Training objective: to understand the basic knowledge of business etiquette at home and abroad and the important influence of shaping good professional image on personal performance, and to learn how to correctly use common business etiquette and self design and shape of professional image, and find out the misunderstanding of etiquette and image design in business activities, and put forward the best way to adjust, improve, improve and shape, so as to enhance their professional characteristics and external charm. The trainees are: senior managers, marketing personnel, business representatives, secretaries, and public relations personnel. 課程大綱: 商務禮儀概念 從生活禮儀中分離出來的商務禮儀──商務禮儀的含義與淵源 商務禮儀的基本原則 商務禮儀與公司文化、公司形象──無形的效益 商務禮儀──展示個人魅力的舞臺 基本商務禮儀 商務接待 商務拜訪 商務洽談 商務通訊 商務儀式 商務旅程 國際商務禮儀 體現(xiàn)國際商務禮儀水準的要素 為公司一次重要的國際商務活動做準備 了解您的國際商務伙伴──信仰、習俗、禮儀禁忌 商務禮儀中的職業(yè)形象 個人在商務禮儀活動中的角色性質 The level of etiquette, appearance, language, manners, accessories, tips, smoking, sexual harassment, sexual harassment, the important details that are easy to be ignored, professional image building, professional characteristics, professional color, attention to your daily habits and habits, adjustment of your professional image, design of your professional image, managers, public relations clerks, salesmen, technicians, skills, skills, knowledge, eloquence, artistic accomplishment, sports, and sports. Fully demonstrate your manners, culture and company.