Implementation Plan For Innovative Development Of Fine Chemical Industry (2024-2027)
Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecological Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the National Energy Administration and other nine departments jointly issued the Implementation Plan for the Innovation and Development of Fine Chemical Industry (2024-2027), proposing to vigorously develop fine chemical industry as an industrial chain extension, supplement and strengthen the chain The main direction of transformation and upgrading is to guide the high-end, green and intelligent development of fine chemical industry and provide a solid foundation for promoting new industrialization and building a manufacturing power. Many of them involve the textile field.
Fine chemicals and new chemical materials (collectively referred to as fine chemicals) are the key engines to promote the high-quality development of the petrochemical industry, and are related to the safety and stability of the supply chain of important industrial chains, green and low-carbon development, and improvement of people's livelihood. The Implementation Plan proposes that by 2027, the fine extension of petrochemical industry will have made positive progress. Focusing on the needs of economic and social development, we have captured a number of key products and further enhanced the supply chain guarantee capability of key industrial chains; Breakthrough in a number of green, safe and intelligent key technologies, significantly improved energy efficiency, significantly reduced the total emissions of volatile organic compounds, and significantly improved the intrinsic safety level; We will foster more than 5 world-class enterprises with strong innovation leadership, collaboration and integration capabilities, cultivate more than 500 "small giant" enterprises with expertise, specialty and innovation, create more than 20 chemical parks with strong competitive advantages, and form an innovative development system of large, small and medium-sized enterprises and upstream and downstream enterprises.
Among the key tasks, the Implementation Plan proposes to promote the development of fine chemicals in traditional industries, focusing on the high-end extension of the industrial chain, create a professional, refined, characteristic and innovative product system, enhance the added value of products and enhance core competitiveness. Taking high-performance fiber as the industrial chain extension project of the petrochemical industry, we should also focus on building a bio based material system based on the utilization of non grain biomass resources such as staple crop straws and residues, develop bio based polymers such as polylactic acid and nylon, and form an effective supplement to existing fossil based materials.
To speed up the key product research, the Implementation Plan requires to focus on the demand for new energy, new materials, biotechnology, industrial machines, medical equipment, and carry out collaborative innovation by means of "unveiling the banner", "horse racing mechanism", etc., to improve high-performance fibers, high-performance membrane materials, high-end dyes, special coatings, special additives and oils, new catalysts Supply capacity of key products in high-end reagents and other fields.
In the product quality improvement project, the Implementation Plan specifically refers to dyeing (coloring) materials. Accelerate the development of new functional and environment-friendly dyeing (pigment) products such as highly soluble and high-strength reactive dyes, acid dyes, and organic pigments that meet the needs of new processes, new fibers, and dyeing and finishing technologies in the textile printing and dyeing industry. Promote enterprises to use new technologies (membrane separation technology, superfine powder preparation technology, pigment dispersion technology, nanometer technology and pigment stability protection, etc.), new materials (green textile printing and dyeing auxiliaries, low bath ratio, functional dyeing leveling agent, sun fastness improver, etc.), and improve the performance and quality consistency of product dyeing fastness, leveling property, etc. Promote dyeing (pigment) enterprises to establish upstream and downstream cooperation mechanisms with users, provide supporting dyeing and finishing processes and related technical solutions, and improve product application technology development and service level.
In order to achieve the objectives of the plan, the Implementation Plan proposes three measures: first, layout and build an innovation platform. We will strengthen the construction of national key laboratories and manufacturing innovation centers, give play to the role of industrial innovation alliances, promote upstream and downstream collaborative innovation and production application demonstration, and arrange a batch of pilot platforms around key common technologies. Second, promote the implementation of pilot projects. Formulate management specifications for construction of chemical pilot plant, strengthen policy coordination of industry, emergency and environmental protection, further optimize safety assessment and environmental assessment of chemical pilot plant based on professional assessment, actively carry out pilot test of key processes and new processes, and promote the transformation of research and development achievements into productivity. Third, promote collaborative innovation between upstream and downstream. We will guide leading enterprises in the industrial chain to unite with relevant enterprises, universities, institutes, etc. to form an innovation consortium for production, learning, research and application, accelerate the collaborative research, verification and application of new technologies, new products and new equipment, comprehensively improve the basic capabilities of the industrial chain, and continue to promote the "one-stop" application demonstration of advanced technologies and products such as high-voltage cable insulation and shielding materials, electronic characteristics, and microchannels. The Implementation Plan sets up a special column of "Construction Project of Fine Chemical Pilot Test Platform", encouraging local governments to focus on key common technologies such as efficient utilization technology of phosphate rock resources, low-risk and efficient production common technology of fine chemical industry to carry out the construction of pilot test platform, so as to create conditions for accelerating the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements.
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