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    Improving The Quality Of School Enterprise Cooperation &Nbsp; Helping University Graduates Start Their Own Business

    2012/3/10 12:43:00 23

    College Students

    In 2011, 6 million 600 thousand universities were also seen. Graduate And the job market is cloudy. In this situation, entrepreneurship has become another important choice. In order to encourage college graduates to start their own businesses, the State Council has to increase the discount loan amount (Xinhua May 25th). After the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued a notice, the university graduates started their own businesses by reducing taxes by 8000 yuan each year.

       school-run enterprise Cooperation is an important part of Cultivating College Students' entrepreneurial ability. Therefore, the quality of school enterprise cooperation must be improved in the process of encouraging college graduates to start their own businesses. The central government is trying to use various preferential policies to set up a platform for entrepreneurship. However, as we all know, preferential policies are not the determinants of entrepreneurship or investment. The key is whether graduates are qualified enough to go on stage to "sing opera", that is, whether they have the ability to start their own businesses. The most effective form of education is the so-called "integration of industry, education and research", that is, school enterprise cooperation, so that students can experience the industry, find business opportunities in the rapidly changing market, and assess the situation and avoid risks. Most colleges and universities in China carry out school enterprise cooperation, but some local schools and enterprise cooperation systems are loose, asymmetric information, "sheep herding" and other phenomena are worrying. In order to help college graduates to start their own businesses, all sides should improve the status quo of school enterprise cooperation and improve the quality of school enterprise cooperation.

    First, school enterprise cooperation urgently calls for the introduction of a system. Industry University Research Institute Integration is the consistent requirement of China's education policy since the founding of the people's Republic of China. In July, the outline of the national medium and long term educational reform and development plan (2010-2020) continued to emphasize the combination of industry, University and research. However, there has been no detailed institutional arrangement for school enterprise cooperation in our country. For example, many schools do not have statistics on school enterprise cooperation, because cooperative enterprises are changing every year. There are too few long-term cooperation, especially in some liberal arts departments, which is not conducive to the accumulation of entrepreneurial resources for university students.

    If we want to make the development of school enterprise cooperation more perfect, schools and enterprises need to have a relatively constant connection. How to cooperate, the work to be completed every year needs a certain plan, which requires meticulous management system. The school also needs to develop a more comprehensive assessment system and set certain standards, otherwise it will cause students to participate in school enterprise cooperation in the "sheep" situation, so as to make school enterprise cooperation for students in the future in a specific field to prepare for the significance of entrepreneurship.

    In addition, in view of the phenomenon of "school heating and cold" in school enterprise cooperation, if the joint training or internship students fail to get a final business, or even the enterprise simply does not need it, then the enterprise level will feel that the interests are not balanced, and the enterprises can not operate solely for social responsibility. Therefore, in the cooperation between schools and enterprises, the state should subsidize part of the expenses of enterprises in school enterprise cooperation.

    Secondly, in school-run enterprise In cooperation, schools and enterprises must enhance communication. Although some colleges and universities have implemented the policy of "Double Tutorial System" to promote the joint training of Postgraduates by industry, University and Research Institute, some of them have personally participated in the students, indicating that there is not much communication between tutors and school mentors. The beginning of self employment requires a lot of communication and collision. The lack of communication is not conducive to the cultivation of students' entrepreneurial thinking.

    Schools should take the initiative in organizing exchanges. For example, how to cultivate students in two tutors, their responsibilities are all need to be formulated through communication. And schools and enterprises can not blindly cooperate for cooperation, if there is a gap in the concept or direction of operation, resulting in communication barriers, the two sides should stop to examine the process of cooperation.

    Finally, in the school enterprise cooperation, students' initiative needs to be strengthened. In the current school enterprise cooperation, most of the students' research projects are arranged by enterprises. They only study according to the scientific research projects that enterprises need to complete, which will restrict the formation of students' self starting business ideas. At this point, the school can select some "market information personnel" who are keen on starting a business. Let students understand the needs of the market and understand the needs of the market.

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