commerce, trade, trading 貿易
inland trade, home trade, domestic trade 國內貿易
international trade 國際貿易
foreign trade, external trade 對外貿易,外貿
import, importation 進口
importer 進口商
export, exportation 出口
exporter 出口商
import licence 進口許口證
export licence 出口許口證
commercial transaction 買賣,交易
inquiry 詢盤
delivery 交貨
order 訂貨
make a complete entry 正式/完整申報
bad account 壞帳
Bill of Lading 提單
marine bills of lading 海運提單
shipping order 托運 單
blank endorsed 空白背書
endorsed 背書
cargo receipt 承運貨物收據
condemned goods 有問題的貨物
catalogue 商品目錄
customs liquidation 清關
customs clearance 結關

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