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    How Did ZARA Founder Ortega Build The World Brand Of ZARA From Scratch?

    2019/1/16 15:21:00 65


    You may not have heard of Amancio Ortega, but you must have heard of it.


    ZARA is a clothing company founded in Spain in 1975. It is also ranked third in the world and ranked first in Spain, and has established more than more than 2000 countries in eighty-seven countries.


    Chain store.

    ZARA this dress.


    Everyone knows, but few people can tell the name of his founder because he is too low-key.

    Otcodo is low-key? He has surpassed Bill Gates as the world's richest man and ranked third in the Forbes rich list in 2017.

    Ortega rarely accepts any media interviews. Even the prince of Spain visits his company. He is only being asked to be served by others, so that neither the prince nor himself has seen Ortega himself.

    What made him such a character? How did he build the world brand of ZARA from scratch?

    Hold your dream

    According to the world clothing and shoe net, Ortega was born in the poor Galicia area in northwestern Spain in March 28, 1936. He is the son of a railway worker and a housewife.

    The civil war broke out in Spain at that time, which made the originally impoverished family more embarrassed.

    His father's salary was only three hundred in the month, which was enough to buy ten dozen eggs at that time.

    Because of the difficulty of food and clothing, Ortega moved to La Coruna at the age of eight. This is a very confusing small fishing village.

    At the age of thirteen, Ortega was forced to drop out of school and become an apprentice at a clothing store. He was very diligent and intelligent like countless small tailors. He knew that he had to rely on himself to change his destiny.

    To change his fate is to learn skills. His dream is to become an excellent tailor.

    At the very beginning, Ortega's job was very simple, sending the new shirts to the guest's home.

    Later, he became a tailor assistant, gradually learned how to tailor and touched the core area of the industry.

    During the apprenticeship, Ortega found that the price of a piece of clothing had doubled several times from design to sale, and his family was poor. He dreamed that he could earn some money one day.

    With dreams, there is motivation. Young Ortega is very good at learning. He is personally involved in costume design and production, which lays the foundation for the establishment of ZARA brand in the future.

    Change steadily

    After a few years of exercise, the older osteel came to work in a senior clothing store.

    Here, the huge gap between the poor and the rich once again stimulated him.

    "At that time, all the rich people were very concerned about their money. In fact, it was not a lot of money, but they thought they were superior to others.

    I have to prove myself with no slack work. "

    Ortega, who was smart and smart, worked hard to get ahead. He quickly rose to the fore and was promoted to department manager.

    Ortega, who was promoted to manager, worked harder.

    The boss asked him to sell an exquisite lady's nightgown. In the sales meeting, Ortega found that the market of the Nightgown was good, but it was unnoticed because the price was too high.

    So he began to produce himself with cheap cloth and sell it half of the price.

    This attempt made him see business opportunities, so Ortega founded his own clothing factory in 1963, the main product is cheap nightgowns.

    The middleman was omitted and sent directly to the store for sale.

    Ten years ago, only three or four family small workshops were expanded to more than 500 large garment factories. Ortega also had his own design team.

    Just as everything was advancing steadily, the oil crisis broke out.

    In 70s, the wave of corporate bankruptcy swept across Europe, and Ortega failed to escape to the brink of bankruptcy.

    In order to save himself, Ortega decided to create ZARA brand and sell it himself.

    As an experienced professional manager, Ortega decided to open the first ZARA store in the busiest commercial street in the District of Clooney, adjacent to the most famous luxury goods store.

    The favorable geographical location made ZARA attract the attention of many customers. When customers entered the store, they were captured by the fashion design and the price of the people. ZARA quickly spread all over Europe and became popular among the public, especially the young consumers.

    Only fast but not broken

    "Fast" is an important killer of Ortega's management strategy.

    An ZARA fashion from design to production, from logistics to sales links, takes an average of only two to three weeks, ten times faster than competitors.

    When the new product reaches fifty percent to sixty percent of its production, it will be sent to the store. If it fails to perform well in the first week after the launch, it will be withdrawn immediately and will no longer be added to production. If the sale is good, then the predetermined production volume will be completed in the next few weeks.

    However, even the hot money will not stay in the shop for more than four weeks. The three week is the time when all the clothes styles of ZARA store are updated.

    ZARA's successful experience has provided a good template for other brands. Ortega has copied almost all of ZARA's models into other newly developed brands.

    More than 260 designers often travel around the world to collect trends information from various fashion conferences, pick the most popular styles, then redesign them, quickly produce new ready-made clothes, and sell them globally through strong multinational sales capabilities.

    When most fashion retailers complain of declining business volume, the Inditex group's earnings report shows that ZARA's turnover and profits have been growing.

    This is because the Inditex group has formed a virtuous circle from design, production, stores to consumers, and the loyalty and purchase rate of consumers are very high.

    ZARA has been growing at almost a weekly rate.

    Today, ZARA has opened nearly five thousand stores in more than 70 countries and regions around the world.

    Shop in the most prosperous section of the central area of the big city, then extend the tentacles to the smaller cities around the country, and let the brand influence radiate across the country without advertising.

    This "fast mode" marketing strategy makes ZARA considered by Harvard Business School to be the most worthwhile brand in Europe. Walton business school regards it as a classic research case in the future manufacturing industry.

    Although Ortega has resigned from ZARA's chief executive, he has never stopped working.

    Even in September 2016, it became the richest man in the world.

    From a penniless poor tailor to the throne of the two richest man in the world, Ortega relies on this spirit of peace of mind and constant reflection.

    Finally, LEAD Lide Jun Jun chicken soup, the successful process is the constant challenge of their own, the process of continuous development.

    Challenge yourself and stick to it. Maybe you are the next winner.

    In addition to this, Meng sister also wants to say that it is not important to be successful. The most important thing is to learn hard skills. You need to know that Ortega's business knowledge is constantly growing up and learning and improving the structure with people and teachers. If you are not able to do that now, you need to improve yourself through learning and learn lessons that can enhance your hard skills in a short time, so that you can keep winning the closed loop.

    More interesting reports, please pay attention to the world clothing shoes and hats net.

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