TÜV 南德意志集團LOGO
TÜV南德意志集團總部設在德國慕尼黑,于1866年創立于德國的曼海姆,憑借世界級的服務及領先的德國技術享譽全球。服務范圍覆蓋認證、測試、檢驗、資訊及專家指導等多個領域。公司目前分布于全球800多處及擁有遍布全球的實驗室網絡,員工超過18, 000人。著力為客戶提供技術、體系及實際生產過程中的優化服務。2011年,TÜV南德意志集團營業額約18億歐元。
TÜV (Technischer Überwachungs-Verein) 在英語中意為技術檢驗協會 (Technical Inspection Association) 。
TÜV南德意志集大中華集團(TÜV SÜD Greater China)總部設于上海,主要分布在北京、廣州、香港、臺北以及約40處貫穿整個大中華區,TÜV南德意志集團是國際貿易合作的重要支持橋梁。迄今為止,已在中國為20000多家機構提供過服務。
Founded as a steam boiler inspection association in 1866, TÜV SÜD is one of the world‘s leading technical service organizations. TÜV SÜD is a globally active, future-oriented company. Headquartered in Munich, Germany, TÜV SÜD achieved sales revenue of EUR 1.8 billion in 2011. TÜV SÜD employs over 18,000 skilled staff in more than 800 locations worldwide.
TÜV (Technischer Überwachungs-Verein): Technical Inspection Association in English.
We review your entire business operations and pinpoint areas for quality optimization throughout. This begins with expert opinion on requirements for quality standards compliance in the research and development (R&D) phases to avoid costly and time consuming errors from the onset. We pinpoint methodologies and criteria for evaluating raw materials and their suppliers and support you to set up an efficient business operation and transparent management system.
Operating from its headquarters in Shanghai with main offices in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Taipei as well as around 40 satellite offices throughout Greater China region, TÜV SÜD Greater China is an important supporting bridge between international trade partners. To date, TÜV SÜD has partnered around 20, 000 companies in China.
For more information, please view: www.tuv-sud.cn
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