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    Internal And External Cotton Quotas Are Difficult For Enterprises To Thirst For.

    2012/9/21 9:46:00 15

    CottonImport QuotasCotton Prices

    According to customs statistics, China imported in August 2012. cotton 306 thousand tons, an increase of 47.6% over the same period last year. In August September 2011, a total of 5 million 440 thousand tons of cotton were imported, an increase of 111.3% over the same period last year. In 2012 ~2012, China imported 3 million 767 thousand tons of cotton, an increase of 122.9% over the same period of August.

    According to a recent report released by the US Department of agriculture (USDA), the net sales of ~9 cotton in the US 2012/13 year were 72 thousand tons in the 6 week of August 31st. Among them, mainland China signed a net contract of 60 thousand and 200 tons a week, an increase of 12 times compared to the previous week, accounting for 84% of the total contract volume.

    As the largest cotton producing, importing and consuming country in the world, China's demand has strongly supported the international cotton market and has become a key factor affecting cotton prices.

      Cotton prices vary widely

    According to one industry insider, at present, the price of foreign cotton 1 tons is 14 thousand yuan, and domestic cotton price is 18 thousand yuan. Chinese textile enterprises and other countries' enterprises are at a disadvantage in competition, and the business difficulties are very great.

    The price of temporary cotton storage and storage in 2012 was 20 thousand and 400 yuan per ton, up 600 yuan from last year. This means that the existing cotton price difference between inside and outside may be even worse.

    In order to protect the interests of cotton growers, our country carried out the purchase and storage in September 2011, making the price of domestic standard cotton stabilized at 19300 yuan ~19600 yuan / ton in March of ~2012. 2011 By the middle of August, domestic cotton prices had been more than 5000 yuan higher than the international market, and the spread was 67% higher than the beginning of the year.

    The associated people of China Textile Federation pointed out that the consumption of cotton and the international cotton market were in excess of demand, resulting in a sharp decline in international cotton prices this year.

    In May 31, 2012, China's cotton price index was 328 yuan, 18731 yuan / ton. Cotton price The discount rate of index M grade cotton 1% tariff and sliding tax is 13441 yuan / ton and 13954 yuan / ton respectively, and the price difference between outer cotton and domestic cotton is 5290 yuan / ton and 4777 yuan / ton respectively. The cotton price difference at home and abroad has reached a record high this year.

    This price gap has been difficult to digest through the adjustment of enterprises and the market itself. "Now the situation is that the textile enterprises must make a deficit with domestic cotton, and they can barely maintain it with imported cotton." The Federation pointed out.

    Thirst for quota Enterprises

    But not all enterprises can use imported cotton. Insiders pointed out that China's cotton imports are quotas, and this year's cotton import quota is 1 million 500 thousand tons. Generally speaking, quotas are allocated according to the scale of textile enterprises. For small businesses that are not easy to get quotas, if they want to get cotton import quotas, they will pay an additional 3000~4000 yuan per ton of quotas. Because of this, quotas have been reduced to rent-seeking tools.

    In fact, the quotas are no less than 10 million tons of cotton consumption per year.

    The result of the massive import of cotton is that the stock of cotton imported at some ports is now even stacked outside the warehouse. On the other hand, however, it is the enterprises that do not use the right price cotton, and the quota has become a barrier for the industry.

    "Issuing no import quotas is a headache for the country." The quotas and cheap imports of cotton will make China become the Savior of the global cotton growers. How can this business be counted? No quota is given, and the high cost cotton enterprises will suffer from the main competitors such as Southeast Asia. On the other hand, cotton farmers and textile enterprises are in a dilemma.

    The NDRC has suspended this year's quota.

    However, recently, Zhang Xianbin, head of the national development and Reform Commission's economic and trade division, said that the difference between cotton prices inside and outside the textile industry was limited. With the large number of new cotton listed this year, there is no need for the state to put in reserves. The imported cotton will no longer issue quotas later this year. The supply and demand situation will be clear next year, and the stable price will continue to be the main keynote of the cotton market in the future.

    Zhang Xianbin stressed that textile industry can only truly achieve industrial transformation and upgrading through structural adjustment. The direction of the new year's national policy has been clear, and the temporary purchase and storage policy will be unswervingly implemented. The most important task at present is to carry out the temporary work effectively. Purchasing and storage policy In order to protect cotton farmers' interests and keep the cotton market running smoothly, the quota issue will not be studied this year.

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