distance.

    Medical experts have pointed out that people with heart failure and arrhythmia can not hang their cell phones in front of their chest.

    If mobile phones hang on the waist or side of the body, they may affect the reproductive function.

    The more healthy and safe way is to put the cell phone in the carry on bag and put it on the outer layer of the bag as far as possible so as to ensure good signal coverage.

    4, the weaker the phone signal, the closer the ear will stick.

    When the cell phone signal becomes weaker, many people instinctively try to keep the cell phone as close as possible to the ear.

    However, according to the working principle of mobile phones, when the signal is weak, the mobile phone will automatically improve the pmitting power of electromagnetic waves, and the radiation intensity will increase obviously.

    At this time, the ears are close to each other, and the radiation from the head will increase exponentially.

    5, "one ear" pot "mobile porridge".

    Studies have shown that prolonged continuous radiation may affect the brain.

    Experts suggest that it is not appropriate to use a mobile phone for a long time. A fixed phone or a headset can be used. If you have to use a phone for a long time, you should also take turns every one or two minutes.


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