A Western Banquet For Guests To Take Seats.
It is very learned to arrange guests to take seats. The hostess should lead the most distinguished lady into the restaurant and let her sit on his right side. A distinguished guest can also be the oldest woman, or a friend who has not visited for a long time. The next important woman Guest It should be arranged on the left side of the male host.
The hostess usually sits at the end of the table, and the important male guest should sit on her left side. It should be noted that men and women should arrange their seats evenly while arranging seats, and try not to arrange couples to sit together.
When there are too many people, the hostess can hardly tell the seats of the guests. Seat card 。 If there is no seat card, the hostess should go forward and tell the guests their seats.
Ladies will sit down immediately after they find their seats, but the hostess should be seated at last. A man should pull a chair for the lady on his right and wait for the hostess. Seated Then sit down. The most distinguished male guests will be holding the hostess when they enter the living room, but when seated, they should pull chairs for the lady on his right, while the hostess is served by the man on her left.
If the guests are left-handed, they should be arranged in the corner so that when they eat with the people next to them, they will not bump into each other's arms.
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1. When you get off, the driver escorts the car first, and quickly opens doors for the leaders and guests. At the same time, the driver is fixed on the door above the door, and the car door is protected by one hand. If a lot of people take a car, who is the most convenient to get off?
2, if the leader attends an important welcome ceremony, the other party is ready to arrive. At this time, we must wait for the leader to get off the train, then we will get off, otherwise we will have the suspicion of robbing the camera. In this case, how can the leaders get off? If they are three or more commercial vehicles, they will be opened by the people on the side of the leader, and then avoid the rear row to make the exit for the leader. If it's a double row car, there will be people in the crowd who welcome the driver to open the door.
3, in many people and suitable occasions, men first off, ladies and elders after alighting, service personnel first off, after the leadership of the car.
4, if no person is responsible for opening the door, the escort should first get off the back door of the left side, bypass the car to the right rear door, and help the ladies, elders, superiors or guests to get off.
5. When riding on a 3 row car with a folding chair, the driver should take the car in the middle row, and get off the train first.
6, when riding on 9 rows of 3 sedan cars, the low position men, juniors, subordinates and owners should get on the train first, and then the high places, namely, ladies, elders, superiors and guests, should get on the train. When you get off, the order is exactly the opposite. Only those who sit in the front row can get off the car first and pull the door open.
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