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    The Latest Financing Ideas And How To Help Smes Develop

    2013/9/4 21:01:00 21


    < p > < img border= "0" align= "center" alt= "" src= "/uploadimages/201309/04/20130904091017_sj.JPG" / "> /p >

    < p > the healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises is related to the effective operation of the national economy.

    However, under the pressure of declining orders, rising labor costs, industrial upgrading and difficult pformation, many SMEs are struggling to survive.

    Let small and medium-sized enterprises enjoy supporting financial services to become the key to solve the problem. After many years of discussion on this problem, can we find a way to break through tight encirclement through new ideas? < /p >

    < p > < strong > multiple factors forming predicament < /strong > /p >

    < p > recently, the first financial daily released a report on China's SME confidence index in the second quarter of 2013.

    The report shows that the second quarter's SME confidence index, operational confidence index, investment confidence index and financing confidence index have declined in different ranges, of which the macro confidence index and financing confidence index have decreased most significantly, down 7.48 percentage points and 7.97 percentage points from the previous quarter.

    < /p >

    < p > this data confirms the current situation of SMEs' financing which is still difficult. At present, the financial resources obtained by SMEs in China are very inconsistent with the value created by society: Although the proportion of small and medium enterprises accounts for 60% of GDP, the contribution rate is 50%, while the proportion of loans is less than 20%.

    < /p >

    < p > small and medium-sized enterprises are small in scale and are difficult to obtain the mortgage guarantee capability required by risk control, so it is difficult to obtain bank loans.

    Taking Shenzhen as an example, there are about more than 20 SMEs registered in the city, accounting for more than 99% of the total number of enterprises in Shenzhen. However, the proportion of credit granted to them is less than 30% of the total corporate credit in the city.

    < /p >

    < p > while obtaining loans is difficult, the cost of loans from banks by SMEs is also very high.

    Ms. Wei, who runs glass manufacturing enterprises in Dongguan, told the reporter of the world Manager: "our interest in bank financing is only one aspect. In the process of borrowing, we still need to pay mortgage registration fees, notarization fees, business enquiry fees and so on. It is really not a small sum."

    < /p >

    < p > a lot of small and medium-sized enterprises apply for a loan. They often need to pay more than ten kinds of third party costs, and after the application, they still need to wait for a long wait process before they can get the money.

    "Banks are not giving you all in accordance with the needs of the loan, you also need to deduct the deposit from the total amount of loans, and it is very worthless to deposit them in the bank."

    Wei said.

    < /p >

    < p > bank loans have various troubles, but this is only for small businesses with completely private backgrounds.

    Ms. Wei said frankly that she knew that some enterprises with background of state-owned enterprises were often able to "get around the bend" to get the funds, and for her operators, even though the bank loan procedures were complicated, they still needed a long wait process, but the cost was still smaller than that of private financing.

    At present, the monthly interest rate of private lending of SMEs is generally around 2%, and the annual interest rate is as high as 24%, far higher than the interest rate from bank loans.

    < /p >

    < p > < strong > the policy is very beautiful and the reality is very cruel. < /strong > < /p >

    < p > in fact, many banks have issued preferential policies for SME loans, and the industry's discussion on financial services to support the development of SMEs has also been heated up again and again.

    < /p >

    Less than P, Minsheng Bank has positioned itself to serve small and medium-sized enterprises, and has been exploring the service innovation.

    As a bank initiated by private enterprises, people's livelihood has a natural connection with small and medium-sized enterprises.

    < /p >

    From P to 2010 to 2012, the scale of SME's business inside and outside the Minsheng Bank was 97 billion yuan, 139 billion 800 million yuan and 177 billion 600 million yuan respectively, the annual compound growth rate was 35%. The scale of SME loans was 79 billion 500 million yuan, 105 billion 200 million yuan and 126 billion 100 million yuan, respectively, and the annual compound growth rate was 26%. The overall development momentum was good; the number of assets customers of small and medium-sized enterprises was 6740, 9712 and 12202 respectively, and the annual compound growth rate was 12202.

    < /p >

    < p > according to Jeky, President of Minsheng Bank financial affairs department, the growth of SMEs in Minsheng Bank in 2012 is faster than that of the whole bank.

    "Small and medium-sized enterprises are developing rapidly, and the demand for capital is acute. Many times it is difficult to find third party guarantees. These are factors that need to be considered.

    In this regard, the bank innovating financial products, through the intellectual property rights, machinery and equipment, credit executives and other factors to carry out mortgage portfolio, making it easier for customers to finance.

    < /p >

    < p > even so, there are still many static business indicators that banks need to consider.

    "Banks lack the long-term analysis and understanding of enterprises, which often leads to a high risk assessment."

    Jeky said.

    In addition, interest rate liberalization has just started and the process is slow, making the loan and deposit spreads larger.

    In addition to the internal management of banks, external supervision and accountability of risks, banks, even with policies, are often unable to help.

    < /p >

    < p > in fact, most of the loans issued by banks to state-owned enterprises are distributed to state-owned enterprises.

    Under such circumstances, lending to small and medium enterprises needs great risks, and banks need to pass on risk costs.

    At present, the interest rate of state-owned banks in lending to SMEs is generally less than 20%, but they will charge other kinds of fees to enterprises.

    As a whole, the interest rate of banks for SMEs is generally up to 30%.

    < /p >

    < p > < strong > New Expectation: private banks or network financing? < /strong > < /p >

    In June this year, the executive meeting of the State Council clearly proposed that private banks and financial leasing companies and Consumer Finance Companies should be set up at their own risk by private capital investors.

    < /p >

    < p > this decision seems to let SMEs see a glimmer of dawn.

    Many private enterprises in Guangdong have expressed their application images to the regulatory authorities, including Li Xinghao, chairman and chief executive officer of the board of directors of CHIGO holdings.

    In August 22nd, Suning Yun merchants made it clear that the company was applying to the relevant departments to establish "Suning bank".

    < /p >

    < p > another pleasant news comes from Shanghai. Since the State Council decided to establish a "a href=" http://sx.sjfzxm.com "Shanghai" /a "free trade area" in July this year, private capital has also entered the financial industry with a new entry.

    Shanghai banking regulatory bureau has begun to counsel private bank sponsors, and private enterprises that originally made small loans also hope to be pformed into community banks.

    < /p >

    < p > Shanghai free trade area will become an experimental field for institutional innovation.

    But for now, private banks are just "looking beautiful."

    This concept has not entered the implementation stage, and the specific policies have not yet been promulgated.

    The establishment of private banks is bound to support the pformation of economic structure. However, a series of problems such as how to define access standards, formulate risk control standards and control capital volume need to be solved.

    < /p >

    < p > outside the physical banks, the financing channels on the Internet have also been rolled out.

    Whether a href= "http://www.91se91.com/news/index_c.asp" > Alibaba < /a > a href= "http://www.91se91.com/news/index_cj.asp" > balance treasure < /a >, or Renren launched all loans, microfinance, consumer finance has become a new entrance of network gold fusion.

    Through network data analysis, the network financial platform may be able to grasp the real situation of more enterprises, and provide sufficient technical support for its credit business.

    < /p >

    < p > private banks are emerging, and Internet financing has begun. The traditional credit model is being attacked in an all-round way.

    More convenient financial services have become a shining point for attracting SMEs. It can be imagined that when private banks and network financing are on the right track, they will be able to provide financial support for the truly profitable SMEs and help them develop and innovate.

    It will also be able to continuously develop more robust, convenient and high-quality financial products.

    < /p >

    < p > in fact, both the innovative bank financial services and the introduction of private capital are core to help SMEs develop.

    Only by truly solving the plight of SMEs can we realize the current pformation and upgrading of China's economy.

    < /p >

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