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    The Nineteenth Shanghai International Textile Industry Exhibition Opened. "Textile Manufacturing" Becomes The Key Word.

    2019/11/26 14:45:00 0

    Textile ManufacturingThe Nineteenth Shanghai International Textile Industry Exhibition

    The nineteenth Shanghai International Textile Industry Exhibition In November 25th, the New International Expo Center in Shanghai (Pudong) opened.

    The total area of exhibition is super. 100 thousand square meters Altogether 9 pavilions Convergence More than 1200 families Exhibitors can carry out their exhibitions. On the first day, buyers and spectators from all over the world gathered together to participate in the textile feast of technology and application. Duration 4 days The exhibition is expected to attract the world. 70 countries and regions Over 60 thousand professional buyers Attendance.

    Gao Yong, Party Secretary of China Textile Industry Federation, Wang Tiankai, former chairman of China Federation of textile industry, vice president of China Textile Industry Federation, vice chairman of China Textile Industry Federation, Xu Ying, vice president of textile industry branch of China Council for international trade promotion, Liu Haitao, President of China Hi-Tech Group Corporation, vice president of China Heng Tian Group, general manager of China Textile Machinery Group, general manager, And guests from 13 provincial textile associations and some textile industrial clusters in the country. Tong Jisheng, President of Orient International (Group) Co., Ltd., Zhu Yong, Zhou Minhao, vice president Gu Chunting, chairman of Shanghai International Trade Promotion Committee, Zhu Yulun, chairman of the Asia style group. We visited various pavilions and enjoyed the latest technology and equipment.

    The exhibition will be held this year. "Zhihui textile leads a better life" It brings together the top scientific and technological achievements of the global textile industry. Located in E1 and E2. "Spinning and industrial cloth machinery area" The industry leaders are gathered: China spinning machine, Ou Ruikang, Lida, Zhuo Lang, Telutz Shiller, Pacific electric machinery, Seth universal, Tianmen textile machinery, Tonghe textile machinery, gold needle clothing. And so on, to show the latest innovations. W3, W4 and W5 Pavilion Printing, dyeing, finishing machinery and textile chemicals area " And "Digital printing machinery area" It has also been actively involved in leading enterprises at home and abroad, including: Heng Tian Li Xin, Reggiani, Honghua, dragon, Yuan Xin, and open source. To explore the flexible manufacturing mode of on-demand production under the personalized trend and guide the industry to flexible production and green environmental protection. In addition, E3 and E4 Pavilion "Textile machinery spare parts, testing equipment and auxiliary machinery area" and "Weaving machinery area" Gather separately. Changshu textile machinery, Qingdao Hai Jia, Yong Xusheng Representatives of many industries.

    In addition, the exhibition is also introduced. Artificial intelligence, cloud computing, industrial Internet, remote operation and maintenance And other textile industry cross-border hot spots, textile intelligent manufacturing solutions providers, colleges and frontiers and traditional textile enterprises to carry out three party docking, promote the textile industry intelligent manufacturing standard setting and project landing, build industry technology exchange platform. Launched at W5 Hall "Spinning planet" (Textech Startup Planet) "There are two major events in the exhibition and textile Innovation Seminar. The exhibition area provides a display platform for all textile and fashion related start-ups around the world. New yarn fabrics, innovative wearable technology, innovative new retail solutions, AI artificial intelligence, IoT, 3D volume and clothing recycling. And other technology. "Textech Galaxy spinning Galaxy" Equivalents activities focus New field of textile fashion: Artificial intelligence, wearable technology and start-ups Through the exhibition, forum, competition and business matching, we will explore frontier innovation technologies, and build bridges for textile, fashion and technology industries.

    In order to enrich the buyer's procurement exchange trip, the nineteenth Shanghai international textile industry exhibition organizer invited many industry organizations, well-known exhibitors, professors of higher education and other industry experts to jointly organize a series of excellent simultaneous activities and forums.

    Held on the day of the opening of the exhibition Shanghai international textile intelligent manufacturing Summit Forum Closely "Textile" and "intelligent manufacturing", "cross boundary + textile" As a breakthrough point, it brings experience sharing of intelligent manufacturing demonstration projects covering all fields of cotton spinning, dyeing, finishing, knitting and chemical fiber, analyzes the pain points of Intelligent Manufacturing in the textile industry, and sets up the textile intelligent manufacturing area in the W5 pavilion to demonstrate the entity, leading the industry 4 to fall in the textile industry.

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