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    Reserve Cotton Is Becoming A Market Vane And New Cotton Is Becoming More Competitive.

    2017/4/27 22:38:00 35

    New CottonReserve CottonPrice Market

    According to statistics, as of April 20th, 1 million 3 thousand and 700 tons of reserve cotton pulley sales were planned in 2017, with a cumulative turnover of 742 thousand and 500 tons, the turnover rate was 73.98%, the average paction price was 14832 yuan per ton (3128 price 15970 yuan / ton) and the highest single bundle paction price 16500 yuan / ton (public).

    During this period, Zheng cotton trend formed a simple small "V" word, the lowest 14645 yuan / ton, the highest is 16500 yuan / ton; 2016/17 Xinjiang cotton spot "double 28" inland warehouse delivery price is in 15800-16300 yuan / gross (gross weight) interval.

    From the price point of view, the reserve cotton has little advantage over the CF1705 contract, but what puzzles is that as of April 20th, the amount of cotton warehouse receipt was 3912 Zhang (+57), 156 thousand and 480 tons of cotton lint were folded, the effective warehouse receipt volume was 3154 (-32), the lint cotton was 126 thousand and 160 tons, and the total two tons were 282 thousand and 640 tons.

    I. use

    Reserve cotton spinning

    The cost of medium and low count yarn has greatly reduced the cost of textile enterprises, and the profit has increased earlier.

    Spun C40S and above cotton yarn (including JC32 and JC21) used 1 grades of light yellow cotton dyed, 2 grade yellow cotton dyed cotton and 1 grade cotton with yellow dyed cotton, which had an effect on yarn quality, CV value, Mao Yu and 100 meter breakage rate. But within the acceptable range of downstream buyers and customers, the 13000-14000 yuan / ton round price has given the small and medium-sized textile mills full capacity to produce.

    The rapid growth of conventional yarn and medium and low count yarn not only gave India yarn, imported yarn from Pakistan, Indonesia and Vietnam, but also led to the spread of low spun yarn, uneven yarn price and relatively large difference.

    Two, it is still somewhat difficult to reserve cotton blended 40S or more combed yarn and combed yarn, even if the machine picked cotton in the 2012 and 2013 Corps needs more than 30% of new cotton or imported cotton.

    From Hubei, Henan, Shandong and other places

    Textile enterprises

    From the feedback point of view, the phenomenon of reserve cotton bidding for "good goods is not cheap and cheap is not good" is very prominent. The final paction price of "double 28/ double 29" reserve cotton is basically close to the 2016/17 of Xinjiang cotton spot in the inland bank, and the price of individual bundles is slightly higher. However, some low quality and low grade reserve cotton have racket, and the paction price is lower than that of this year's real estate cotton.

    Overall, the impact of Xinjiang cotton on the new cotton "double 29/ double 30/ double 31" in 2016/17 is not great. After all, there are some differences in color level, consistency and spinnability.

    Xinjiang cotton

    The impact of 3128/2128 on Cotton (C2 value and fracture strength below 27.5) is relatively large and belongs to the same level of competition.

    Three, although the supply of cotton reserves has dominated the supply, it has become a market vane, but the price is high.

    According to statistics, in the middle of April, although the number of manufacturers in non textile enterprises was less than 50%, the turnover volume was over 50% (some trade was commissioned by textile enterprises or two joint auction), and the intention of supporting and supporting the market was more obvious. From the perspective of CF1705 contract price and high spinning yarn and high spun yarn enterprises, the starting price and paction price of reserve cotton are still high, and the price of Xinjiang cotton is basically the same as that of 2016/17. Therefore, textile enterprises generally hope that relevant departments will continue to increase the input of high quality Xinjiang cotton, to trade speculation and increase prices to suppress, and to really make profits and support cotton enterprises.

    For more information, please pay attention to the world clothing shoes and hats and Internet cafes.

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