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    Four Taboos For New Couples To Buy Clothes For Their Neonate!

    2015/3/14 9:28:00 8

    Baby ClothesClothing QualityBaby Clothes Brand

    Now many new couples are just beginning to get pregnant, so they can't wait to buy their children lots of clothes. They want to dress up their children as a little baby girl. They usually think about it very little and are attracted by clothes, so they don't consider which clothes are suitable for new born babies.

    For the sake of your baby's health, you should follow suit to buy clothes for your baby.

    Avoid buying baby clothes and cheap goods.

    Although the brand name clothing is cheap, there are many hidden dangers of quality. The so-called "cheap goods are not good enough" is a BB that can not be spoken.

    The choice of baby clothing should be the safety and comfort of the details.

    Therefore, it is best to go to the shopping mall counters to buy, not only quality assurance, but also many details are considered for the baby, that is, the price is more expensive.

    But when there are activities in the mall, there will be a larger discount. When buying, you can buy good clothes with high quality and low price.

    Avoid buying low-grade cotton materials.

    Some brands are also known as brands.

    All cotton

    But don't trust your expectant mothers.

    You need to know the origin, weight, color and handle of the cotton label before deciding whether to buy it or not.

    Avoid buying baby clothes of chemical fiber fabrics.

    Chemical fiber fabrics are cheap and colorful, and many mothers like them.

    But this category


    It is not conducive to infant sweating and breathability, and contains more chemical agents. BB is prone to skin diseases.

    Avoid buying baby clothes with too bright colors.

    Experts point out that brightly colored


    Often lead is high, because it adds a lot of dyeing materials, infants and young children wearing colourful underwear for a long time, lead can be absorbed by the skin, which can easily lead to lead poisoning in children.

    Lead poisoning can affect the baby's gastrointestinal tract and tooth development, cause abdominal pain, and even affect the intelligence development of children.

    Some of the novice parents may be too young, they are children, they have children, do not know how to prepare things for their children, ask their parents, or feel that their minds can not keep up with the present, they can also find some reliable forums to discuss with senior mothers.

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