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    Fuli, Hong Kong, Hong Kong And Hong Kong Unveiled Ali Cloud Habitat To Lead The New Ecosystem Of Fashion Industry

    2017/10/16 15:21:00 60

    Ali CloudFashion IndustryLogistics

    On October 11th, the 2017 Hangzhou cloud habitat conference was held in yunqi town.

    After 8 years of experience,

    Yunqi Cloud Town Computing Conference

    It has grown into the top summit of global cloud computing, and is also a technology festival of China's Internet industry. It brings together the most advanced technological achievements of cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and Internet of things, as well as the latest technological innovations in various industries.

    On the real estate forum of yunqi general assembly, Ms. Cheng Yi made a keynote speech on behalf of Fuli, Hong Kong and Hong Kong.

    In her speech, Ms. Cheng Yi, based on her experience in commercial real estate for many years, combined with the evolution and evolution of China's commercial real estate in the past 20 years, pointed out that the current entity businesses that are generally under attack should actively embrace the Internet and face difficulties, and use cloud computing, big data and other technologies to achieve information, shorten the links, and accurately analyze the advantages, make up for the lack of line, and achieve the beginning and March of online and offline businesses.

    The location of the Hong Kong trade port is no longer just the role of the property provider, or the introduction, integration and application of new technology and new technology. It is the guide for the offline merchants to realize the pformation of the business mode.

    Ms. Cheng Yi believes that China's current

    Fashion light industry

    There are all kinds of pain points, such as demographic dividend, industrial chain channel redundancy and overcapacity, which urgently need to be pformed.

    With the upgrading of people's consumption concept, many styles and new fast become the general demand of the fashion industry, thus putting forward higher requirements for the supply chain of products, especially the supply of garment industry.

    At the beginning of its establishment, the Hong Kong trade port project was based on innovation to promote industrial upgrading and ecological help to pform industries.

    In practice, the Hong Kong Trade Port concentrated on the three points of intelligent procurement, buyer matching and supply chain collaboration, and built a "order" order platform to provide suppliers of fashion industry with an all-round supply chain service including property. The services include matching and recommendation of buyers, ordering online and offline, ordering the whole network and brand incubation.


    After the supplier is stationed in 100 million platforms, the Hong Kong and Hong Kong port will hold an online or offline ordering meeting.

    Besides ordering customers from suppliers, the order will also invite cooperative buyers.

    These buyers may be net red, or some of the buyers' big coffee.

    Moreover, the Hong Kong trade port will also enlarge and invite the crowd through matching analysis and precise placement technology to achieve the multiplication of buyers based on the user portraits of the original buyers of the suppliers.

    And buyers can quickly achieve procurement decisions through the analysis of sales data and power flow analysis of 100 million platforms. First, trial sales are done through small orders, and then return quickly through the Internet platform.


    Hong Kong Trade Port

    The eco partners can arrange the centralized procurement of raw materials and arrange the production plan reasonably through the historical order analysis and the data of upstream and downstream eco partners.

    With the Internet and big data technology as the link, the whole industry's ecological resources are integrated through the online and offline platforms to achieve the optimization of the whole industry's supply chain.

    At present, a hundred million series of solutions have successfully helped some designers at home and abroad to achieve the overall optimization of the supply chain.

    In addition to a hundred million services, the Hong Kong and Hong Kong port will provide a series of industrial services including logistics, intelligent park, foreign trade import and export to merchants, hoping to enable merchants to quickly locate and acquire the needed industrial resources, and use it at low cost, and ultimately achieve rapid development of business.

    In the process of realizing these services, the Hong Kong trade port has made extensive use of the latest technologies such as cloud computing and big data, and has carried out deep cooperation with the strategic partner Alibaba group in the construction of the industrial Internet platform.

    Now, the construction of the platform has taken shape. Many Internet products have been put into use and achieved good results.

    At the forum, Ms. Cheng Yi's speech aroused a lot of sympathy. Some real estate colleagues were surprised at the application of the Internet technology and the innovation of the business mode.

    In the future, the Hong Kong trade port will continue to make efforts to create the best products of the world with the power of technology.

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