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    Many App Online Mobile Internet Into Footwear Industry New Opportunities

    2014/3/26 16:04:00 49

    InternetShoes And Clothes3G

    < p > according to the latest statistics of mobile phone users in China, in March 2012, the number of smart phone shipments in China was 17 million 451 thousand, an increase of 133.9% over the previous year and a market share of 44.1%. The popularity of mobile terminals such as smart phones and tablet computers and the maturity of 4G network technology have greatly promoted the development of mobile Internet. The rise of mobile Internet has had an unprecedented impact on traditional e-commerce providers. < /p >
    < p > for the traditional footwear industry, the mobile Internet has brought new opportunities for the industry. Broader coverage, more precise marketing, more personalized interaction and closer access to users mean that the footwear industry has broad market prospects in mobile Internet. In the face of the huge profits in the mobile internet field, how to enter the mobile Internet is a problem that the traditional shoes and clothing business providers need to consider. < /p >
    < p > the "Bosideng down garment" APP mobile client on-line provides a good reference for the traditional shoe and clothing electric business to enter the mobile Internet. This shows that mobile phone client APP is the new entrance of the traditional shoe and clothing enterprise to enter the mobile Internet. With the help of mobile APP client as a breakthrough in the mobile Internet industry, the biggest advantage is that the mobile APP has uniqueness. Most users will only download 1-2 APP in the industry. The development of APP for shoes and clothing enterprises can seize the desktop of mobile phone users, thus taking the lead. < /p >
    < p > industry expert Ding Zemin pointed out that through developing APP client, shoes and clothing enterprises can seamlessly connect with 3G users of mobile Internet and attract more potential consumers to enter the official website of the enterprise, thus quickly grabbing the new market of mobile Internet. Therefore, the traditional shoes and clothing business enterprises should speed up the development of exclusive enterprise APP client. < /p >
    < p > however, Ding Zemin also pointed out that many enterprises have problems in developing the APP client of mobile phones, such as the lack of understanding of the habits of mobile phone users, the lack of understanding of the special attributes of mobile phones, and the lack of understanding of the overall planning of enterprises. These problems will greatly reduce the loyalty of mobile phone users, lack the brand personality of enterprises, affect the brand image of enterprises, and can not achieve seamless docking with 3G users. Therefore, in the process of developing mobile phone APP, the traditional shoes and clothing enterprises should be guided by the principle of "depending on customers". < /p >
    < p > "shoes and clothing enterprises in the development of mobile APP client process, we should take full account of the difference between the characteristics of mobile phones and traditional PC, consider the personalized business needs of mobile Internet users, according to their own positioning and long-term planning, targeted development, only APP will be done for users, so that users can improve user utilization, and ultimately achieve the brand marketing and product sales promotion of mobile Internet." Ding Zemin said. < /p >
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