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    Ningbo Clothing Festival Launched Eight Free Services, It Is Worth Your Possession!

    2017/7/1 11:10:00 47

    Ningbo Clothing FestivalGarment IndustryDesignerIntelligent ManufacturingSurface AccessoriesOrdering Meeting

    The exhibition should not be a mere offline display for only three to four days.

    We want to be a resource link between you and the market, customers and industry.

    As a big platform for the development of garment industry, I hope you can start a wonderful journey from here.

    Taking advantage of twenty years' development of industry resources and big data resources.

    Ningbo Fashion Festival

    The organizing committee has launched eight free services to truly implement the concept of "one exhibitor and year-round service" to boost the pformation and upgrading of garment industry and innovation and development.


    Trade information services:


    Costume festival

    Customer resources are freely available to garment enterprises, and trade and cooperation information is recommended to boost market expansion.


    Publicity and promotion services:

    Assist garment enterprises to integrate propaganda and new media resources to help invite journalists, new media and industry professionals to participate in corporate activities and boost corporate brand publicity.


    Industrial activity services:

    For garment enterprises to organize relevant industrial activities on a regular basis, build mutual learning and mutual learning, production capacity cooperation, information exchange platform, and boost enterprise innovation and development.


    Industrial factor services:

    Free recommendation of clothing designers, clothing management information and other talents to assist enterprises in technological upgrading, intelligent manufacturing upgrading assessment, free recommendation of the latest accessories, to boost the upgrading of the industrial chain.


    Conference and exhibition services:

    To assist garment enterprises in planning ordering, product launches, exhibitors in other places and exhibitors from abroad, so as to boost the effectiveness of enterprises' promotion activities.


    Image design service:

    Assist garment enterprises to do well in image design, sample design, propaganda carrier design and other work to boost brand building.


    Government enterprise docking service:

    To help enterprises link up with the government's industrial policies, play the role of bridge link between costumes and garment enterprises and government, and help enterprises grasp the pulse of the times.


    Strategic planning services:

    It is helpful to invite national industry experts to plan development strategy, product positioning, merger and acquisition, internationalization, information and so on to promote the scientific positioning of the enterprises.


    Ningbo Fashion Festival

    Please pay attention to the world clothing shoes and hats net.

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