2009 Mexico International Textile And Garment Accessories Expo
Exhibition Name: 2009 Mexico international textile and Garment Accessories Expo, Mexico yarn and Mexico textile fabrics Exhibition
Start time: 2009-7-17 end time: 2009-7-20
Location: Mexico
Specification: the largest fabric exhibition in South America
展品范圍:墨西哥面料展|墨西哥服裝展覽會|墨西哥國際紡織服裝展|墨西哥面輔料博覽會|南美洲最大的國際服裝面料展|墨西哥國際面料展|墨西哥國際紡織 原料及面料輔料博覽會|墨西哥面料展|墨西哥輔料展|墨西哥紡織品展|墨西哥紡織 面料展|墨西哥針織面料展|墨西哥國際刺繡展覽會 2009INTERMODA墨西哥國際服裝、面料、輔料展起止日期:2009-1-20 至 2009-1-23 2009-7-17 至 2009-7-20 周 期:一年二屆 國 家: 墨西哥展出地址:墨西哥瓜的那哈拉國際展覽館展出內容:女裝系列;男裝系列;童裝系列;面料系列;輔料配飾:內衣、箱包、發飾、領帶、腰帶、花邊、蕾絲、徽章、匙扣、領帶夾、袖扣、手袋、手套、頭 巾、吊牌、吊粒、織嘜、印嘜、皮標、織帶、繡花線、紐扣等;展會介紹: 參展參觀南美洲最大時裝及面料展(INTERMODA) ,避開紡織品配額進入美國市場的捷徑。
南美墨西哥 “國際潮流時裝和面料展 INTERMODA" --- 2008春夏展 (2008年1月16-19日),秋冬展(2008年7月17-20日)” 是在墨西哥舉辦的南美洲和墨西哥最大的紡織品服裝和面料, 展會面對擁有14億人口的南美洲消費市場, 而且墨西哥與美國簽有 “北美自由貿易協定” (NAFTA), 而根據NAFTA規定, 美國自1994年1月1日起取消從墨西哥進口紡織品和服裝的配額限制,并給予一系列的關稅優惠(2001年, 美國從墨西哥進口的平均關稅僅為0.9%). 南美洲大部分國家如巴西/智利/秘魯/阿根廷/哥倫比亞等國與美國均簽有 “自由貿易協定”, 服裝成品去美國關稅很低, 因此南美洲面料/輔料市場龐大. 到展會的確認買家人數超過25000多名, 來自墨西哥/美國/巴西/阿根廷/哥倫比亞/秘魯/智利/委內瑞拉/西班牙等國南美洲/北美/中美洲/歐洲等30多個國家,35000平方米展廳, 可容納 超過數1300個展位。
This exhibition is an important channel for entering the South American market and expanding the US market.
Market introduction: at present, the important opportunity for Mexico textile industry relations is the entry into force of the FTA of the United States, Central America and Dominica.
By increasing the country of origin, Mexico also exported knitwear to these countries as part of the agreement.
Rosendo Vall e s, chairman of the Mexico National Textile Federation, believes that the FTA is an excellent business opportunity for Mexico textile enterprises because it can not only export to the five Central American countries (Costa Rica, Salvatore, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua), but also enter the US market through the Republic of Dominica.
There was no way for Mexico to enter the market that sold nearly 11 billion 500 million dollars in clothing these years.
Plus Mexico's US $5 billion exports to the US, its market share is about US $17 billion.
It is understood that Mexico is China's second largest trading partner and third largest investment partner in Latin America. The signing of the agreement will promote economic cooperation and exchanges between the two sides.
So far, China has signed agreements on avoidance of double taxation with all Member States of the organization for economic cooperation and development.
According to the source of China Huayuan Group, in 2001, China Huayuan had set up a textile production plant in Mexico.
However, the problem of double taxation has always been faced in ink enterprises.
After the signing of the agreement, the space of enterprises is even bigger.
According to experts from Shanghai WTO affairs consulting center, Mexico, as an important area of tariff free trade in North America, enjoys preferential treatment for many products to enter the United States and Canada with zero tariff.
If Chinese enterprises are gradually eliminating the obstacles to invest and build factories in Mexico, Chinese enterprises can choose to enter Mexico, invest in Mexico, and bypass the US trade barriers and enter the US market.
This is of great significance to textile enterprises frequently encountering barriers and dumping threats.
Chinese textile and apparel are of high quality, moderate price, and enjoy high reputation in the international market, and are well liked by consumers all over the world.
After the quota is abolished, it will not only benefit China's exports, but also bring benefits to consumers all over the world.
With the total abolition of quotas in January 1, 2005, pressure from developing countries is likely to increase.
Therefore, while establishing the Sino US, Sino European and Sino Japanese textile and trade dialogue mechanism, we should strengthen exchanges with Turkey, Mexico, Asia, Africa, Latin America and other developing countries, and explore opportunities for foreign investment, trade complementarity measures, and strive for cooperation and common development.
Shanghai six German exhibition planning service Co., Ltd. contact: Wang Meng mobile phone: 15821473833 phone: 021-36031789 MSN: wangjinxia208@live.cn mailbox: wangmeng111208@163.com address: No. 2, 561 extension Road, Shanghai.
Contact: Wang Meng
Telegram: 15821473833
Chuan Zhen: 021-66524861
Site: Building 2, Lane 561, Yanchang Road, Shanghai
E-mail: wangmeng111208@163.com
Exhibition home page: Wang Meng
Location: Shanghai
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