A Corpus Of Commonly Used Sentences In Foreign Trade English (3) Price
Business is closed at this price.
The transaction is finalized at this price.
Your price inacceptable (unacceptable).
Your price is acceptable (not acceptable).
Your price is feasible (infeasible).
Your price is workable (infeasible).
Your price is workable.
Your offer is workable.
Your price is realistic (unrealistic).
Your price is realistic (unrealistic).
Your price is reasonable (unreasonable).
Your price is reasonable (unreasonable).
Your price is practicable (impracticable).
Your price is feasible (not feasible).
Your price is attractive (not attractive).
Your price is attractive (unattractive).
Your price is inducing (not inducing).
Your price is attractive (unattractive).
Your price is convincing (not convincing).
Your price is attractive (unattractive).
Your price is competitive (not competitive).
Your price is competitive (not competitive).
The goods are (not)  competitively priced.
The price of the goods is (not) competitive.
Words and Phrases
Price price, pricing, asking price
Priced is priced and priced.
Pricing pricing
Priced catalogue pricing directory
Price of commodities prices
Pricing cost pricing cost
Price card price list
Pricing method pricing method
Price list pricing policy, price list, price list
Pricing policy pricing policy
Price format price list, price list
Price tag price tag, price tag.
Price current (P.C.) market price table
Price is turning high (low).
Prices are up (down).
Price is high (low).
The price is high (low).
Price is rising (falling).
Prices are rising (falling).
Price is up (down).
Prices are up (down).
Price is looking up.
Prices are looking up.
Price has skyrocketed.
Prices have skyrocketed.
Price has shot up.
Prices have skyrocketed.
Price has risen perpendicularly.
Prices have risen sharply.
Price has risen in a spiral.
Prices are spiralling upward.
Price has hiked.
Prices have risen sharply.
Your price is on the high side.
Your price is on the high side.
Price has advanced.
Prices have gone up.
The goods are priced too high.
The goods are priced too high.
Your price is rather stiff.
Your price is rather high.
Price is leveling off.
Price is leveling off.
Your price is prohibitive.
Your price is prohibitive.
The Japanese yen is strengthening.
The yen is strong.
The U.S. Dollar is weakening.
The US dollar is weak.
Your price is much higher than the price from U.K. France and Germany.
Your price is higher than that of England, France and Germany.
Since the prices of the raw materials have been raised,  I'm afraid that we have to adjust the prices of our products accordingly.
Because of the original Material Science The price is rising, so we have to adjust the price of the product accordingly.
Your price is $500/mt,  twice of the other countries.
Your price is 500 dollars per metric ton, two times that of other countries.
Is it possible for you to raise (lift)  the price by 5%?
Can you raise the price by 5%?
Words and Phrases
Ceiling price highest price, top price.
Maximum price highest price
Minimum price lowest price
Average price average price
Base price upset price
Rockbottom price lowest price
Bedrock price lowest price
Price is hovering between $5 and $8.
The price is hovering between 5 and 8 dollars.
We regret we have to maintain our original price.
We regret that we have to keep the original price.
Price is easy.
Price is weak.
Price is easy off.
Prices are weakening.
Price has declined.
The price has dropped.
Price has dipped (sagged).
The price has dropped.
It simply can't stand such a big cut.
It can no longer afford a big reduction.
Price has tobogganed.
Prices suddenly dropped.
Price has plummeted.
Prices plummet.
Price has downslided.
Prices are dropping sharply.
This new product is moderately priced.
The price of new products is moderate.
Articles of everyday use are economically priced.
Daily necessities are cheap.
Everyone knows,  the price of crude oil has greatly decreased.
As everyone knows, the price of crude oil has dropped sharply.
We've already cut the price very fine.
We have cut the price to a minimum.
The French price of stainless steel plates are about $1200 per mt,  while the German price is still lower.
The price of stainless steel plates in France is 1200 dollars per metric ton, while in Germany it is even lower.
We're ready to reduce the price by 5%.
We are ready to reduce the price by five percent.
To have this business concluded,  you need to lower your price at least by 3%.
To conclude this transaction, you should at least reduce your price by 3%.
Business is possible if you can lower the price to HK$2150.
If you can reduce the price to HK $2150, you may conclude the transaction.
The utmost (best)  we can do is to reduce the price by 2%.
We can reduce the price by two percent at most.
We cannot take anything off the price.
We can't reduce the price any further.
We've already cut down our prices to cost level.
We have reduced the price to the level of cost.
There is no room for any reduction in price.
There is no room for further reduction in price.
Our rock-bottom price is $500/mt,  and cannot be further lowered.
Our rock bottom price is 500 U.S. dollars per metric ton, which can not be lowered.
Words and Phrases
Hover hovering around...
Original price original price
Moderately appropriately, appropriately, moderately.
Economically economically, cheapest.
Stainless steel stainless steel
Utmost limit, do everything you can
Cost level cost level
Rock-bottom lowest
DM210 is equivalent to 400 RMB.
210 Germany Mark is equivalent to 400 yuan.
Don't you wish to employ RMB of ours?  US Dollars might be adopted.
If you don't agree to settle in our RMB, U.S. dollars will also be acceptable.
Are you afraid of losing money due to exchange rate fluctuations?
Are you afraid of losing money due to exchange rate fluctuations?
Words and Phrases
Hongkong Dollar (HK$) Hong Kong dollar
Singapore Dollar (S$) Singapore dollar
Pound Sterling (Stg.) pounds
United States Dollar (US$) US dollar
Canadian Dollar (Can. $) Canadian dollar
Deutsche Mark (DM) Mark, Germany
Australian Dollar (A$) Australian dollar
Japanese Yen yen
Austrian Schilling (Sch.) Austria shilling
French Franc (F.F) French franc
Italian Lira (Lire) Italy lira
Danish Krone (E.Kr.) Danish Krone
Florin (Guilder)  H.Fl. (D.Fi.). Holland shield
Norwegian Krone (N.Kr.) Norway Krone
Swedish Krone (S.Kr.) Swedish kronor
Belgian Franc (BF) Belgian Franc
Swiss Franc (S.Fr. or S.F.) Swedish Franc
To be equivalent to is equivalent to
To employ is calculated with...
Exchange rate exchange rate
I can give you a definite answer on the price terms.
I can give you an answer on the price terms.
You wish to have a discussion of the price terms of washers.
You want to talk about the price terms of washing machines.
Yes,  all of the price terms are acceptable.
Yes, which price terms are acceptable.
C.I.F. is the price term normally adopted by you,  right?
C.I.F. is the price condition that you often use, is not it?
Sometimes F.O.B. and C&F are also employed.
We also use FOB or CFR sometimes.
You said yesterday that the price was $60/mt,  C.I.F. Brussels.
You said yesterday that the price was set at 60 pounds per metric ton C.I.F. Brussels.
In case F.O.B. is used,  risks and charges are to be passed over to the buyers once the cargo is put on board the ship.
If the FOB is used, the risk and cost of the goods will be transferred to the buyer when the goods are embarked.
Your price is quoted C&F Xingang at DM200 per washer,  right?
Your price is 200 Mark C&F Xingang for each washing machine, right?
Words and Phrases
Price terms price terms
F.O.B. Free On Board "on board" or "FOB".
C.I.F. Cost,  Insurance and Freight "cost plus insurance, freight" or "CIF".
C&F Cost and Freight "cost plus freight" or "FOB" price.
F.O.B. Liner Terms F.O.B. liner conditions
F.O.B. Stowed on board and shipping.
F.O.B. Trimmed on board and trimming.
Delivery under F.O.B. Under Tackle F.O.B. hook
C.I.F. Liner terms C.I.F. liner conditions
C.I.F. Ex Ship's Hold C.I.F. bilge delivery
F.O.B. plane FOB (for emergencies)
Acceptable acceptable and available.
To pass over transferred to
To adopt,  to employ,  to use (certain price terms) adopt a certain price.
FOR-Free on Rail rail ex price
FOT-Free on Truck truck delivered price
FAS-Free Alongside Ship FOB price
Ex factory price Ex Factory
Ex Plantation farm ex price
Ex Warehouse warehouse delivery price
Ex Ship ex ship price
Ex Dock Duty Paid port of destination dutiable goods delivery price
Ex Dock Duty Unpaid port of destination dutiable goods delivered price
Additional Words and Phrases
Buying price buying price
Selling price selling price
New price new price
Old price old price
Present price current price
Original price original price
Current price current price, current price
Prevailing price current price
Ruling price current price
Going price current price
Opening price offer, opening price
Closing price closing price
Exceptional price special offer
Special price special offer
Nominal price there is no market price.
Moderate price fair price
Wholesale price wholesale price
Retail price retail price
Market price market value
Net price net price
Cost price cost price
Gross price gross price
Price effect price effect
Price contract price contract
Price calculation price calculation
Price limit price limits
Price control price control
Price theory price theory
Price regulation price adjustment
Price structure price structure
Price support price support
Bargain bargaining
Extra price additional price
Price ratio parity
Price per unit unit price
Price index or price indices price index
Price of factory Factory price
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