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    New Down Coats Under The New Feather Down Era

    2012/11/24 14:50:00 65

    New Down EiderdownDown JacketDown Garment Brand

    The temperature dropped, regardless of coat, scarf, sweater,

    high boots


    How the concave shape is not as warm as a lightweight down jacket can warm your body.

    But girls have a qualitative concept of down garments, and they always feel angry and afraid to wear them.

    This idea is no longer in place now.

     New down coats under the new feather down Era

    Here, Xiaobian should be rehabilitated for down jacket, and the era of "new down" has arrived.

    Down Jackets

    Has already returned to the bloated, hypertrophy, single style form, today's down jacket design incorporates many fashionable elements, changeable patterns, very fashionable, and its lightness and warmth, so it is so important to buy a beautiful down jacket for yourself in winter.

     New down coats under the new feather down Era

    The black and white Tri Color classic matching, simple and visual impact, slim bodice, short jacket with tight pants to show a good figure.

     New down coats under the new feather down Era

    Use in details

    Printed fabric

    Let the down jacket also have the national wind.

     New down coats under the new feather down Era

    This year, the army is green and hot, bright and self-cultivation is more gorgeous, with a tight skirt and sexy legs. Absolutely {page_break}!


     New feather clothes under the "new feather" era

    The exaggerated hair collar is a luxurious fan. The waist belt is tight and slender, with a high tube boot full of femininity.

     New down coats under the new feather down Era

    Waist, hair collar, more lightweight design, luxurious color sense of modernity.

     New down coats under the new feather down Era

    Silkworm cocoon profile design integrates the elegant Chinese style.

    With the belt, visually highlights the self-cultivation effect, very fashionable.

     New down coats under the new feather down Era

    Bright colors break the gloomy deadlock in winter, and jacket styles are more warm and show body shape.

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