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    A Red Bean Reform And Innovation Road, From Small Workshops Into 100 Strong

    2018/10/10 9:56:00 45

    Red Bean GroupChairman Zhou HaijiangReform And Opening Up

    In October 8th,

    Front page of Securities Daily

    Published articles

    "A red bean" reform and innovation road, from small workshops into the hundred strong.


    Hong Kong Group as a model of China's outstanding enterprises since reform and opening up


    "A tour of China's outstanding listed companies -- a special report on celebrating 40 years of reform and opening up".

    The front page of the Securities Daily is as follows:

    In the past 40 years since reform and opening up,


    From a closed down township enterprise, it has developed into a straddle.

    Textile and clothing

    Rubber tyres, big health, commercial real estate four groups of companies.

    In the 500 most valuable brand list of China, red bean brand ranked 81.

    Looking back at the past, Zhou Haijiang was very impressed: "in 1957, my grandfather started a small workshop from cotton spinning, but until the reform and opening up, the enterprise has not been developed.

    At the beginning of reform and opening up, small factories were on the verge of collapse.

    When my father took over the factory and carried out a series of reforms in 1983, the factory came back to life.

    Zhou Haijiang said, "without reform and opening up, there will be no red bean group today, nor is it my personal today."

    Fill time every day to deal with changes in the market and users.

    Jiang Chunao, director of the technology center of red beans home Commodity Center, who worked for 41 years in red beans, told the Securities Daily reporter: "companies have come to several secretaries, but eventually they have left. Only one secretary has left for 6 months."

    In 1982, when enterprises were facing a crisis of closure, red beans waited until Zhou Haijiang's father, Zhou Yaoting, Secretary of the Party branch of Donggang town.

    After being appointed director of the factory, Zhou Yaoting led his colleagues to visit the factories in the surrounding areas.

    At the same time, the factory also introduced the most advanced machinery and equipment at that time, and hired Song Hegen, director of the first China cotton mill in Shanghai.

    "At that time, the song master also introduced 12 teachers from different positions to the enterprise, such as the technician of the machine factory, the special technician of the knitting factory, the master of clothing equipment, the designer of clothing, and the dyeing engineer.

    In order to retain these experienced teachers, the factory not only provided accommodation for them, but also paid 500 yuan a month for each person.

    This was almost a huge sum at that time, because Zhou Yaoting's salary was only 30 yuan per month.

    Jiang Chunao said.

    Whether it is buying new machines or asking teachers, they are all on the verge of collapse.

    To this end, Zhou Yaoting mortgaged his real estate to lend money, and also launched factory workers to sell stocks in streets and streets.

    Jiang Chunao and other 6 managers also made up 280 yuan in their own pocket, and their monthly wages were only around 28 yuan.

    Zhou Haijiang recalled the situation at that time: "my father went home for three consecutive years without taking salary. For this reason, my brother even voluntarily gave up his studies."



    In the early days of reform, there were many difficulties. But through technological innovation and machine renewal, red beans gradually got out of trouble.

    In 1988, red bean launched its first patented product, the nurse's shirt, which soon became popular throughout the country.

    The red bean has only a few hundred thousand yuan profit from one year, and has made a net profit of 100 thousand yuan a day.

    Zhou Haijiang told reporters: "in order to let the Nursing Shirt enter the knitting station (at that time, the clothes must enter the needle spinning station) for sale, I let my staff send a letter of sale to all the knitting stations, and with the confidence of" selling to the money, not selling back and subsidizing ", the nurse's shirt quickly occupied the market.

    Later, CCTV's news broadcaster announcer also wore our costumes.

    "Consumers are changing very fast. Enterprises also need to adapt themselves to changes and remain unchanged."

    Zhou Hongjiang, general manager of Hong Kong stock, analyzed that before 1998, the clothing industry was the era of shopping malls. From 1998 to 2008, the clothing industry mainly made the circulation market by dealers. After 2008, the red bean shares were pformed and upgraded, and the chain monopoly mode was developed.

    Since then, the red bean group has been upgrading its smart store, striving for the application of high technology in the store at the same time of informatization.

    Executives of Hong Kong stock are highly concerned about every change in the market.

    "We have long been concerned about market changes and user changes, not only with annual plans, quarterly plans, but also weekly plans.

    Fill your time every day to deal with changes in the market and users.

    Zhou Hongjiang said.

    In Zhou Haijiang's view, private enterprises have only one way to go, that is, leading innovation.

    The reason why red bean men win consumers is business model and brand innovation.

    According to Xu Jianfeng, director of the red chain image of men's clothing chain, in order to carry out product innovation, red bean set up its own commodity research and technology center, and hired designers from Japan, Korea and other places.

    At present, the company has more than 100 R & D design team.

    Build the "three in one" modern enterprise system

    With the expansion of enterprise scale, management deficiencies are exposed.

    "At the beginning, factories were eating big meals, and doing more than dry and small wages were all the same.

    In order to solve this drawback, we began to reform the management system.

    Jiang Chunao told reporters that the factory first cancelled the fixed wage system and implemented the piecework wage system in an all-round way.

    How much cloth is woven per day by weight?

    "The piecework wage system is in the first month of implementation, and it has great resistance."

    Jiang Chunao recalled that at that time, due to the lack of technology, there would be dozens of holes in the output cloth, and special repair personnel needed to be arranged to fill holes.

    In order to reduce the loss, the factory adopted the system of deducting wages.

    If the length of the cloth exceeds the limit, the wages of the workers will be deducted.

    Jiang Chunao said that because of the implementation of the three shifts in the morning and evening, the night shift workers usually slack off.

    Once the machine is in trouble, the cloth will often suffer heavy losses.

    Some people are afraid of being fined and take the cloth home.

    Since the reform of the management system, everyone is like a stool with two legs.

    In the 80s of last century, the scale of township enterprises was relatively small.

    After the expansion of the enterprise scale, the ship is good to resist waves.

    However, there will also be adverse reactions such as slow response and slow decision making.

    In Zhou Haijiang's view, this is the bottleneck of development.

    "In the 40 years of reform and opening up, what I remember most was Deng Xiaoping's visit to the south in 1992."

    Zhou Haijiang recalled that after Deng Xiaoping's speech in the south, people's minds were liberated and national policies were further opened up.

    In 1993, the red bean group established the first township enterprise group in Jiangsu Province, and implemented the linkage of the four systems, namely, the internal shareholding system, the internal market system, the benefit contracting system, and the parent subsidiary company system. The four mechanisms were adopted.

    The new system has enabled the development of red beans to enter the fast lane.

    In 2004, Zhou Haijiang became the president of the group after being elected to the sea, and began to promote enterprise system innovation.

    At the national level, the establishment of a modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics is also from this period.

    Zhou Haijiang said that although the modern enterprise system has better coordinated the interests of all parties within the enterprise, the system also has a ceiling.

    Why is Tokyo electric power hidden in Japan after the Fukushima nuclear leak? Because they pursue the maximization of the interests of all parties inside the enterprise, including owners, operators and workers, but they are unable to control the interests of the external country, nation and society.

    This shows that although the modern enterprise system is good, it is only responsible for coordinating the interests of all parties, regardless of external interests.

    Zhou Haijiang believes that on the basis of the modern enterprise system, Party building and social responsibility should be added to the enterprise. The trinity of modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics can ensure the consistency of internal and external interests.

    "Fulfilling social responsibility is the obligation of an enterprise. This is not just a reward, but a return.

    Enterprises can help vulnerable groups and accumulate intangible assets by fulfilling their social responsibilities, including promoting the harmony of surrounding communities.

    Zhou Haijiang said.

    Good entrepreneurs are not selected but honed.

    The competition among enterprises is not only the competition of products, brands and markets, but also the competition of talents. The key to success or failure lies in talents.

    The importance and cultivation of talents in the red bean group should be reviewed from 1987.

    Zhou Haijiang told reporters: "in 1987, the local leaders asked my father Zhou Yaoting at the meeting of the cadres, dare to promise the 10 million yuan output value of the red bean group, the output value of 20 million yuan next year, and the output value of 100 million yuan in 2000.

    My father dares, but the people on the stage do not believe it.

    The financial director of the country said that our township enterprises can not be divided into college students, and how can no talent develop? After that, my father tried to introduce talents, including mobilizing me home.

    In 1987, Zhou Haijiang taught at the Hohai University.

    For Zhou Haijiang, whose grandfathers were in the countryside, teaching at a university can be described as a "fish leap" and an iron rice bowl.

    Zhou Haijiang later resigned from his university teacher and was not understood by his family.

    "I quit to return to my hometown because I realized that ability is the best iron rice bowl."

    Zhou Haijiang told reporters: "when I was in University in Shenzhen, a fellow countryman was a general manager of a Hong Kong funded enterprise in Shenzhen, but soon he was removed from office.

    Unlike in the mainland, Shenzhen is capable of being a factory director and cannot be removed from office.

    Zhou Haijiang also found that drivers driving in the laundry were studying English desperately.

    He deeply felt that reform and opening up had the greatest potential to release everyone's potential.

    Later, the red bean group sent notices to colleges and universities to attract large numbers of college students.

    But how to retain talent has become Zhou Haijiang's biggest problem.

    "We have a very good employee in a foreign trade subsidiary, and I worked hard to train him, but suddenly one day, he offered to resign, and so many years of painstaking efforts."

    Zhou Haijiang told reporters: "enterprises should care about training talents, but they can not build their hopes on one or two people. Instead, they should set up a whole set of systems and implement system selection."

    It is understood that the red bean in the use of human resources, through the emotional economy - the interests of the economy - able person economy - system selection four stages.

    In the end, red beans adopt "competition for posts and system selection".

    "Red bean has awarded 50 thousand yuan bonus to excellent salesmen, but when someone gets the money, he goes there alone.

    This allows us to think about how to better retain talents.

    Wang Zhuqian, deputy secretary of the Party committee of the red bean group, told the Securities Daily reporter: "after the reform, the red beans will implement the incremental allocation method, and the executives and employees will pay for the shares themselves.

    It not only retained talents, but also mobilized the enthusiasm of all. "

    In 1997, it was difficult for bank loans to be affected by the Asian financial crisis.

    Although individual executives have offered to withdraw from the stock market, most of the middle and senior managers have stayed because they have shares in their hands.

    In addition to retaining talents by shares, the factors of system selection are also important.

    When Wang Zhuqian came to red beans in 1993, the interviewer was Zhou Haijiang. "At that time, I saw that red beans could elevate such young people to the leadership level. They should be more valued personal abilities.

    So I chose to stay. "

    In the red beans, almost every week will be launched competitive posts, from the section chief, workshop director, sales manager to director, general manager of the company.

    Competitors can compete in any post.

    Similarly, Zhou Haijiang also experienced the step of competition.

    Unlike other family businesses, the successor of red beans was elected by "sea election", and before that, red beans had recruited the general manager for millions of annual salaries.

    For Zhou Haijiang, who was elected president of the group in 2004, he paid a lot for this position.

    "In fact, when Zhou Haijiang was elected, everyone agreed, because Chow has been contributing to the development of red bean and has taken part in many important decisions of the company."

    Wang Zhuqian told reporters that in 2001, under the auspices of Zhou Haijiang, Hong Kong soybean shares were successfully listed, which made Zhou Haijiang's influence in the group bigger and bigger. After listing, Zhou Haijiang launched 8 projects with 300 million yuan of funds raised, so that the 4.2 square kilometers of red bean industrial city was initially established.

    "Sea election is a form. Outstanding entrepreneurs are not selected, they are honed."

    Zhou Haijiang told reporters: "any enterprise is faced with the problem of successors.

    I was originally a subsidiary of the management group international company. If I hadn't worked in the position of general manager of international company for more than ten years, I don't think I can succeed.

    Promoting industrialization 4 and achieving "eight sides win win"

    Focusing on the development of men's clothing business, Hong Kong stock expands its business scale and promotes the construction of science and technology informatization based on data and consumer centered.

    Under the combined efforts of many parties, the main industry of red bean men's wear has achieved good results.

    In the first half of 2018, the business income of red bean men's clothing was 1 billion 163 million yuan, an increase of 50.19% over the same period last year. The actual operating profit after deducting non profits increased by 61.14% compared with the same period last year, mainly due to the increase in the sales of men's wear.

    It is understood that in the first half of the year, Hong Kong shares continued to expand channels, the total number of stores increased to 1190.

    While expanding channels, Hong Kong shares continue to deepen brand value building, and strive to create a brand style of light fashion, starting from the three dimensions of brand, product and vision, and strive to precision marketing.

    In this regard, Zhou Hongjiang told the Securities Daily reporters, at present, after 85 and after 90 has become the main force of consumption, therefore, in the product positioning, the company adopted "young, functional, fashionable and leisure oriented positioning".

    At the same time, in order to make the public affordable, the price of red beans is relatively close to the people, which is a factor in the growth of the main business.

    For the future of Hong Kong stock, Zhou Hongjiang told reporters: "at present, the State advocates changing from high speed development to high quality development.

    Therefore, red beans are also constantly pforming to accelerate the 4 of enterprise informatization and industrialization.

    "Through digital management, red bean stocks can achieve efficient decision-making and rapid response."

    Zhou Hongjiang told reporters: "the future red bean stock should pay more attention to fashion, technology and experience."

    Zhou Haijiang believes that for private enterprises, listening to the party's words and going with the party actually determines the fate of the enterprise.

    At present, Zhou Haijiang's orientation for the future development of the red bean group is to improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, create "four red beans" and realize the "eight party win win".

    It is the stakeholders of the company's interests, including shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, intermediary partners, governments, environment and communities.

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