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    Environmental Protection "Look Back", Jiangsu And Zhejiang Textile Enterprises Become "The Hardest Hit Areas"

    2018/6/30 11:07:00 97

    Environmental ProtectionJiangsu And ZhejiangTextile Enterprises

    Since the beginning of June, the central environmental protection inspection team has begun to take action to carry out the "looking back" work of environmental protection supervision. Now it has been stationed in 10 provinces such as Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Guangdong and so on. A small number of small and medium-sized enterprises that fail to meet the standards will be faced with a cut-off, rectification or even a direct punishment.

    In addition, in view of the textile enterprises' "look back" action started one after another, textile enterprises were once again pushed onto the cusp of the storm. Textile enterprises sewage and other problems turned out to be the hardest hit area. Many textile enterprises and chemical fiber mills failed to "shoot".

    Unauthorized change of waste water treatment mode, Wujiang textile mill in Suzhou stopped production and rectification

    Wujiang District of Suzhou received a "look back" interview from the central environmental protection inspector on 13 July, reflecting the printing of Wujiang Xinyuan Machinery Factory in Donggang road.


    The water treatment plant (Zhou Fangfang textile finishing mill) has made the environmental impact assessment (EIA), no waste water treatment facilities, direct discharge of waste water, set up a false exhaust device, and discharged exhaust gas straight.

    On the day of receiving the report, 9 people in charge of the Wujiang district government, the Environmental Protection Bureau and Shengze town conducted a field investigation and found that the situation reflected by the masses was partly true.

    During the investigation, the plant is being produced, and there are the following problems: the production waste water has not been reused, commissioned by the sewage treatment plant to discharge after treatment, which is not consistent with the requirements of the EIA approval; after the project was formally put into operation, the environmental protection facilities of the project were not checked according to the prescribed standards and procedures; the sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides exceeded the standard of the waste gas discharge outlet of the boiler; no hazardous waste identification signs were set up, and hazardous waste and waste oil were stacked in the workshop.

    In response to the problem of unauthorized modification of waste water treatment methods, unchecked environmental protection facilities, excessive boiler exhaust emissions, and no identification marks for hazardous waste, the Shengze town government made a decision on the 14 day: to order the plant to stop production and to punish, and to impose a penalty on the factory for the existence of illegal activities, which amounts to a total fine of RMB 475 thousand yuan.

    At present, the enterprise has been shut down and strictly implemented the reclaimed water reuse in accordance with the requirements of the EIA. It is expected to be completed in September. It is expected that the hazardous waste storage sites and hazardous waste identification signs will be standardized and declared and disposed. It is expected to be completed by the end of July. In June 15th, the fuel oil of the oil fired boiler will be replaced with light diesel oil. If the rectification requirements are met, the "three simultaneous" inspection will be completed immediately after the production is resumed.

    Shen Gang, deputy manager of the pipe network Department of Shengze water treatment development Co., Ltd. (state owned personnel) failed to supervise the sewage discharged from the enterprise in violation of the EIA to the sewage treatment plant. The Wujiang District Commission for Discipline Inspection addressed Shen Gang's admonishing remarks.

    The first case in Jiaxing! A textile enterprise in Tongxiang has been investigated by the environmental protection department for this kind of behavior.

    Recently, the Tongxiang Environmental Protection Bureau has carried out a "looking back" special action on the online registration project of the EIA registration form of the enterprise construction project. The administrative licensing department is responsible for the examination of the archival items already registered, and simultaneously identifies the "suspected problem items".

    In the "looking back" action, we found that the new production of 1530 tons of cotton and cotton wrapped wire produced by Yuan Hao textile in Jiaxing city was fraudulent, deceived and deceived.

    After verification, the company mainly produces cotton and cotton covered silk and compares the list of classified management of environmental impact assessment of construction projects. The company's declaration and construction projects should be classified as "textile manufacturing" category "other than the manufacture of woven goods and their products", and the category of environmental impact assessment should be approved for the preparation of the EIA report form.

    After the investigation was confirmed, the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau decided that the registration form for environmental impact assessment of the construction project submitted by the enterprise was invalid according to law and was revoked.

    Since last year, the online registration system of EIA registration has replaced the original EIA registration system. At first glance, the EIA system of enterprise construction projects is simpler. In fact, the environmental protection department has not relaxed the supervision of construction projects.

    The Environmental Protection Bureau of Tongxiang will severely investigate and punish illegal enterprises attempting to cheat and deceive deception to evade the formalities of formal EIA through online filing.

    Reporters learned that the company has been placed on file for investigation.

    It is worth mentioning that the investigation of this case is the first case in Jiaxing and has a good warning effect.

    Environmental protection "looking back": how does the wave affect the chemical fiber market in the off-season?

    To sum up, environmental protection supervision is often high pressure, textile industry pattern continues to optimize.

    Since May, with the intensifying of environmental protection, the events related to the limit of market suspension have not come out: Lianyungang Chemical Industrial Park has been upgraded continuously, several factories have stopped, and Ji Hua and Wuzhong have received nearly one million tickets. The textile clusters of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong continue to carry out checks, shutdowns, and production restrictions for textile and dyeing factories.

    And this is the traditional off-season 5, June, due to shutting down, stop production, limit production news, disrupted the pace of the off-season for a while.

    Market sources are once again becoming tense.

    The issue of delivery is once again pushed to the cusp of the market. Many grey traders say that it is difficult to get goods in the busy season.

    In the short term, with the deepening of environmental protection "look back", there will be more and more environmental pollution incidents of public reporting and media exposure. A large number of chemical parks and textile enterprises are facing a breakdown of production and rectification. The production of chemical fiber fabrics will be affected to a certain extent, thus supporting the price of chemical fiber.

    In the medium to long term, we need to see whether the future environmental protection policy will further increase or have a greater impact on textile production.

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