The Principle Of Network Marketing Planning Scheme For Garment Enterprises
network marketing As a part of enterprise marketing, the most important and essential part of marketing is information dissemination and exchange between organizations and individuals. If there is no information exchange, then the transaction is also a source of no origin. So, what are the mysteries of Internet enterprise marketing planning? What kind of enterprise marketing plan can achieve the goal? How to choose a good marketing plan? The World Clothing, Shoes and Hats Network will reveal the three principles of selecting a good marketing plan one by one.
Principle 1 of enterprise marketing plan: determine business objectives
The business objectives must be clear about the following issues: First, determine the target market. What kind of customers does the enterprise serve? where are you? How large is the market? This is the basic information for formulating the marketing plan. The second is to determine the marketing effect of enterprises. International brand network BR8. COM reminds that the effect here not only includes the profitability indicators of enterprises, but also includes the goals pursued by other enterprises, such as enterprise popularity, enterprise reputation, etc.
Principle II of enterprise marketing planning scheme: diversity of marketing planning mode design
There are various ways for enterprises to generate marketing plans. Common methods are:
1. Experience of own enterprise. In the long-term marketing activities, each enterprise has accumulated certain marketing experience, which is Clothing enterprises Intangible wealth. Learn from the successful experience of past marketing activities, analyze the current marketing environment, and generate new marketing planning plans;
2. Learn from competitors. Our competitors, especially the market leaders, have a lot of market information, and their activities are worth studying. International Brand Network believes that by carefully analyzing the marketing strategies of competitors, we can not only find their weaknesses, but also use their experience to learn from others' strengths and make up for their own weaknesses.
3. Innovation. The enterprise takes new measures in product design, service mode, price, sales, promotion and other aspects to make the marketing effect better.
Principle 3 of enterprise marketing planning scheme: evaluation of enterprise marketing planning scheme
The evaluation of various marketing activities is the basis for optimization. The advantages and disadvantages of an activity plan are generally compared from the following aspects:
1. Programme rule The expected return of, that is, to compare the marketing benefit objectives of various programs, such as profit indicators such as sales profit rate, cost profit rate, and total profit; The market development goals include market share, level and scope of target market development, etc;
2. The budget cost of the scheme, that is, compare the size of the input costs for each scheme, including fixed investment and current costs;
3. The feasibility of the scheme is the operability of the comparison scheme. Some schemes have good future effects, but cannot be realized at present, or there are major obstacles in the operation of the scheme, so such schemes cannot be listed as the preferred scheme.
World Clothing, Shoes and Hats Network believes that selecting a good enterprise marketing planning scheme It is very important. The wrong choice may bring devastating disasters to the enterprise. I hope the above content will be helpful to planners and enterprises.
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